Thread: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
Hello hackers,

This patch adds a mul_var_large() that is dispatched to from mul_var()
for var1ndigits >= 8, regardless of rscale.

The main idea with mul_var_large() is to reduce the "n" in O(n^2) by a factor
of two.

This is achieved by first converting the (ndigits) number of int16 NBASE digits,
to (ndigits/2) number of int32 NBASE^2 digits, as well as upgrading the
int32 variables to int64-variables so that the products and carry values fit.

The existing mul_var() algorithm is then executed without structural change.

Finally, the int32 NBASE^2 result digits are converted back to twice the number
of int16 NBASE digits.

This adds overhead of approximately 4 * O(n), due to the conversion.

Benchmarks indicates mul_var_large() starts to be beneficial when
var1 is at least 8 ndigits, or perhaps a little more.
Definitively an interesting speed-up for 100 ndigits and above.

Benchmarked on Apple M3 Max so far:

-- var1ndigits == var2ndigits == 10
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_10 WHERE product = var1 * var2;
Time: 3957.740 ms (00:03.958) -- HEAD
Time: 3943.795 ms (00:03.944) -- mul_var_large

-- var1ndigits == var2ndigits == 100
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_100 WHERE product = var1 * var2;
Time: 1532.594 ms (00:01.533) -- HEAD
Time: 1065.974 ms (00:01.066) -- mul_var_large

-- var1ndigits == var2ndigits == 1000
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_1000 WHERE product = var1 * var2;
Time: 3055.372 ms (00:03.055) -- HEAD
Time: 2295.888 ms (00:02.296) -- mul_var_large

-- var1ndigits and var2ndigits completely random,
-- with random number of decimal digits
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_mixed WHERE product = var1 * var2;
Time: 46796.240 ms (00:46.796) -- HEAD
Time: 27970.006 ms (00:27.970) -- mul_var_large

-- var1ndigits == var2ndigits == 16384
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_max WHERE product = var1 * var2;
Time: 3191.145 ms (00:03.191) -- HEAD
Time: 1836.404 ms (00:01.836) -- mul_var_large


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 at 20:46, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> This patch adds a mul_var_large() that is dispatched to from mul_var()
> for var1ndigits >= 8, regardless of rscale.
> -- var1ndigits == var2ndigits == 16384
> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_max WHERE product = var1 * var2;
> Time: 3191.145 ms (00:03.191) -- HEAD
> Time: 1836.404 ms (00:01.836) -- mul_var_large

That's pretty nice. For some reason though, this patch seems to
consistently make the numeric_big regression test a bit slower:

ok 224       - numeric_big                               280 ms  [HEAD]
ok 224       - numeric_big                               311 ms  [patch]

though I do get a lot of variability when I run that test.

I think this is related to this code:

+   res_ndigits = var1ndigits + var2ndigits + 1;
+   res_weight = var1->weight + var2->weight + 2 +
+                ((res_ndigits * 2) - (var1->ndigits + var2->ndigits + 1));
+   maxdigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS +
+   res_ndigits = Min(res_ndigits, maxdigits);

In mul_var_large(), var1ndigits, var2ndigits, and res_ndigits are
counts of NBASE^2 digits, whereas maxdigits is a count of NBASE
digits, so it's not legit to compare them like that. I think it's
pretty confusing to use the same variable names as are used elsewhere
for different things.

I also don't like basically duplicating the whole of mul_var() in a
second function.

The fact that this is close to the current speed for numbers with
around 8 digits is encouraging though. My first thought was that if it
could be made just a little faster, maybe it could replace mul_var()
rather than duplicating it.

I had a go at that in the attached v2 patch, which now gives a very
nice speedup when running numeric_big:

ok 224       - numeric_big                               159 ms  [v2 patch]

The v2 patch includes the following additional optimisations:

1). Use unsigned integers, rather than signed integers, as discussed
over in [1].

2). Attempt to fix the formulae incorporating maxdigits mentioned
above. This part really made my brain hurt, and I'm still not quite
sure that I've got it right. In particular, it needs double-checking
to ensure that it's not losing accuracy in the reduced-rscale case.

3). Instead of converting var1 to base NBASE^2 and storing it, just
compute each base-NBASE^2 digit at the point where it's needed, at the
start of the outer loop.

4). Instead of converting all of var2 to base NBASE^2, just convert
the part that actually contributes to the final result. That can make
a big difference when asked for a reduced-rscale result.

5). Use 32-bit integers instead of 64-bit integers to hold the
converted digits of var2.

6). Merge the final carry-propagation pass with the code to convert
the result back to base NBASE.

7). Mark mul_var_short() as pg_noinline. That seemed to make a
difference in some tests, where this patch seemed to cause the
compiler to generate slightly less efficient code for mul_var_short()
when it was inlined. In any case, it seems preferable to separate the
two, especially if mul_var_short() grows in the future.

Overall, those optimisations made quite a big difference for large inputs:

-- var1ndigits1=16383, var2ndigits2=16383
call rate=23.991785  -- HEAD
call rate=35.19989   -- v1 patch
call rate=75.50344   -- v2 patch

which is now a 3.1x speedup relative to HEAD.

For small inputs (above mul_var_short()'s 4-digit threshold), it's
pretty-much performance-neutral:

-- var1ndigits1=5, var2ndigits2=5
call rate=6.045675e+06   -- HEAD
call rate=6.1231815e+06  -- v2 patch

which is pretty-much in the region of random noise. It starts to
become a more definite win for anything larger (in either input):

-- var1ndigits1=5, var2ndigits2=10
call rate=5.437945e+06   -- HEAD
call rate=5.6906255e+06  -- v2 patch

-- var1ndigits1=6, var2ndigits2=6
call rate=5.748427e+06   -- HEAD
call rate=5.953112e+06   -- v2 patch

-- var1ndigits1=7, var2ndigits2=7
call rate=5.3638645e+06  -- HEAD
call rate=5.700681e+06   -- v2 patch

What's less clear is whether there are any platforms for which this
makes it significantly slower.

I tried testing with SIMD disabled, which ought to not affect the
small-input cases, but actually seemed to favour the patch slightly:

-- var1ndigits1=5, var2ndigits2=5 [SIMD disabled]
call rate=6.0269715e+06  -- HEAD
call rate=6.2982245e+06  -- v2 patch

For large inputs, disabling SIMD makes everything much slower, but it
made the relative difference larger:

-- var1ndigits1=16383, var2ndigits2=16383 [SIMD disabled]
call rate=8.24175  -- HEAD
call rate=36.3987   -- v2 patch

which is now 4.3x faster with the patch.

Then I tried compiling with -m32, and unfortunately this made the
patch slower than HEAD for small inputs:

-- var1ndigits1=5, var2ndigits2=5 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
call rate=5.052332e+06  -- HEAD
call rate=3.883459e+06  -- v2 patch

-- var1ndigits1=6, var2ndigits2=6 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
call rate=4.7221405e+06  -- HEAD
call rate=3.7965685e+06  -- v2 patch

-- var1ndigits1=7, var2ndigits2=7 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
call rate=4.4638375e+06   -- HEAD
call rate=3.39948e+06     -- v2 patch

and it doesn't reach parity until around ndigits=26, which is
disappointing. It does still get much faster for large inputs:

-- var1ndigits1=16383, var2ndigits2=16383 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
call rate=5.6747904
call rate=20.104694

and it still makes numeric_big much faster:

[-m32, SIMD disabled]
ok 224       - numeric_big                               596 ms  [HEAD]
ok 224       - numeric_big                               294 ms  [v2 patch]

I'm not sure whether compiling with -m32 is a realistic simulation of
systems people are really using. It's tempting to just regard such
systems as legacy, and ignore them, given the other large gains, but
maybe this is not the only case that gets slower.

Another option would be to only use this optimisation on 64-bit
machines, though I think that would make the code pretty messy, and it
would be throwing away the gains for large inputs, which might well
outweigh the losses.

Thoughts anyone?




Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Fri, 12 Jul 2024 at 13:34, Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
> Then I tried compiling with -m32, and unfortunately this made the
> patch slower than HEAD for small inputs:
> -- var1ndigits1=5, var2ndigits2=5 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
> call rate=5.052332e+06  -- HEAD
> call rate=3.883459e+06  -- v2 patch
> -- var1ndigits1=6, var2ndigits2=6 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
> call rate=4.7221405e+06  -- HEAD
> call rate=3.7965685e+06  -- v2 patch
> -- var1ndigits1=7, var2ndigits2=7 [-m32, SIMD disabled]
> call rate=4.4638375e+06   -- HEAD
> call rate=3.39948e+06     -- v2 patch
> and it doesn't reach parity until around ndigits=26, which is
> disappointing. It does still get much faster for large inputs

I spent some more time hacking on this, to try to improve the
situation for 32-bit builds. One of the biggest factors was the 64-bit
division that is necessary during carry propagation, which is very
slow -- every compiler/platform I looked at on turns this
into a call to a slow function like __udivdi3(). However, since we are
dividing by a constant (NBASE^2), it can be done using the same
multiply-and-shift trick that compilers use in 64-bit builds, and that
significantly improves performance.

Unfortunately, in 32-bit builds, using 64-bit integers is still slower
for small inputs (below 20-30 NBASE digits), so in the end I figured
that it's best to retain the old 32-bit base-NBASE multiplication code
for small inputs, and only use 64-bit base-NBASE^2 multiplication when
the inputs are above a certain size threshold. Furthermore, since this
threshold is quite low, it's possible to make an additional
simplification: as long as the threshold is less than or equal to 42,
it can be shown that there is no chance of 32-bit integer overflow,
and so the "maxdig" tracking and renormalisation code is not needed.
Getting rid of that makes the outer multiplication loop very simple,
and makes quite a noticeable difference to the performance for inputs
below the threshold.

In 64-bit builds, doing 64-bit base-NBASE^2 multiplication is faster
for all inputs over 4 or 5 NBASE digits, so the threshold can be much
lower. However, for numbers near that threshold, it's a close thing,
so it makes sense to also extend mul_var_small() to cover 1-6 digit
inputs, since that gives a much larger gain for numbers of that size.
That's quite nice because it equates to inputs with up to 21-24
decimal digits, which I suspect are quite commonly used in practice.

One risk in having different thresholds in 32-bit and 64-bit builds is
that it opens up the possibility that the results from the
reduced-rscale computations used by inexact functions like ln() and
exp() might be be different (actually, this may already be a
possibility, due to div_var_fast()'s use of floating point arithmetic,
but that seems considerably less likely). In practice though, this
should be extremely unlikely, due to the fact that any difference
would have to propagate through MUL_GUARD_DIGITS NBASE digits (8
decimal digits), and it doesn't show up in any of the existing tests.
IMO a very small chance of different results on different platforms is
probably acceptable, but it wouldn't be acceptable to make the
threshold a runtime configurable parameter that could lead to
different results on the same platform.

Overall, this has turned out to be more code than I would have liked,
but I think it's worth it, because the performance gains are pretty
substantial across the board.

(Here, I'm comparing with REL_17_STABLE, so that the effect of
mul_var_short() for ndigits <= 6 can be seen.)

32-bit build

Balanced inputs:

 ndigits1 | ndigits2 |   PG17 rate   |  patch rate   | % change
        1 |        1 |  5.973068e+06 |  6.873059e+06 | +15.07%
        2 |        2 |  5.646598e+06 | 6.6456665e+06 | +17.69%
        3 |        3 | 5.8176995e+06 | 7.0903175e+06 | +21.87%
        4 |        4 |  5.545298e+06 | 6.9701605e+06 | +25.69%
        5 |        5 | 5.2109155e+06 | 6.6406185e+06 | +27.44%
        6 |        6 | 4.9276335e+06 |  6.478698e+06 | +31.48%
        7 |        7 | 4.6595095e+06 | 4.8514485e+06 | +4.12%
        8 |        8 |  4.898536e+06 | 5.1599975e+06 | +5.34%
        9 |        9 |  4.537171e+06 |  4.830987e+06 | +6.48%
       10 |       10 |  4.308139e+06 | 4.6029265e+06 | +6.84%
       11 |       11 |  4.092612e+06 |   4.37966e+06 | +7.01%
       12 |       12 | 3.9345035e+06 |  4.213998e+06 | +7.10%
       13 |       13 | 3.7600162e+06 | 4.0115955e+06 | +6.69%
       14 |       14 | 3.5959855e+06 | 3.8216508e+06 | +6.28%
       15 |       15 | 3.3576732e+06 | 3.6070588e+06 | +7.43%
       16 |       16 |  3.657139e+06 | 3.9067975e+06 | +6.83%
       17 |       17 | 3.3601955e+06 | 3.5651722e+06 | +6.10%
       18 |       18 | 3.1844472e+06 | 3.4542238e+06 | +8.47%
       19 |       19 | 3.0286392e+06 | 3.2380662e+06 | +6.91%
       20 |       20 | 2.9012185e+06 | 3.0496352e+06 | +5.12%
       21 |       21 |  2.755444e+06 | 2.9508798e+06 | +7.09%
       22 |       22 | 2.6263908e+06 | 2.8168945e+06 | +7.25%
       23 |       23 | 2.5470438e+06 | 2.7056318e+06 | +6.23%
       24 |       24 |  2.764418e+06 | 2.9597732e+06 | +7.07%
       25 |       25 |  2.509954e+06 | 2.7368215e+06 | +9.04%
       26 |       26 | 2.3699395e+06 |  2.565404e+06 | +8.25%
       27 |       27 |  2.286344e+06 | 2.4400948e+06 | +6.72%
       28 |       28 |  2.199087e+06 |  2.361374e+06 | +7.38%
       29 |       29 | 2.1208148e+06 |   2.26925e+06 | +7.00%
       30 |       30 | 2.0469475e+06 | 2.2127455e+06 | +8.10%
       31 |       31 | 1.9973804e+06 | 2.3771615e+06 | +19.01%
       32 |       32 | 2.1288205e+06 | 2.3166555e+06 | +8.82%
       33 |       33 | 1.9876898e+06 | 2.1759028e+06 | +9.47%
       34 |       34 | 1.8906434e+06 |  2.169534e+06 | +14.75%
       35 |       35 | 1.8069352e+06 |  1.990085e+06 | +10.14%
       36 |       36 | 1.7412926e+06 | 1.9940908e+06 | +14.52%
       37 |       37 | 1.6956435e+06 | 1.8492525e+06 | +9.06%
       38 |       38 | 1.6253338e+06 | 1.8493976e+06 | +13.79%
       39 |       39 | 1.5734566e+06 | 1.9296996e+06 | +22.64%
       40 |       40 | 1.6692021e+06 |  1.902438e+06 | +13.97%
       50 |       50 | 1.1116885e+06 | 1.5319529e+06 | +37.80%
      100 |      100 |     399552.38 |     722142.44 | +80.74%
      250 |      250 |      81092.02 |     195967.67 | +141.66%
      500 |      500 |     21654.633 |     58329.473 | +169.36%
     1000 |     1000 |     5525.9775 |     16420.611 | +197.15%
     2500 |     2500 |     907.98206 |     2825.7324 | +211.21%
     5000 |     5000 |     230.26935 |     731.26105 | +217.57%
    10000 |    10000 |     57.793922 |     179.12334 | +209.93%
    16383 |    16383 |     21.446728 |      64.39028 | +200.23%

Unbalanced inputs:

 ndigits1 | ndigits2 | PG17 rate | patch rate | % change
        1 |    10000 |  42816.89 |   52843.01 | +23.42%
        2 |    10000 |  41032.25 |  52111.957 | +27.00%
        3 |    10000 | 39550.176 |  52262.477 | +32.14%
        4 |    10000 |  38015.59 |  43962.535 | +15.64%
        5 |    10000 |  36560.22 |  43736.305 | +19.63%
        6 |    10000 |  35305.77 |    38204.2 | +8.21%
        7 |    10000 | 33833.086 |  36533.387 | +7.98%
        8 |    10000 | 32847.996 |  35774.715 | +8.91%
        9 |    10000 | 31345.736 |  33831.926 | +7.93%
       10 |    10000 |   30351.6 |  32715.969 | +7.79%
       11 |    10000 | 29321.592 |  31478.398 | +7.36%
       12 |    10000 | 28616.018 |  30861.885 | +7.85%
       13 |    10000 |  28216.12 |   29510.95 | +4.59%
       14 |    10000 | 27396.408 |   29077.73 | +6.14%
       15 |    10000 |  26519.08 |   28235.08 | +6.47%
       16 |    10000 | 25778.102 |  27538.908 | +6.83%
       17 |    10000 | 26024.918 |  26677.498 | +2.51%
       18 |    10000 | 25316.346 |  26729.395 | +5.58%
       19 |    10000 |  24626.07 |  26076.979 | +5.89%
       20 |    10000 | 23912.383 |  25709.967 | +7.52%
       21 |    10000 | 23238.488 |   24761.57 | +6.55%
       22 |    10000 |  22746.25 |  23925.934 | +5.19%
       23 |    10000 | 22120.777 |   23442.34 | +5.97%
       24 |    10000 | 21645.215 |  22771.193 | +5.20%
       25 |    10000 | 21135.049 |  22185.893 | +4.97%
       26 |    10000 | 20685.025 |   21831.74 | +5.54%
       27 |    10000 | 20039.559 |  20854.793 | +4.07%
       28 |    10000 | 19846.092 |  21072.758 | +6.18%
       29 |    10000 | 19414.059 |  20289.414 | +4.51%
       30 |    10000 | 18968.617 |  19774.797 | +4.25%
       31 |    10000 | 18394.988 |  21307.074 | +15.83%
       32 |    10000 | 18291.504 |  21349.691 | +16.72%
       33 |    10000 | 17899.676 |  20885.299 | +16.68%
       34 |    10000 | 17505.402 |  20620.105 | +17.79%
       35 |    10000 | 17174.918 |  20383.594 | +18.68%
       36 |    10000 | 16609.867 |   20342.18 | +22.47%
       37 |    10000 | 16457.889 |   19953.91 | +21.24%
       38 |    10000 |  15926.13 |  19783.203 | +24.22%
       39 |    10000 | 15441.283 |  19288.654 | +24.92%
       40 |    10000 | 15038.773 |   19415.52 | +29.10%
       50 |    10000 | 11264.285 |  17608.648 | +56.32%
      100 |    10000 | 6253.7637 |  11620.726 | +85.82%
      250 |    10000 |  2696.207 |  5939.3857 | +120.29%
      500 |    10000 | 1338.4141 |  3268.2004 | +144.18%
     1000 |    10000 |  672.6717 |  1691.9614 | +151.53%
     2500 |    10000 |  267.5996 |  708.20386 | +164.65%
     5000 |    10000 | 131.50755 |  353.92822 | +169.13%

numeric_big regression test:

ok 224       - numeric_big                               279 ms  [PG17]
ok 224       - numeric_big                               182 ms  [v3 patch]

64-bit build

Balanced inputs:

 ndigits1 | ndigits2 |   PG17 rate   |  patch rate   | % change
        1 |        1 |  8.507485e+06 |   9.53221e+06 | +12.04%
        2 |        2 | 8.0975715e+06 |  9.431853e+06 | +16.48%
        3 |        3 |  6.461359e+06 | 7.3669945e+06 | +14.02%
        4 |        4 | 6.1728355e+06 |  7.152418e+06 | +15.87%
        5 |        5 |  6.500831e+06 | 7.6977115e+06 | +18.41%
        6 |        6 | 6.1784075e+06 | 7.3765005e+06 | +19.39%
        7 |        7 |   5.90117e+06 | 6.2799965e+06 | +6.42%
        8 |        8 | 5.9217105e+06 |  6.147141e+06 | +3.81%
        9 |        9 |  5.477262e+06 | 5.9889475e+06 | +9.34%
       10 |       10 | 5.2147235e+06 |  5.858963e+06 | +12.35%
       11 |       11 |  4.882895e+06 | 5.6766675e+06 | +16.26%
       12 |       12 |   4.61105e+06 |  5.559544e+06 | +20.57%
       13 |       13 |  4.382494e+06 | 5.3770165e+06 | +22.69%
       14 |       14 |  4.134509e+06 |  5.256462e+06 | +27.14%
       15 |       15 | 3.7595882e+06 | 5.0751355e+06 | +34.99%
       16 |       16 | 4.3353435e+06 |  4.970363e+06 | +14.65%
       17 |       17 | 3.9258755e+06 |  4.935394e+06 | +25.71%
       18 |       18 | 3.7562495e+06 | 4.8723875e+06 | +29.71%
       19 |       19 | 3.4890312e+06 |  4.723648e+06 | +35.39%
       20 |       20 |  3.289758e+06 | 4.6569305e+06 | +41.56%
       21 |       21 |  3.103908e+06 | 4.4747755e+06 | +44.17%
       22 |       22 | 2.9545148e+06 | 4.4227305e+06 | +49.69%
       23 |       23 | 2.7975982e+06 | 4.5065035e+06 | +61.08%
       24 |       24 | 3.2456168e+06 | 4.4578115e+06 | +37.35%
       25 |       25 | 2.9515055e+06 | 4.0208335e+06 | +36.23%
       26 |       26 | 2.8158568e+06 | 4.0437498e+06 | +43.61%
       27 |       27 | 2.6376518e+06 | 3.8959785e+06 | +47.71%
       28 |       28 | 2.5094318e+06 | 3.8648428e+06 | +54.01%
       29 |       29 | 2.3714905e+06 |   3.67182e+06 | +54.83%
       30 |       30 | 2.2456015e+06 | 3.6337285e+06 | +61.82%
       31 |       31 |  2.169437e+06 | 3.7209152e+06 | +71.52%
       32 |       32 | 2.5022498e+06 | 3.6609378e+06 | +46.31%
       33 |       33 |   2.27133e+06 |  3.435459e+06 | +51.25%
       34 |       34 | 2.1836462e+06 | 3.4042262e+06 | +55.90%
       35 |       35 | 2.0753196e+06 | 3.2125422e+06 | +54.80%
       36 |       36 | 1.9650498e+06 |  3.185525e+06 | +62.11%
       37 |       37 | 1.8668318e+06 | 3.0366508e+06 | +62.66%
       38 |       38 | 1.7678832e+06 |  3.014941e+06 | +70.54%
       39 |       39 | 1.6764314e+06 | 3.1080448e+06 | +85.40%
       40 |       40 | 1.9170026e+06 | 3.0942025e+06 | +61.41%
       50 |       50 | 1.2242934e+06 | 2.3769868e+06 | +94.15%
      100 |      100 |     401733.62 | 1.0854601e+06 | +170.19%
      250 |      250 |      81861.45 |     249837.78 | +205.20%
      500 |      500 |     21613.402 |      71239.04 | +229.61%
     1000 |     1000 |      5551.617 |     18349.414 | +230.52%
     2500 |     2500 |       906.501 |     3107.6462 | +242.82%
     5000 |     5000 |     231.65045 |     794.86444 | +243.13%
    10000 |    10000 |     58.372395 |     188.37387 | +222.71%
    16383 |    16383 |     21.629467 |      73.58552 | +240.21%

Unbalanced inputs:

 ndigits1 | ndigits2 | PG17 rate | patch rate | % change
        1 |    10000 | 44137.258 |  62292.844 | +41.13%
        2 |    10000 | 42009.895 |  62705.445 | +49.26%
        3 |    10000 | 40569.617 |  58555.727 | +44.33%
        4 |    10000 |  38914.03 |  49439.008 | +27.05%
        5 |    10000 |  37361.39 |  47173.445 | +26.26%
        6 |    10000 |  35807.61 |  42609.203 | +18.99%
        7 |    10000 | 34386.684 |  49325.582 | +43.44%
        8 |    10000 | 33380.312 |   49298.59 | +47.69%
        9 |    10000 |  32228.17 |  46869.844 | +45.43%
       10 |    10000 |  31022.46 |   47015.98 | +51.55%
       11 |    10000 | 29782.623 |      45074 | +51.34%
       12 |    10000 | 29540.896 |   44712.23 | +51.36%
       13 |    10000 | 28521.643 |   42589.98 | +49.33%
       14 |    10000 |  27772.59 |  43325.863 | +56.00%
       15 |    10000 |  26871.25 |      41443 | +54.23%
       16 |    10000 | 26179.322 |  41245.508 | +57.55%
       17 |    10000 | 26367.402 |  39348.543 | +49.23%
       18 |    10000 | 25769.176 |  40105.402 | +55.63%
       19 |    10000 | 24869.504 |   38316.44 | +54.07%
       20 |    10000 | 24395.436 |   37647.33 | +54.32%
       21 |    10000 | 23532.748 |  36552.914 | +55.33%
       22 |    10000 | 23151.842 |   36824.04 | +59.05%
       23 |    10000 |  22661.33 |  35556.918 | +56.91%
       24 |    10000 | 22113.502 |   34923.83 | +57.93%
       25 |    10000 | 21481.773 |  33601.785 | +56.42%
       26 |    10000 | 20943.576 |   34277.58 | +63.67%
       27 |    10000 | 20437.605 |  32957.406 | +61.26%
       28 |    10000 |  20049.12 |   32413.64 | +61.67%
       29 |    10000 | 19674.787 |  31537.846 | +60.30%
       30 |    10000 | 19092.572 |  32252.404 | +68.93%
       31 |    10000 | 18761.932 |  30825.836 | +64.30%
       32 |    10000 | 18480.184 |  30616.389 | +65.67%
       33 |    10000 |  18130.89 |  29493.594 | +62.67%
       34 |    10000 | 17750.996 |   30054.01 | +69.31%
       35 |    10000 |  17406.83 |  29090.297 | +67.12%
       36 |    10000 |  17138.23 |   29117.42 | +69.90%
       37 |    10000 | 16666.799 |   28429.32 | +70.57%
       38 |    10000 | 16144.025 |  29082.398 | +80.14%
       39 |    10000 | 15548.838 |  28195.258 | +81.33%
       40 |    10000 | 15305.571 |  27273.215 | +78.19%
       50 |    10000 | 11099.766 |  25494.129 | +129.68%
      100 |    10000 | 6310.7827 |  14895.447 | +136.03%
      250 |    10000 | 2687.7397 |  7149.1016 | +165.99%
      500 |    10000 | 1354.7455 |  3608.8845 | +166.39%
     1000 |    10000 |  677.3838 |  1852.1256 | +173.42%
     2500 |    10000 | 269.74582 |   748.5785 | +177.51%
     5000 |    10000 |  132.6432 |  377.23288 | +184.40%

numeric_big regression test:

ok 224       - numeric_big                               256 ms  [PG17]
ok 224       - numeric_big                               161 ms  [v3 patch]



Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Sun, Jul 28, 2024, at 21:18, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> Attachments:
> * v3-0002-Optimise-numeric-multiplication-using-base-NBASE-.patch
> * v3-0001-Extend-mul_var_short-to-5-and-6-digit-inputs.patch

Very nice.

I've done some initial benchmarks on my Intel Core i9-14900K machine.

To reduce noise, I've isolated a single CPU core, specifically CPU core id 31, to not get any work scheduled by the

$ cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.15.0-116-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ro quiet splash isolcpus=31

Then, I've used sched_setaffinity() from <sched.h> to ensure the benchmark run on CPU core id 31.

I've also fixed the CPU frequency to 3.20 GHz:

$ sudo cpufreq-info -c 31
  current CPU frequency is 3.20 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).

I've benchmarked each (var1ndigits, var2ndigits) 10 times per commit, in random order.

I've benchmarked all commits after "SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query function docs"
which is the parent commit to "Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.",
including the two patches.

I've benchmarked each commit affecting numeric.c, and each such commit's parent commit, for comparison.

The accum_change column shows the accumulative percentage change since the baseline commit (SQL/JSON: Various

There is at least single digit percentage noise in the measurements,
which is apparent since the rate fluctuates even between commits
for cases we know can't be affected by the change.
Still, even with this noise level, the improvements are very visible and consistent.

    ndigits    |    rate    | accum_change |            summary
 (1,1)         |  1.702e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,1)         |  2.201e+07 | +29.32 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,1)         |  2.268e+07 | +33.30 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,1)         |  2.228e+07 | +30.92 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,1)         |  2.195e+07 | +29.01 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,1)         |  2.241e+07 | +31.68 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,1)         |  2.130e+07 | +25.17 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,2)         |  1.585e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,2)         |  2.227e+07 | +40.49 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,2)         |  2.140e+07 | +35.00 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,2)         |  2.227e+07 | +40.51 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,2)         |  2.183e+07 | +37.75 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,2)         |  2.241e+07 | +41.41 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,2)         |  2.223e+07 | +40.26 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,3)         |  1.554e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,3)         |  2.155e+07 | +38.70 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,3)         |  2.140e+07 | +37.74 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,3)         |  2.139e+07 | +37.66 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,3)         |  2.234e+07 | +43.76 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,3)         |  2.142e+07 | +37.83 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,3)         |  2.066e+07 | +32.97 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,4)         |  1.450e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,4)         |  2.113e+07 | +45.70 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,4)         |  2.121e+07 | +46.30 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,4)         |  2.115e+07 | +45.85 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,4)         |  2.166e+07 | +49.37 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,4)         |  2.053e+07 | +41.56 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,4)         |  2.085e+07 | +43.82 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,8)         |  1.440e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,8)         |  1.963e+07 | +36.38 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,8)         |  2.018e+07 | +40.19 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,8)         |  2.045e+07 | +42.05 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,8)         |  1.998e+07 | +38.79 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,8)         |  1.953e+07 | +35.68 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,8)         |  1.992e+07 | +38.36 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,16)        |  9.444e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,16)        |  1.235e+07 | +30.75 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,16)        |  1.232e+07 | +30.47 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,16)        |  1.239e+07 | +31.18 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,16)        |  1.222e+07 | +29.35 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,16)        |  1.220e+07 | +29.14 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,16)        |  1.271e+07 | +34.54 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,32)        |  5.790e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,32)        |  8.392e+06 | +44.95 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,32)        |  8.459e+06 | +46.10 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,32)        |  8.325e+06 | +43.79 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,32)        |  8.242e+06 | +42.35 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,32)        |  8.288e+06 | +43.14 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,32)        |  8.448e+06 | +45.91 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,64)        |  3.540e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,64)        |  4.684e+06 | +32.31 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,64)        |  4.840e+06 | +36.74 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,64)        |  4.794e+06 | +35.43 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,64)        |  4.721e+06 | +33.38 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,64)        |  4.785e+06 | +35.18 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,64)        |  4.767e+06 | +34.66 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,128)       |  1.873e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,128)       |  2.459e+06 | +31.29 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,128)       |  2.461e+06 | +31.42 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,128)       |  2.539e+06 | +35.54 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,128)       |  2.498e+06 | +33.38 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,128)       |  2.489e+06 | +32.91 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,128)       |  2.498e+06 | +33.39 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,256)       |  9.659e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,256)       |  1.326e+06 | +37.29 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,256)       |  1.340e+06 | +38.75 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,256)       |  1.292e+06 | +33.78 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,256)       |  1.321e+06 | +36.75 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,256)       |  1.299e+06 | +34.44 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,256)       |  1.324e+06 | +37.04 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,512)       |  5.071e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,512)       |  6.814e+05 | +34.37 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,512)       |  6.697e+05 | +32.05 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,512)       |  6.770e+05 | +33.50 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,512)       |  6.688e+05 | +31.88 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,512)       |  6.743e+05 | +32.97 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,512)       |  6.700e+05 | +32.11 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,1024)      |  2.541e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,1024)      |  3.351e+05 | +31.86 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,1024)      |  3.401e+05 | +33.83 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,1024)      |  3.373e+05 | +32.74 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,1024)      |  3.313e+05 | +30.37 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,1024)      |  3.377e+05 | +32.88 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,1024)      |  3.411e+05 | +34.23 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,2048)      |  1.248e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,2048)      |  1.653e+05 | +32.46 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,2048)      |  1.668e+05 | +33.64 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,2048)      |  1.652e+05 | +32.35 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,2048)      |  1.651e+05 | +32.26 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,2048)      |  1.681e+05 | +34.70 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,2048)      |  1.662e+05 | +33.18 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,4096)      |  6.417e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,4096)      |  8.533e+04 | +32.98 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,4096)      |  8.715e+04 | +35.81 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,4096)      |  8.475e+04 | +32.07 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,4096)      |  8.627e+04 | +34.44 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,4096)      |  8.742e+04 | +36.23 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,4096)      |  8.534e+04 | +33.00 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,8192)      |  3.150e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,8192)      |  4.208e+04 | +33.58 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,8192)      |  4.216e+04 | +33.81 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,8192)      |  4.211e+04 | +33.67 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,8192)      |  4.239e+04 | +34.56 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,8192)      |  4.155e+04 | +31.90 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,8192)      |  4.166e+04 | +32.22 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,16384)     |  1.563e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1,16384)     |  2.114e+04 | +35.24 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1,16384)     |  2.057e+04 | +31.59 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1,16384)     |  2.094e+04 | +33.97 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1,16384)     |  2.123e+04 | +35.84 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1,16384)     |  2.088e+04 | +33.57 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1,16384)     |  2.090e+04 | +33.74 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,2)         |  1.437e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,2)         |  2.248e+07 | +56.42 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,2)         |  2.103e+07 | +46.31 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,2)         |  2.238e+07 | +55.74 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,2)         |  2.217e+07 | +54.29 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,2)         |  2.096e+07 | +45.84 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,2)         |  2.070e+07 | +44.05 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,3)         |  1.332e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,3)         |  2.035e+07 | +52.78 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,3)         |  2.041e+07 | +53.24 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,3)         |  2.125e+07 | +59.59 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,3)         |  2.183e+07 | +63.96 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,3)         |  2.124e+07 | +59.47 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,3)         |  2.016e+07 | +51.36 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,4)         |  1.339e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,4)         |  1.955e+07 | +45.99 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,4)         |  2.004e+07 | +49.71 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,4)         |  1.982e+07 | +48.04 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,4)         |  1.942e+07 | +45.08 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,4)         |  1.990e+07 | +48.65 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,4)         |  1.893e+07 | +41.37 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,8)         |  1.363e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,8)         |  1.855e+07 | +36.14 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,8)         |  1.838e+07 | +34.92 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,8)         |  1.873e+07 | +37.47 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,8)         |  1.838e+07 | +34.91 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,8)         |  1.867e+07 | +36.98 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,8)         |  1.773e+07 | +30.14 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,16)        |  9.092e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,16)        |  1.213e+07 | +33.41 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,16)        |  1.255e+07 | +37.99 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,16)        |  1.168e+07 | +28.52 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,16)        |  1.173e+07 | +29.07 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,16)        |  1.195e+07 | +31.48 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,16)        |  1.174e+07 | +29.09 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,32)        |  5.436e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,32)        |  7.685e+06 | +41.38 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,32)        |  7.711e+06 | +41.87 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,32)        |  7.787e+06 | +43.26 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,32)        |  7.910e+06 | +45.53 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,32)        |  7.831e+06 | +44.06 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,32)        |  7.939e+06 | +46.04 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,64)        |  3.338e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,64)        |  4.689e+06 | +40.48 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,64)        |  4.445e+06 | +33.16 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,64)        |  4.569e+06 | +36.88 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,64)        |  4.419e+06 | +32.38 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,64)        |  4.661e+06 | +39.62 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,64)        |  4.497e+06 | +34.73 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,128)       |  1.799e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,128)       |  2.348e+06 | +30.49 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,128)       |  2.350e+06 | +30.60 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,128)       |  2.457e+06 | +36.57 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,128)       |  2.316e+06 | +28.71 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,128)       |  2.430e+06 | +35.07 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,128)       |  2.401e+06 | +33.47 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,256)       |  9.249e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,256)       |  1.249e+06 | +35.08 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,256)       |  1.243e+06 | +34.38 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,256)       |  1.243e+06 | +34.44 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,256)       |  1.228e+06 | +32.73 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,256)       |  1.248e+06 | +34.88 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,256)       |  1.262e+06 | +36.40 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,512)       |  4.750e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,512)       |  6.210e+05 | +30.75 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,512)       |  6.434e+05 | +35.47 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,512)       |  6.387e+05 | +34.46 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,512)       |  6.223e+05 | +31.03 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,512)       |  6.367e+05 | +34.06 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,512)       |  6.524e+05 | +37.36 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,1024)      |  2.411e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,1024)      |  3.227e+05 | +33.83 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,1024)      |  3.249e+05 | +34.75 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,1024)      |  3.278e+05 | +35.94 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,1024)      |  3.162e+05 | +31.13 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,1024)      |  3.219e+05 | +33.49 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,1024)      |  3.238e+05 | +34.30 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,2048)      |  1.184e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,2048)      |  1.553e+05 | +31.15 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,2048)      |  1.580e+05 | +33.47 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,2048)      |  1.545e+05 | +30.55 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,2048)      |  1.564e+05 | +32.12 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,2048)      |  1.564e+05 | +32.10 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,2048)      |  1.603e+05 | +35.40 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,4096)      |  6.244e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,4096)      |  8.198e+04 | +31.31 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,4096)      |  8.268e+04 | +32.41 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,4096)      |  8.200e+04 | +31.33 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,4096)      |  8.366e+04 | +33.98 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,4096)      |  8.445e+04 | +35.26 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,4096)      |  8.326e+04 | +33.35 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,8192)      |  3.001e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,8192)      |  3.958e+04 | +31.89 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,8192)      |  3.961e+04 | +32.00 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,8192)      |  4.030e+04 | +34.30 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,8192)      |  4.061e+04 | +35.31 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,8192)      |  4.075e+04 | +35.81 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,8192)      |  4.147e+04 | +38.20 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,16384)     |  1.583e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2,16384)     |  1.989e+04 | +25.64 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2,16384)     |  1.967e+04 | +24.28 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2,16384)     |  1.966e+04 | +24.20 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2,16384)     |  1.954e+04 | +23.45 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2,16384)     |  2.049e+04 | +29.45 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2,16384)     |  2.063e+04 | +30.37 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,3)         |  1.248e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,3)         |  1.990e+07 | +59.48 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,3)         |  2.096e+07 | +67.98 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,3)         |  2.053e+07 | +64.47 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,3)         |  2.084e+07 | +66.97 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,3)         |  2.029e+07 | +62.57 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,3)         |  1.920e+07 | +53.88 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,4)         |  1.270e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,4)         |  1.974e+07 | +55.39 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,4)         |  1.976e+07 | +55.50 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,4)         |  1.973e+07 | +55.31 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,4)         |  1.926e+07 | +51.62 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,4)         |  1.931e+07 | +51.97 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,4)         |  1.919e+07 | +51.02 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,8)         |  1.244e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,8)         |  1.769e+07 | +42.24 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,8)         |  1.709e+07 | +37.44 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,8)         |  1.804e+07 | +45.04 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,8)         |  1.772e+07 | +42.53 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,8)         |  1.699e+07 | +36.63 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,8)         |  1.770e+07 | +42.30 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,16)        |  7.919e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,16)        |  1.125e+07 | +42.09 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,16)        |  1.123e+07 | +41.76 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,16)        |  1.113e+07 | +40.48 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,16)        |  1.124e+07 | +41.91 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,16)        |  1.143e+07 | +44.30 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,16)        |  1.147e+07 | +44.84 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,32)        |  5.507e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,32)        |  7.149e+06 | +29.82 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,32)        |  7.206e+06 | +30.85 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,32)        |  7.526e+06 | +36.67 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,32)        |  7.238e+06 | +31.43 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,32)        |  7.413e+06 | +34.61 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,32)        |  7.613e+06 | +38.24 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,64)        |  3.258e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,64)        |  4.338e+06 | +33.15 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,64)        |  4.265e+06 | +30.90 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,64)        |  4.292e+06 | +31.73 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,64)        |  4.342e+06 | +33.27 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,64)        |  4.373e+06 | +34.22 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,64)        |  4.365e+06 | +33.98 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,128)       |  1.675e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,128)       |  2.220e+06 | +32.55 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,128)       |  2.232e+06 | +33.28 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,128)       |  2.276e+06 | +35.87 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,128)       |  2.275e+06 | +35.84 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,128)       |  2.309e+06 | +37.87 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,128)       |  2.324e+06 | +38.74 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,256)       |  9.046e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,256)       |  1.198e+06 | +32.45 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,256)       |  1.217e+06 | +34.49 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,256)       |  1.221e+06 | +35.02 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,256)       |  1.225e+06 | +35.43 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,256)       |  1.230e+06 | +36.03 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,256)       |  1.218e+06 | +34.69 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,512)       |  4.675e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,512)       |  6.195e+05 | +32.50 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,512)       |  6.199e+05 | +32.59 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,512)       |  6.475e+05 | +38.49 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,512)       |  6.284e+05 | +34.40 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,512)       |  6.214e+05 | +32.90 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,512)       |  6.306e+05 | +34.88 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,1024)      |  2.393e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,1024)      |  3.049e+05 | +27.40 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,1024)      |  3.233e+05 | +35.10 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,1024)      |  3.150e+05 | +31.63 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,1024)      |  3.152e+05 | +31.70 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,1024)      |  3.284e+05 | +37.20 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,1024)      |  3.132e+05 | +30.85 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,2048)      |  1.190e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,2048)      |  1.599e+05 | +34.37 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,2048)      |  1.545e+05 | +29.84 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,2048)      |  1.544e+05 | +29.75 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,2048)      |  1.551e+05 | +30.36 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,2048)      |  1.602e+05 | +34.61 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,2048)      |  1.570e+05 | +31.91 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,4096)      |  5.937e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,4096)      |  8.109e+04 | +36.57 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,4096)      |  8.114e+04 | +36.66 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,4096)      |  8.169e+04 | +37.59 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,4096)      |  8.166e+04 | +37.54 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,4096)      |  8.058e+04 | +35.71 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,4096)      |  8.166e+04 | +37.54 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,8192)      |  2.937e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,8192)      |  3.974e+04 | +35.29 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,8192)      |  4.010e+04 | +36.53 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,8192)      |  3.933e+04 | +33.90 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,8192)      |  3.999e+04 | +36.14 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,8192)      |  3.998e+04 | +36.09 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,8192)      |  3.985e+04 | +35.67 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,16384)     |  1.491e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (3,16384)     |  1.978e+04 | +32.63 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (3,16384)     |  1.996e+04 | +33.85 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (3,16384)     |  1.995e+04 | +33.80 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (3,16384)     |  2.027e+04 | +35.91 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (3,16384)     |  1.986e+04 | +33.17 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (3,16384)     |  2.038e+04 | +36.70 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,4)         |  1.134e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,4)         |  2.022e+07 | +78.31 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,4)         |  2.004e+07 | +76.67 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,4)         |  1.961e+07 | +72.88 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,4)         |  1.885e+07 | +66.21 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,4)         |  1.829e+07 | +61.30 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,4)         |  1.883e+07 | +66.03 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,8)         |  1.149e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,8)         |  1.734e+07 | +50.90 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,8)         |  1.703e+07 | +48.17 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,8)         |  1.752e+07 | +52.44 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,8)         |  1.761e+07 | +53.27 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,8)         |  1.711e+07 | +48.86 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,8)         |  1.633e+07 | +42.09 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,16)        |  7.330e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,16)        |  1.075e+07 | +46.69 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,16)        |  1.120e+07 | +52.80 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,16)        |  1.103e+07 | +50.52 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,16)        |  1.049e+07 | +43.15 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,16)        |  1.093e+07 | +49.16 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,16)        |  1.053e+07 | +43.63 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,32)        |  5.220e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,32)        |  6.915e+06 | +32.47 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,32)        |  7.030e+06 | +34.67 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,32)        |  6.870e+06 | +31.61 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,32)        |  6.972e+06 | +33.56 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,32)        |  6.953e+06 | +33.19 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,32)        |  6.648e+06 | +27.35 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,64)        |  3.100e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,64)        |  3.899e+06 | +25.76 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,64)        |  4.072e+06 | +31.36 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,64)        |  4.044e+06 | +30.44 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,64)        |  3.995e+06 | +28.86 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,64)        |  4.129e+06 | +33.18 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,64)        |  4.088e+06 | +31.86 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,128)       |  1.636e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,128)       |  2.068e+06 | +26.38 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,128)       |  2.140e+06 | +30.78 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,128)       |  2.186e+06 | +33.57 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,128)       |  2.088e+06 | +27.63 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,128)       |  2.121e+06 | +29.62 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,128)       |  2.011e+06 | +22.88 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,256)       |  8.487e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,256)       |  1.099e+06 | +29.45 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,256)       |  1.108e+06 | +30.53 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,256)       |  1.109e+06 | +30.71 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,256)       |  1.115e+06 | +31.37 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,256)       |  1.114e+06 | +31.26 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,256)       |  1.077e+06 | +26.85 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,512)       |  4.397e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,512)       |  5.790e+05 | +31.69 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,512)       |  5.995e+05 | +36.36 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,512)       |  5.774e+05 | +31.33 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,512)       |  5.573e+05 | +26.75 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,512)       |  5.779e+05 | +31.46 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,512)       |  5.478e+05 | +24.59 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,1024)      |  2.359e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,1024)      |  2.903e+05 | +23.04 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,1024)      |  2.873e+05 | +21.78 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,1024)      |  2.846e+05 | +20.64 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,1024)      |  2.899e+05 | +22.89 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,1024)      |  2.815e+05 | +19.30 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,1024)      |  2.793e+05 | +18.38 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,2048)      |  1.132e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,2048)      |  1.438e+05 | +26.96 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,2048)      |  1.453e+05 | +28.28 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,2048)      |  1.407e+05 | +24.28 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,2048)      |  1.432e+05 | +26.44 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,2048)      |  1.451e+05 | +28.10 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,2048)      |  1.429e+05 | +26.22 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,4096)      |  5.841e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,4096)      |  7.326e+04 | +25.43 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,4096)      |  7.196e+04 | +23.20 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,4096)      |  7.539e+04 | +29.07 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,4096)      |  7.197e+04 | +23.23 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,4096)      |  7.391e+04 | +26.53 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,4096)      |  7.060e+04 | +20.87 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,8192)      |  2.825e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,8192)      |  3.679e+04 | +30.24 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,8192)      |  3.617e+04 | +28.06 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,8192)      |  3.685e+04 | +30.46 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,8192)      |  3.645e+04 | +29.06 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,8192)      |  3.606e+04 | +27.68 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,8192)      |  3.581e+04 | +26.78 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,16384)     |  1.398e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4,16384)     |  1.797e+04 | +28.54 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4,16384)     |  1.800e+04 | +28.73 %     | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4,16384)     |  1.766e+04 | +26.33 %     | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4,16384)     |  1.775e+04 | +26.96 %     | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4,16384)     |  1.827e+04 | +30.69 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4,16384)     |  1.735e+04 | +24.08 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (5,5)         |  1.040e+07 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (5,5)         |  1.015e+07 | -2.37 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (5,5)         |  1.021e+07 | -1.80 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (5,5)         |  1.099e+07 | +5.70 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (5,5)         |  1.036e+07 | -0.31 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (5,5)         |  1.749e+07 | +68.21 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (5,5)         |  1.657e+07 | +59.45 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (6,6)         |  9.115e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (6,6)         |  1.030e+07 | +13.03 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (6,6)         |  9.434e+06 | +3.50 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (6,6)         |  8.876e+06 | -2.62 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (6,6)         |  8.793e+06 | -3.53 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (6,6)         |  1.490e+07 | +63.49 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (6,6)         |  1.589e+07 | +74.33 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (7,7)         |  7.724e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (7,7)         |  7.446e+06 | -3.59 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (7,7)         |  7.929e+06 | +2.66 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (7,7)         |  7.481e+06 | -3.14 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (7,7)         |  7.497e+06 | -2.93 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (7,7)         |  7.214e+06 | -6.60 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (7,7)         |  1.024e+07 | +32.56 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,8)         |  7.842e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,8)         |  7.827e+06 | -0.19 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,8)         |  8.111e+06 | +3.44 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,8)         |  8.156e+06 | +4.01 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,8)         |  7.908e+06 | +0.85 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,8)         |  8.029e+06 | +2.40 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,8)         |  9.644e+06 | +22.99 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,16)        |  6.489e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,16)        |  6.276e+06 | -3.29 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,16)        |  6.332e+06 | -2.42 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,16)        |  6.463e+06 | -0.40 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,16)        |  5.928e+06 | -8.65 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,16)        |  5.949e+06 | -8.32 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,16)        |  8.349e+06 | +28.66 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,32)        |  4.327e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,32)        |  4.324e+06 | -0.08 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,32)        |  4.444e+06 | +2.68 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,32)        |  4.335e+06 | +0.18 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,32)        |  4.350e+06 | +0.52 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,32)        |  4.333e+06 | +0.13 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,32)        |  6.288e+06 | +45.30 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,64)        |  2.677e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,64)        |  2.674e+06 | -0.10 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,64)        |  2.668e+06 | -0.31 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,64)        |  2.704e+06 | +1.02 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,64)        |  2.684e+06 | +0.28 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,64)        |  2.702e+06 | +0.96 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,64)        |  3.876e+06 | +44.80 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,128)       |  1.410e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,128)       |  1.418e+06 | +0.56 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,128)       |  1.434e+06 | +1.69 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,128)       |  1.452e+06 | +3.00 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,128)       |  1.464e+06 | +3.79 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,128)       |  1.384e+06 | -1.87 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,128)       |  2.224e+06 | +57.71 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,256)       |  7.400e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,256)       |  7.473e+05 | +0.98 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,256)       |  7.338e+05 | -0.85 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,256)       |  7.401e+05 | +0.01 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,256)       |  7.460e+05 | +0.80 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,256)       |  7.563e+05 | +2.20 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,256)       |  1.190e+06 | +60.79 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,512)       |  3.746e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,512)       |  3.834e+05 | +2.36 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,512)       |  3.829e+05 | +2.21 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,512)       |  3.840e+05 | +2.50 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,512)       |  3.794e+05 | +1.27 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,512)       |  3.662e+05 | -2.25 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,512)       |  6.290e+05 | +67.91 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,1024)      |  2.036e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,1024)      |  2.070e+05 | +1.70 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,1024)      |  2.011e+05 | -1.24 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,1024)      |  2.011e+05 | -1.22 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,1024)      |  2.032e+05 | -0.18 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,1024)      |  2.028e+05 | -0.38 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,1024)      |  3.232e+05 | +58.76 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,2048)      |  9.898e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,2048)      |  1.013e+05 | +2.37 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,2048)      |  9.910e+04 | +0.12 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,2048)      |  1.001e+05 | +1.09 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,2048)      |  9.995e+04 | +0.98 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,2048)      |  9.741e+04 | -1.59 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,2048)      |  1.544e+05 | +55.94 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,4096)      |  5.071e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,4096)      |  5.104e+04 | +0.64 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,4096)      |  5.118e+04 | +0.92 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,4096)      |  5.123e+04 | +1.02 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,4096)      |  5.072e+04 | +0.02 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,4096)      |  5.213e+04 | +2.80 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,4096)      |  8.190e+04 | +61.49 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,8192)      |  2.431e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,8192)      |  2.411e+04 | -0.80 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,8192)      |  2.433e+04 | +0.10 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,8192)      |  2.434e+04 | +0.14 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,8192)      |  2.430e+04 | -0.04 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,8192)      |  2.520e+04 | +3.69 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,8192)      |  3.958e+04 | +62.82 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,16384)     |  1.222e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8,16384)     |  1.224e+04 | +0.21 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8,16384)     |  1.211e+04 | -0.92 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8,16384)     |  1.202e+04 | -1.58 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8,16384)     |  1.232e+04 | +0.86 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8,16384)     |  1.211e+04 | -0.92 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8,16384)     |  1.958e+04 | +60.24 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,16)       |  4.325e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,16)       |  4.380e+06 | +1.28 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,16)       |  4.258e+06 | -1.56 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,16)       |  4.389e+06 | +1.48 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,16)       |  4.265e+06 | -1.38 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,16)       |  4.266e+06 | -1.37 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,16)       |  6.293e+06 | +45.50 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,32)       |  3.289e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,32)       |  3.356e+06 | +2.04 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,32)       |  3.226e+06 | -1.92 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,32)       |  3.349e+06 | +1.83 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,32)       |  3.307e+06 | +0.54 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,32)       |  3.212e+06 | -2.36 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,32)       |  4.831e+06 | +46.89 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,64)       |  2.060e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,64)       |  2.047e+06 | -0.66 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,64)       |  2.005e+06 | -2.71 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,64)       |  2.100e+06 | +1.93 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,64)       |  2.062e+06 | +0.06 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,64)       |  1.814e+06 | -11.95 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,64)       |  3.278e+06 | +59.07 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,128)      |  1.174e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,128)      |  1.121e+06 | -4.52 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,128)      |  1.142e+06 | -2.75 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,128)      |  1.165e+06 | -0.79 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,128)      |  1.163e+06 | -0.93 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,128)      |  1.049e+06 | -10.68 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,128)      |  1.821e+06 | +55.05 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,256)      |  5.786e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,256)      |  6.143e+05 | +6.15 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,256)      |  6.141e+05 | +6.13 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,256)      |  5.783e+05 | -0.06 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,256)      |  5.837e+05 | +0.88 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,256)      |  5.725e+05 | -1.06 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,256)      |  9.643e+05 | +66.64 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,512)      |  2.984e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,512)      |  2.994e+05 | +0.33 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,512)      |  3.016e+05 | +1.06 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,512)      |  2.961e+05 | -0.77 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,512)      |  2.972e+05 | -0.43 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,512)      |  2.967e+05 | -0.57 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,512)      |  5.348e+05 | +79.21 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,1024)     |  1.635e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,1024)     |  1.695e+05 | +3.66 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,1024)     |  1.673e+05 | +2.28 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,1024)     |  1.650e+05 | +0.87 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,1024)     |  1.643e+05 | +0.48 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,1024)     |  1.617e+05 | -1.11 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,1024)     |  2.789e+05 | +70.54 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,2048)     |  7.988e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,2048)     |  8.323e+04 | +4.20 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,2048)     |  8.180e+04 | +2.41 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,2048)     |  8.048e+04 | +0.75 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,2048)     |  8.065e+04 | +0.96 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,2048)     |  8.284e+04 | +3.72 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,2048)     |  1.325e+05 | +65.90 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,4096)     |  4.118e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,4096)     |  4.400e+04 | +6.84 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,4096)     |  4.155e+04 | +0.89 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,4096)     |  4.440e+04 | +7.81 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,4096)     |  4.154e+04 | +0.88 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,4096)     |  4.274e+04 | +3.79 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,4096)     |  6.959e+04 | +68.97 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,8192)     |  1.963e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,8192)     |  1.910e+04 | -2.65 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,8192)     |  1.927e+04 | -1.79 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,8192)     |  1.946e+04 | -0.87 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,8192)     |  1.925e+04 | -1.92 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,8192)     |  1.890e+04 | -3.68 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,8192)     |  3.280e+04 | +67.15 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,16384)    |  9.497e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16,16384)    |  9.499e+03 | +0.02 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16,16384)    |  9.721e+03 | +2.35 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16,16384)    |  9.586e+03 | +0.94 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16,16384)    |  9.559e+03 | +0.65 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16,16384)    |  9.744e+03 | +2.59 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16,16384)    |  1.627e+04 | +71.30 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,32)       |  2.032e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,32)       |  2.051e+06 | +0.91 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,32)       |  2.013e+06 | -0.95 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,32)       |  2.034e+06 | +0.06 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,32)       |  2.048e+06 | +0.75 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,32)       |  1.807e+06 | -11.10 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,32)       |  3.309e+06 | +62.80 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,64)       |  1.382e+06 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,64)       |  1.344e+06 | -2.75 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,64)       |  1.356e+06 | -1.89 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,64)       |  1.370e+06 | -0.88 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,64)       |  1.394e+06 | +0.84 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,64)       |  1.165e+06 | -15.71 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,64)       |  2.340e+06 | +69.33 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,128)      |  8.215e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,128)      |  8.368e+05 | +1.87 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,128)      |  8.372e+05 | +1.90 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,128)      |  8.154e+05 | -0.75 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,128)      |  8.291e+05 | +0.92 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,128)      |  7.009e+05 | -14.68 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,128)      |  1.393e+06 | +69.61 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,256)      |  4.550e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,256)      |  4.596e+05 | +1.01 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,256)      |  4.724e+05 | +3.84 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,256)      |  4.598e+05 | +1.07 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,256)      |  4.677e+05 | +2.81 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,256)      |  4.115e+05 | -9.56 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,256)      |  8.199e+05 | +80.22 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,512)      |  2.350e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,512)      |  2.277e+05 | -3.09 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,512)      |  2.250e+05 | -4.23 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,512)      |  2.290e+05 | -2.53 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,512)      |  2.214e+05 | -5.76 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,512)      |  2.126e+05 | -9.52 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,512)      |  4.135e+05 | +75.99 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,1024)     |  1.189e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,1024)     |  1.222e+05 | +2.75 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,1024)     |  1.218e+05 | +2.46 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,1024)     |  1.243e+05 | +4.56 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,1024)     |  1.219e+05 | +2.53 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,1024)     |  1.187e+05 | -0.19 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,1024)     |  2.153e+05 | +81.09 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,2048)     |  5.867e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,2048)     |  5.829e+04 | -0.64 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,2048)     |  5.943e+04 | +1.30 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,2048)     |  5.863e+04 | -0.05 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,2048)     |  5.811e+04 | -0.95 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,2048)     |  6.030e+04 | +2.78 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,2048)     |  1.050e+05 | +79.02 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,4096)     |  3.015e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,4096)     |  3.045e+04 | +1.01 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,4096)     |  2.990e+04 | -0.81 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,4096)     |  2.991e+04 | -0.78 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,4096)     |  3.044e+04 | +0.96 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,4096)     |  3.046e+04 | +1.03 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,4096)     |  5.518e+04 | +83.03 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,8192)     |  1.360e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,8192)     |  1.336e+04 | -1.74 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,8192)     |  1.349e+04 | -0.80 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,8192)     |  1.400e+04 | +2.93 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,8192)     |  1.398e+04 | +2.76 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,8192)     |  1.347e+04 | -0.96 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,8192)     |  2.423e+04 | +78.16 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,16384)    |  6.732e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (32,16384)    |  6.688e+03 | -0.65 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (32,16384)    |  7.033e+03 | +4.49 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (32,16384)    |  6.688e+03 | -0.65 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (32,16384)    |  6.868e+03 | +2.02 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (32,16384)    |  6.929e+03 | +2.94 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (32,16384)    |  1.193e+04 | +77.20 %     | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,64)       |  7.035e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,64)       |  6.919e+05 | -1.65 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,64)       |  6.896e+05 | -1.98 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,64)       |  6.838e+05 | -2.81 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,64)       |  7.163e+05 | +1.82 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,64)       |  5.491e+05 | -21.95 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,64)       |  1.455e+06 | +106.74 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,128)      |  4.060e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,128)      |  3.897e+05 | -4.01 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,128)      |  3.858e+05 | -4.97 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,128)      |  3.977e+05 | -2.03 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,128)      |  3.954e+05 | -2.61 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,128)      |  3.391e+05 | -16.48 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,128)      |  9.534e+05 | +134.85 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,256)      |  2.412e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,256)      |  2.394e+05 | -0.77 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,256)      |  2.441e+05 | +1.19 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,256)      |  2.393e+05 | -0.81 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,256)      |  2.463e+05 | +2.10 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,256)      |  2.170e+05 | -10.05 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,256)      |  5.368e+05 | +122.53 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,512)      |  1.163e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,512)      |  1.174e+05 | +0.94 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,512)      |  1.172e+05 | +0.79 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,512)      |  1.195e+05 | +2.75 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,512)      |  1.199e+05 | +3.10 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,512)      |  1.116e+05 | -4.07 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,512)      |  2.836e+05 | +143.79 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,1024)     |  6.084e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,1024)     |  6.026e+04 | -0.96 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,1024)     |  5.970e+04 | -1.87 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,1024)     |  5.911e+04 | -2.85 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,1024)     |  5.913e+04 | -2.81 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,1024)     |  5.920e+04 | -2.69 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,1024)     |  1.411e+05 | +131.88 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,2048)     |  3.163e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,2048)     |  3.102e+04 | -1.91 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,2048)     |  3.105e+04 | -1.81 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,2048)     |  3.106e+04 | -1.79 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,2048)     |  3.078e+04 | -2.69 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,2048)     |  3.077e+04 | -2.72 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,2048)     |  7.339e+04 | +132.04 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,4096)     |  1.619e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,4096)     |  1.604e+04 | -0.95 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,4096)     |  1.561e+04 | -3.60 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,4096)     |  1.561e+04 | -3.60 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,4096)     |  1.634e+04 | +0.92 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,4096)     |  1.618e+04 | -0.05 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,4096)     |  3.784e+04 | +133.70 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,8192)     |  7.097e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,8192)     |  7.160e+03 | +0.90 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,8192)     |  7.165e+03 | +0.97 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,8192)     |  7.032e+03 | -0.90 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,8192)     |  7.094e+03 | -0.04 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,8192)     |  7.431e+03 | +4.71 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,8192)     |  1.593e+04 | +124.42 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,16384)    |  3.557e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (64,16384)    |  3.519e+03 | -1.07 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (64,16384)    |  3.520e+03 | -1.06 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (64,16384)    |  3.519e+03 | -1.08 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (64,16384)    |  3.587e+03 | +0.84 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (64,16384)    |  3.583e+03 | +0.71 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (64,16384)    |  7.995e+03 | +124.76 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,128)     |  2.134e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,128)     |  2.192e+05 | +2.75 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,128)     |  2.175e+05 | +1.96 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,128)     |  2.136e+05 | +0.11 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,128)     |  2.130e+05 | -0.16 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,128)     |  1.831e+05 | -14.18 %     | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,128)     |  5.572e+05 | +161.13 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,256)     |  1.303e+05 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,256)     |  1.327e+05 | +1.89 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,256)     |  1.291e+05 | -0.87 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,256)     |  1.335e+05 | +2.51 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,256)     |  1.291e+05 | -0.89 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,256)     |  1.176e+05 | -9.69 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,256)     |  3.317e+05 | +154.62 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,512)     |  7.007e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,512)     |  6.934e+04 | -1.03 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,512)     |  6.976e+04 | -0.45 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,512)     |  6.872e+04 | -1.93 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,512)     |  6.662e+04 | -4.92 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,512)     |  6.579e+04 | -6.10 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,512)     |  1.824e+05 | +160.38 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,1024)    |  3.443e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,1024)    |  3.350e+04 | -2.70 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,1024)    |  3.481e+04 | +1.11 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,1024)    |  3.378e+04 | -1.89 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,1024)    |  3.440e+04 | -0.10 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,1024)    |  3.379e+04 | -1.86 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,1024)    |  8.564e+04 | +148.74 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,2048)    |  1.667e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,2048)    |  1.683e+04 | +0.95 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,2048)    |  1.685e+04 | +1.06 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,2048)    |  1.639e+04 | -1.73 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,2048)    |  1.687e+04 | +1.16 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,2048)    |  1.685e+04 | +1.05 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,2048)    |  4.560e+04 | +173.45 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,4096)    |  8.790e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,4096)    |  8.799e+03 | +0.10 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,4096)    |  8.788e+03 | -0.03 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,4096)    |  8.966e+03 | +2.00 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,4096)    |  9.210e+03 | +4.78 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,4096)    |  8.635e+03 | -1.76 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,4096)    |  2.281e+04 | +159.53 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,8192)    |  3.853e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,8192)    |  3.920e+03 | +1.74 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,8192)    |  3.929e+03 | +1.96 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,8192)    |  3.853e+03 | 0.00 %       | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,8192)    |  3.883e+03 | +0.79 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,8192)    |  3.851e+03 | -0.06 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,8192)    |  9.636e+03 | +150.08 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,16384)   |  1.859e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (128,16384)   |  1.892e+03 | +1.80 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (128,16384)   |  1.876e+03 | +0.92 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (128,16384)   |  1.891e+03 | +1.71 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (128,16384)   |  1.893e+03 | +1.83 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (128,16384)   |  1.857e+03 | -0.09 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (128,16384)   |  4.837e+03 | +160.19 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,256)     |  5.756e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,256)     |  6.032e+04 | +4.78 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,256)     |  5.920e+04 | +2.84 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,256)     |  5.874e+04 | +2.04 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,256)     |  5.813e+04 | +0.99 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,256)     |  5.270e+04 | -8.45 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,256)     |  1.739e+05 | +202.12 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,512)     |  3.266e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,512)     |  3.261e+04 | -0.14 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,512)     |  3.420e+04 | +4.73 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,512)     |  3.325e+04 | +1.80 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,512)     |  3.127e+04 | -4.25 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,512)     |  3.081e+04 | -5.64 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,512)     |  1.019e+05 | +212.01 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,1024)    |  1.719e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,1024)    |  1.767e+04 | +2.83 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,1024)    |  1.735e+04 | +0.93 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,1024)    |  1.785e+04 | +3.86 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,1024)    |  1.750e+04 | +1.80 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,1024)    |  1.718e+04 | -0.03 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,1024)    |  4.776e+04 | +177.91 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,2048)    |  8.793e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,2048)    |  8.750e+03 | -0.50 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,2048)    |  8.587e+03 | -2.34 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,2048)    |  8.712e+03 | -0.93 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,2048)    |  8.551e+03 | -2.76 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,2048)    |  8.878e+03 | +0.96 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,2048)    |  2.627e+04 | +198.77 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,4096)    |  4.370e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,4096)    |  4.411e+03 | +0.92 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,4096)    |  4.371e+03 | +0.02 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,4096)    |  4.403e+03 | +0.76 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,4096)    |  4.532e+03 | +3.70 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,4096)    |  4.583e+03 | +4.86 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,4096)    |  1.320e+04 | +202.00 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,8192)    |  1.963e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,8192)    |  1.956e+03 | -0.38 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,8192)    |  1.938e+03 | -1.29 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,8192)    |  1.957e+03 | -0.32 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,8192)    |  1.942e+03 | -1.09 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,8192)    |  2.013e+03 | +2.53 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,8192)    |  5.266e+03 | +168.21 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,16384)   |  9.950e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (256,16384)   |  9.936e+02 | -0.15 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (256,16384)   |  9.752e+02 | -2.00 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (256,16384)   |  9.926e+02 | -0.24 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (256,16384)   |  9.841e+02 | -1.10 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (256,16384)   |  1.011e+03 | +1.61 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (256,16384)   |  2.661e+03 | +167.42 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,512)     |  1.626e+04 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,512)     |  1.602e+04 | -1.49 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,512)     |  1.618e+04 | -0.51 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,512)     |  1.602e+04 | -1.49 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,512)     |  1.587e+04 | -2.44 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,512)     |  1.548e+04 | -4.79 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,512)     |  5.094e+04 | +213.25 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,1024)    |  8.460e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,1024)    |  8.611e+03 | +1.80 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,1024)    |  8.456e+03 | -0.05 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,1024)    |  8.381e+03 | -0.93 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,1024)    |  8.692e+03 | +2.74 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,1024)    |  8.381e+03 | -0.93 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,1024)    |  2.679e+04 | +216.68 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,2048)    |  4.358e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,2048)    |  4.485e+03 | +2.91 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,2048)    |  4.324e+03 | -0.78 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,2048)    |  4.323e+03 | -0.81 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,2048)    |  4.361e+03 | +0.06 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,2048)    |  4.407e+03 | +1.12 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,2048)    |  1.406e+04 | +222.72 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,4096)    |  2.210e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,4096)    |  2.271e+03 | +2.75 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,4096)    |  2.251e+03 | +1.85 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,4096)    |  2.229e+03 | +0.84 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,4096)    |  2.210e+03 | -0.01 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,4096)    |  2.231e+03 | +0.94 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,4096)    |  7.011e+03 | +217.25 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,8192)    |  1.020e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,8192)    |  1.031e+03 | +1.02 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,8192)    |  1.012e+03 | -0.83 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,8192)    |  1.051e+03 | +3.05 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,8192)    |  9.928e+02 | -2.69 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,8192)    |  1.030e+03 | +0.92 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,8192)    |  2.871e+03 | +181.41 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,16384)   |  5.121e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (512,16384)   |  5.084e+02 | -0.72 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (512,16384)   |  5.032e+02 | -1.72 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (512,16384)   |  5.034e+02 | -1.68 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (512,16384)   |  5.075e+02 | -0.88 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (512,16384)   |  4.952e+02 | -3.28 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (512,16384)   |  1.397e+03 | +172.76 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,1024)   |  4.230e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1024,1024)   |  4.164e+03 | -1.56 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,1024)   |  4.192e+03 | -0.91 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1024,1024)   |  4.134e+03 | -2.29 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1024,1024)   |  4.115e+03 | -2.73 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1024,1024)   |  4.230e+03 | 0.00 %       | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1024,1024)   |  1.372e+04 | +224.40 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,2048)   |  2.179e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1024,2048)   |  2.206e+03 | +1.28 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,2048)   |  2.198e+03 | +0.91 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1024,2048)   |  2.179e+03 | +0.03 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1024,2048)   |  2.239e+03 | +2.79 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1024,2048)   |  2.278e+03 | +4.59 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1024,2048)   |  7.093e+03 | +225.60 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,4096)   |  1.124e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1024,4096)   |  1.124e+03 | +0.01 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,4096)   |  1.125e+03 | +0.05 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1024,4096)   |  1.111e+03 | -1.22 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1024,4096)   |  1.135e+03 | +0.95 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1024,4096)   |  1.146e+03 | +1.91 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1024,4096)   |  3.714e+03 | +230.29 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,8192)   |  5.069e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1024,8192)   |  5.087e+02 | +0.35 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,8192)   |  5.178e+02 | +2.14 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1024,8192)   |  5.132e+02 | +1.24 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1024,8192)   |  5.163e+02 | +1.85 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1024,8192)   |  5.123e+02 | +1.06 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1024,8192)   |  1.449e+03 | +185.92 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,16384)  |  2.534e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (1024,16384)  |  2.489e+02 | -1.80 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (1024,16384)  |  2.559e+02 | +0.98 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (1024,16384)  |  2.559e+02 | +0.97 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (1024,16384)  |  2.556e+02 | +0.88 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (1024,16384)  |  2.465e+02 | -2.72 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (1024,16384)  |  7.249e+02 | +186.04 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,2048)   |  1.082e+03 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2048,2048)   |  1.097e+03 | +1.39 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,2048)   |  1.083e+03 | +0.16 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2048,2048)   |  1.076e+03 | -0.54 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2048,2048)   |  1.071e+03 | -0.95 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2048,2048)   |  1.092e+03 | +0.95 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2048,2048)   |  3.709e+03 | +242.92 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,4096)   |  5.609e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2048,4096)   |  5.522e+02 | -1.55 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,4096)   |  5.572e+02 | -0.66 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2048,4096)   |  5.525e+02 | -1.49 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2048,4096)   |  5.577e+02 | -0.57 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2048,4096)   |  5.624e+02 | +0.26 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2048,4096)   |  1.889e+03 | +236.76 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,8192)   |  2.505e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2048,8192)   |  2.529e+02 | +0.96 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,8192)   |  2.482e+02 | -0.91 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2048,8192)   |  2.526e+02 | +0.83 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2048,8192)   |  2.510e+02 | +0.20 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2048,8192)   |  2.606e+02 | +4.03 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2048,8192)   |  7.282e+02 | +190.68 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,16384)  |  1.262e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (2048,16384)  |  1.289e+02 | +2.18 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (2048,16384)  |  1.272e+02 | +0.83 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (2048,16384)  |  1.253e+02 | -0.64 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (2048,16384)  |  1.289e+02 | +2.17 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (2048,16384)  |  1.313e+02 | +4.10 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (2048,16384)  |  3.616e+02 | +186.60 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,4096)   |  2.670e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4096,4096)   |  2.695e+02 | +0.93 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,4096)   |  2.747e+02 | +2.87 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4096,4096)   |  2.695e+02 | +0.94 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4096,4096)   |  2.720e+02 | +1.87 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4096,4096)   |  2.716e+02 | +1.73 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4096,4096)   |  9.636e+02 | +260.88 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,8192)   |  1.241e+02 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4096,8192)   |  1.253e+02 | +0.93 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,8192)   |  1.229e+02 | -0.99 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4096,8192)   |  1.264e+02 | +1.88 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4096,8192)   |  1.252e+02 | +0.90 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4096,8192)   |  1.240e+02 | -0.10 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4096,8192)   |  3.785e+02 | +205.02 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,16384)  |  6.437e+01 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (4096,16384)  |  6.216e+01 | -3.43 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (4096,16384)  |  6.221e+01 | -3.36 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (4096,16384)  |  6.249e+01 | -2.91 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (4096,16384)  |  6.285e+01 | -2.36 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (4096,16384)  |  6.276e+01 | -2.50 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (4096,16384)  |  1.832e+02 | +184.59 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8192,8192)   |  6.047e+01 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8192,8192)   |  6.052e+01 | +0.09 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8192,8192)   |  5.996e+01 | -0.84 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8192,8192)   |  6.059e+01 | +0.21 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8192,8192)   |  5.863e+01 | -3.03 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8192,8192)   |  6.115e+01 | +1.13 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8192,8192)   |  1.858e+02 | +207.25 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8192,16384)  |  3.197e+01 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (8192,16384)  |  3.092e+01 | -3.29 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (8192,16384)  |  3.101e+01 | -3.01 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (8192,16384)  |  3.151e+01 | -1.44 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (8192,16384)  |  3.055e+01 | -4.47 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (8192,16384)  |  3.095e+01 | -3.19 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (8192,16384)  |  9.386e+01 | +193.53 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16384,16384) |  1.518e+01 |              | SQL/JSON: Various improvements
 (16384,16384) |  1.497e+01 | -1.38 %      | Optimise numeric multiplicatio
 (16384,16384) |  1.476e+01 | -2.78 %      | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr
 (16384,16384) |  1.486e+01 | -2.07 %      | Improve the numeric width_buck
 (16384,16384) |  1.500e+01 | -1.20 %      | Add missing pointer dereferenc
 (16384,16384) |  1.490e+01 | -1.84 %      | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 an
 (16384,16384) |  4.693e+01 | +209.15 %    | Optimise numeric multiplicatio


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Mon, Jul 29, 2024, at 02:23, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> Then, I've used sched_setaffinity() from <sched.h> to ensure the 
> benchmark run on CPU core id 31.

I fixed a bug in my measure function, I had forgot to reset affinity after each
benchmark, so the PostgreSQL backend continued to use the core even after
numeric_mul had finished.

New results with less noise below.

Pardon the exceeding of 80 chars line width,
but felt important to include commit hash and relative delta.

    ndigits    |    rate    |  change   |   accum   | commit  |                      summary
 (1,1)         |  1.639e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,1)         |  2.248e+07 | +37.16 %  | +37.16 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,1)         |  2.333e+07 | +3.77 %   | +42.32 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,1)         |  2.291e+07 | -1.81 %   | +39.75 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,1)         |  2.276e+07 | -0.64 %   | +38.86 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,1)         |  2.256e+07 | -0.86 %   | +37.66 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,1)         |  2.182e+07 | -3.32 %   | +33.09 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,2)         |  1.640e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,2)         |  2.202e+07 | +34.28 %  | +34.28 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,2)         |  2.214e+07 | +0.58 %   | +35.06 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,2)         |  2.173e+07 | -1.85 %   | +32.55 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,2)         |  2.260e+07 | +3.98 %   | +37.83 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,2)         |  2.233e+07 | -1.19 %   | +36.19 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,2)         |  2.144e+07 | -3.97 %   | +30.79 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,3)         |  1.511e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,3)         |  2.179e+07 | +44.20 %  | +44.20 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,3)         |  2.134e+07 | -2.05 %   | +41.24 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,3)         |  2.198e+07 | +2.99 %   | +45.47 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,3)         |  2.190e+07 | -0.39 %   | +44.91 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,3)         |  2.164e+07 | -1.16 %   | +43.23 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,3)         |  2.104e+07 | -2.79 %   | +39.24 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,4)         |  1.494e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,4)         |  2.132e+07 | +42.71 %  | +42.71 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,4)         |  2.151e+07 | +0.91 %   | +44.00 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,4)         |  2.190e+07 | +1.82 %   | +46.62 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,4)         |  2.172e+07 | -0.82 %   | +45.41 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,4)         |  2.112e+07 | -2.75 %   | +41.41 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,4)         |  2.077e+07 | -1.67 %   | +39.05 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,8)         |  1.444e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,8)         |  2.063e+07 | +42.85 %  | +42.85 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,8)         |  1.996e+07 | -3.25 %   | +38.21 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,8)         |  2.039e+07 | +2.12 %   | +41.14 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,8)         |  2.020e+07 | -0.89 %   | +39.87 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,8)         |  1.934e+07 | -4.28 %   | +33.89 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,8)         |  1.948e+07 | +0.73 %   | +34.87 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,16)        |  9.614e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,16)        |  1.215e+07 | +26.37 %  | +26.37 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,16)        |  1.223e+07 | +0.68 %   | +27.23 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,16)        |  1.251e+07 | +2.26 %   | +30.11 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,16)        |  1.236e+07 | -1.17 %   | +28.58 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,16)        |  1.293e+07 | +4.62 %   | +34.53 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,16)        |  1.240e+07 | -4.16 %   | +28.94 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,32)        |  5.675e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,32)        |  8.241e+06 | +45.22 %  | +45.22 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,32)        |  8.303e+06 | +0.74 %   | +46.30 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,32)        |  8.352e+06 | +0.60 %   | +47.17 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,32)        |  8.200e+06 | -1.82 %   | +44.49 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,32)        |  8.100e+06 | -1.22 %   | +42.73 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,32)        |  8.313e+06 | +2.62 %   | +46.47 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,64)        |  3.479e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,64)        |  4.763e+06 | +36.91 %  | +36.91 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,64)        |  4.677e+06 | -1.79 %   | +34.46 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,64)        |  4.655e+06 | -0.48 %   | +33.82 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,64)        |  4.716e+06 | +1.31 %   | +35.56 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,64)        |  4.766e+06 | +1.06 %   | +37.00 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,64)        |  4.795e+06 | +0.61 %   | +37.84 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,128)       |  1.879e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,128)       |  2.458e+06 | +30.81 %  | +30.81 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,128)       |  2.479e+06 | +0.88 %   | +31.97 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,128)       |  2.483e+06 | +0.16 %   | +32.18 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,128)       |  2.555e+06 | +2.90 %   | +36.01 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,128)       |  2.461e+06 | -3.70 %   | +30.97 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,128)       |  2.568e+06 | +4.35 %   | +36.67 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,256)       |  9.547e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,256)       |  1.310e+06 | +37.20 %  | +37.20 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,256)       |  1.302e+06 | -0.59 %   | +36.39 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,256)       |  1.351e+06 | +3.72 %   | +41.47 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,256)       |  1.325e+06 | -1.88 %   | +38.81 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,256)       |  1.338e+06 | +0.95 %   | +40.13 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,256)       |  1.370e+06 | +2.44 %   | +43.55 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,512)       |  4.999e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,512)       |  6.564e+05 | +31.31 %  | +31.31 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,512)       |  6.640e+05 | +1.16 %   | +32.83 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,512)       |  6.573e+05 | -1.01 %   | +31.49 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,512)       |  6.759e+05 | +2.83 %   | +35.22 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,512)       |  6.578e+05 | -2.68 %   | +31.59 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,512)       |  6.615e+05 | +0.57 %   | +32.34 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,1024)      |  2.567e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,1024)      |  3.342e+05 | +30.17 %  | +30.17 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,1024)      |  3.343e+05 | +0.04 %   | +30.23 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,1024)      |  3.435e+05 | +2.76 %   | +33.82 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,1024)      |  3.408e+05 | -0.81 %   | +32.73 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,1024)      |  3.441e+05 | +0.98 %   | +34.03 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,1024)      |  3.340e+05 | -2.95 %   | +30.08 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,2048)      |  1.256e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,2048)      |  1.648e+05 | +31.19 %  | +31.19 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,2048)      |  1.624e+05 | -1.46 %   | +29.27 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,2048)      |  1.648e+05 | +1.46 %   | +31.16 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,2048)      |  1.697e+05 | +2.98 %   | +35.06 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,2048)      |  1.634e+05 | -3.67 %   | +30.10 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,2048)      |  1.649e+05 | +0.89 %   | +31.27 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,4096)      |  6.430e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,4096)      |  8.903e+04 | +38.46 %  | +38.46 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,4096)      |  8.379e+04 | -5.88 %   | +30.32 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,4096)      |  8.536e+04 | +1.87 %   | +32.76 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,4096)      |  8.609e+04 | +0.85 %   | +33.88 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,4096)      |  8.540e+04 | -0.80 %   | +32.81 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,4096)      |  8.616e+04 | +0.89 %   | +34.00 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,8192)      |  3.122e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,8192)      |  4.227e+04 | +35.41 %  | +35.41 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,8192)      |  4.149e+04 | -1.85 %   | +32.90 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,8192)      |  4.221e+04 | +1.73 %   | +35.21 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,8192)      |  4.262e+04 | +0.97 %   | +36.51 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,8192)      |  4.188e+04 | -1.74 %   | +34.14 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,8192)      |  4.147e+04 | -0.96 %   | +32.85 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1,16384)     |  1.557e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1,16384)     |  2.122e+04 | +36.29 %  | +36.29 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1,16384)     |  2.104e+04 | -0.84 %   | +35.14 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1,16384)     |  2.081e+04 | -1.06 %   | +33.70 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1,16384)     |  2.065e+04 | -0.80 %   | +32.63 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1,16384)     |  2.120e+04 | +2.68 %   | +36.18 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1,16384)     |  2.099e+04 | -1.01 %   | +34.80 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,2)         |  1.450e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,2)         |  2.147e+07 | +48.08 %  | +48.08 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,2)         |  2.289e+07 | +6.63 %   | +57.90 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,2)         |  2.296e+07 | +0.29 %   | +58.36 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,2)         |  2.175e+07 | -5.28 %   | +50.00 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,2)         |  2.188e+07 | +0.63 %   | +50.94 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,2)         |  2.138e+07 | -2.33 %   | +47.43 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,3)         |  1.312e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,3)         |  2.127e+07 | +62.10 %  | +62.10 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,3)         |  2.068e+07 | -2.80 %   | +57.57 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,3)         |  2.135e+07 | +3.26 %   | +62.71 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,3)         |  2.207e+07 | +3.38 %   | +68.21 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,3)         |  2.106e+07 | -4.59 %   | +60.49 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,3)         |  2.143e+07 | +1.74 %   | +63.28 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,4)         |  1.387e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,4)         |  2.020e+07 | +45.66 %  | +45.66 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,4)         |  2.000e+07 | -0.96 %   | +44.26 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,4)         |  2.062e+07 | +3.08 %   | +48.70 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,4)         |  1.954e+07 | -5.21 %   | +40.95 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,4)         |  2.057e+07 | +5.25 %   | +48.35 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,4)         |  1.974e+07 | -4.03 %   | +42.37 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,8)         |  1.313e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,8)         |  1.774e+07 | +35.19 %  | +35.19 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,8)         |  1.841e+07 | +3.76 %   | +40.28 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,8)         |  1.854e+07 | +0.67 %   | +41.22 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,8)         |  1.854e+07 | +0.03 %   | +41.26 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,8)         |  1.805e+07 | -2.63 %   | +37.54 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,8)         |  1.792e+07 | -0.76 %   | +36.50 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,16)        |  9.013e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,16)        |  1.207e+07 | +33.91 %  | +33.91 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,16)        |  1.174e+07 | -2.77 %   | +30.20 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,16)        |  1.158e+07 | -1.32 %   | +28.49 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,16)        |  1.193e+07 | +3.04 %   | +32.39 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,16)        |  1.226e+07 | +2.75 %   | +36.03 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,16)        |  1.180e+07 | -3.78 %   | +30.89 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,32)        |  5.716e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,32)        |  7.794e+06 | +36.35 %  | +36.35 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,32)        |  7.784e+06 | -0.12 %   | +36.19 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,32)        |  7.852e+06 | +0.87 %   | +37.37 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,32)        |  7.635e+06 | -2.76 %   | +33.57 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,32)        |  7.882e+06 | +3.24 %   | +37.90 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,32)        |  8.050e+06 | +2.13 %   | +40.84 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,64)        |  3.419e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,64)        |  4.455e+06 | +30.30 %  | +30.30 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,64)        |  4.486e+06 | +0.70 %   | +31.21 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,64)        |  4.498e+06 | +0.27 %   | +31.56 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,64)        |  4.447e+06 | -1.14 %   | +30.06 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,64)        |  4.775e+06 | +7.37 %   | +39.65 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,64)        |  4.596e+06 | -3.75 %   | +34.42 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,128)       |  1.738e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,128)       |  2.363e+06 | +35.95 %  | +35.95 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,128)       |  2.367e+06 | +0.16 %   | +36.17 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,128)       |  2.339e+06 | -1.16 %   | +34.59 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,128)       |  2.340e+06 | +0.05 %   | +34.65 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,128)       |  2.386e+06 | +1.98 %   | +37.31 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,128)       |  2.353e+06 | -1.41 %   | +35.37 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,256)       |  9.229e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,256)       |  1.238e+06 | +34.15 %  | +34.15 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,256)       |  1.274e+06 | +2.92 %   | +38.07 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,256)       |  1.260e+06 | -1.12 %   | +36.52 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,256)       |  1.259e+06 | -0.04 %   | +36.46 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,256)       |  1.247e+06 | -0.98 %   | +35.13 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,256)       |  1.304e+06 | +4.54 %   | +41.26 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,512)       |  4.746e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,512)       |  6.212e+05 | +30.87 %  | +30.87 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,512)       |  6.380e+05 | +2.71 %   | +34.42 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,512)       |  6.546e+05 | +2.59 %   | +37.91 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,512)       |  6.306e+05 | -3.65 %   | +32.87 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,512)       |  6.612e+05 | +4.85 %   | +39.31 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,512)       |  6.464e+05 | -2.25 %   | +36.19 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,1024)      |  2.446e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,1024)      |  3.160e+05 | +29.22 %  | +29.22 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,1024)      |  3.278e+05 | +3.72 %   | +34.03 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,1024)      |  3.185e+05 | -2.85 %   | +30.21 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,1024)      |  3.190e+05 | +0.17 %   | +30.44 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,1024)      |  3.348e+05 | +4.94 %   | +36.88 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,1024)      |  3.260e+05 | -2.62 %   | +33.29 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,2048)      |  1.226e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,2048)      |  1.551e+05 | +26.55 %  | +26.55 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,2048)      |  1.608e+05 | +3.66 %   | +31.18 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,2048)      |  1.576e+05 | -1.97 %   | +28.60 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,2048)      |  1.552e+05 | -1.50 %   | +26.66 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,2048)      |  1.577e+05 | +1.59 %   | +28.67 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,2048)      |  1.630e+05 | +3.35 %   | +32.99 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,4096)      |  6.170e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,4096)      |  8.192e+04 | +32.77 %  | +32.77 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,4096)      |  8.433e+04 | +2.94 %   | +36.68 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,4096)      |  8.166e+04 | -3.17 %   | +32.34 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,4096)      |  8.083e+04 | -1.01 %   | +31.00 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,4096)      |  8.296e+04 | +2.64 %   | +34.46 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,4096)      |  8.333e+04 | +0.44 %   | +35.05 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,8192)      |  3.015e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,8192)      |  4.013e+04 | +33.09 %  | +33.09 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,8192)      |  4.006e+04 | -0.16 %   | +32.88 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,8192)      |  4.087e+04 | +2.01 %   | +35.54 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,8192)      |  4.010e+04 | -1.87 %   | +33.01 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,8192)      |  4.027e+04 | +0.42 %   | +33.56 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,8192)      |  4.090e+04 | +1.57 %   | +35.66 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2,16384)     |  1.533e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2,16384)     |  2.053e+04 | +33.89 %  | +33.89 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2,16384)     |  2.011e+04 | -2.04 %   | +31.16 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2,16384)     |  2.031e+04 | +1.00 %   | +32.48 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2,16384)     |  2.012e+04 | -0.96 %   | +31.20 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2,16384)     |  2.008e+04 | -0.20 %   | +30.94 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2,16384)     |  2.053e+04 | +2.26 %   | +33.90 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,3)         |  1.233e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,3)         |  2.077e+07 | +68.44 %  | +68.44 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,3)         |  2.123e+07 | +2.23 %   | +72.19 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,3)         |  2.061e+07 | -2.90 %   | +67.20 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,3)         |  2.073e+07 | +0.56 %   | +68.14 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,3)         |  2.040e+07 | -1.57 %   | +65.49 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,3)         |  1.912e+07 | -6.30 %   | +55.06 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,4)         |  1.261e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,4)         |  1.918e+07 | +52.08 %  | +52.08 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,4)         |  1.984e+07 | +3.46 %   | +57.34 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,4)         |  2.022e+07 | +1.91 %   | +60.35 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,4)         |  1.932e+07 | -4.48 %   | +53.16 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,4)         |  1.889e+07 | -2.21 %   | +49.78 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,4)         |  1.936e+07 | +2.47 %   | +53.47 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,8)         |  1.243e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,8)         |  1.813e+07 | +45.88 %  | +45.88 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,8)         |  1.755e+07 | -3.20 %   | +41.22 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,8)         |  1.798e+07 | +2.41 %   | +44.62 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,8)         |  1.737e+07 | -3.39 %   | +39.73 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,8)         |  1.716e+07 | -1.20 %   | +38.05 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,8)         |  1.755e+07 | +2.27 %   | +41.19 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,16)        |  7.347e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,16)        |  1.105e+07 | +50.46 %  | +50.46 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,16)        |  1.128e+07 | +2.03 %   | +53.52 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,16)        |  1.101e+07 | -2.36 %   | +49.90 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,16)        |  1.106e+07 | +0.40 %   | +50.50 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,16)        |  1.098e+07 | -0.73 %   | +49.41 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,16)        |  1.157e+07 | +5.41 %   | +57.50 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,32)        |  5.398e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,32)        |  7.399e+06 | +37.08 %  | +37.08 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,32)        |  7.170e+06 | -3.09 %   | +32.85 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,32)        |  7.263e+06 | +1.29 %   | +34.56 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,32)        |  7.283e+06 | +0.27 %   | +34.93 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,32)        |  7.515e+06 | +3.18 %   | +39.22 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,32)        |  7.556e+06 | +0.55 %   | +39.99 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,64)        |  3.279e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,64)        |  4.306e+06 | +31.30 %  | +31.30 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,64)        |  4.180e+06 | -2.94 %   | +27.45 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,64)        |  4.352e+06 | +4.13 %   | +32.72 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,64)        |  4.228e+06 | -2.86 %   | +28.92 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,64)        |  4.320e+06 | +2.18 %   | +31.73 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,64)        |  4.316e+06 | -0.10 %   | +31.60 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,128)       |  1.691e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,128)       |  2.244e+06 | +32.71 %  | +32.71 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,128)       |  2.246e+06 | +0.09 %   | +32.83 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,128)       |  2.239e+06 | -0.29 %   | +32.44 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,128)       |  2.264e+06 | +1.09 %   | +33.89 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,128)       |  2.367e+06 | +4.54 %   | +39.97 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,128)       |  2.359e+06 | -0.32 %   | +39.53 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,256)       |  8.856e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,256)       |  1.205e+06 | +36.04 %  | +36.04 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,256)       |  1.224e+06 | +1.57 %   | +38.17 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,256)       |  1.223e+06 | -0.07 %   | +38.06 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,256)       |  1.191e+06 | -2.60 %   | +34.48 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,256)       |  1.270e+06 | +6.61 %   | +43.37 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,256)       |  1.228e+06 | -3.26 %   | +38.69 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,512)       |  4.637e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,512)       |  6.174e+05 | +33.14 %  | +33.14 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,512)       |  6.080e+05 | -1.53 %   | +31.10 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,512)       |  6.229e+05 | +2.45 %   | +34.31 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,512)       |  6.214e+05 | -0.24 %   | +33.99 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,512)       |  6.296e+05 | +1.33 %   | +35.77 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,512)       |  6.415e+05 | +1.89 %   | +38.33 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,1024)      |  2.389e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,1024)      |  3.115e+05 | +30.41 %  | +30.41 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,1024)      |  3.144e+05 | +0.94 %   | +31.64 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,1024)      |  3.158e+05 | +0.44 %   | +32.22 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,1024)      |  3.241e+05 | +2.61 %   | +35.67 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,1024)      |  3.144e+05 | -2.98 %   | +31.62 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,1024)      |  3.162e+05 | +0.58 %   | +32.39 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,2048)      |  1.147e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,2048)      |  1.549e+05 | +35.02 %  | +35.02 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,2048)      |  1.568e+05 | +1.25 %   | +36.71 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,2048)      |  1.519e+05 | -3.13 %   | +32.42 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,2048)      |  1.526e+05 | +0.44 %   | +33.01 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,2048)      |  1.567e+05 | +2.72 %   | +36.62 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,2048)      |  1.563e+05 | -0.28 %   | +36.24 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,4096)      |  5.982e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,4096)      |  7.973e+04 | +33.29 %  | +33.29 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,4096)      |  8.063e+04 | +1.13 %   | +34.80 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,4096)      |  8.022e+04 | -0.51 %   | +34.11 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,4096)      |  8.249e+04 | +2.83 %   | +37.90 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,4096)      |  8.023e+04 | -2.74 %   | +34.12 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,4096)      |  8.141e+04 | +1.47 %   | +36.09 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,8192)      |  2.903e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,8192)      |  3.987e+04 | +37.33 %  | +37.33 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,8192)      |  4.028e+04 | +1.05 %   | +38.76 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,8192)      |  4.098e+04 | +1.72 %   | +41.16 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,8192)      |  3.920e+04 | -4.34 %   | +35.03 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,8192)      |  3.915e+04 | -0.11 %   | +34.88 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,8192)      |  3.894e+04 | -0.54 %   | +34.15 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (3,16384)     |  1.448e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (3,16384)     |  1.950e+04 | +34.71 %  | +34.71 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (3,16384)     |  1.967e+04 | +0.86 %   | +35.87 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (3,16384)     |  1.949e+04 | -0.95 %   | +34.59 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (3,16384)     |  1.950e+04 | +0.09 %   | +34.71 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (3,16384)     |  1.982e+04 | +1.63 %   | +36.90 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (3,16384)     |  1.973e+04 | -0.46 %   | +36.28 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,4)         |  1.172e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,4)         |  1.941e+07 | +65.61 %  | +65.61 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,4)         |  2.019e+07 | +4.02 %   | +72.27 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,4)         |  1.943e+07 | -3.74 %   | +65.83 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,4)         |  1.863e+07 | -4.15 %   | +58.95 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,4)         |  1.857e+07 | -0.31 %   | +58.46 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,4)         |  1.899e+07 | +2.23 %   | +61.99 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,8)         |  1.213e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,8)         |  1.721e+07 | +41.92 %  | +41.92 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,8)         |  1.709e+07 | -0.67 %   | +40.97 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,8)         |  1.738e+07 | +1.69 %   | +43.35 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,8)         |  1.675e+07 | -3.62 %   | +38.15 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,8)         |  1.659e+07 | -0.97 %   | +36.81 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,8)         |  1.672e+07 | +0.77 %   | +37.87 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,16)        |  7.979e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,16)        |  1.091e+07 | +36.69 %  | +36.69 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,16)        |  1.095e+07 | +0.39 %   | +37.23 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,16)        |  1.089e+07 | -0.54 %   | +36.49 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,16)        |  1.092e+07 | +0.25 %   | +36.83 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,16)        |  1.083e+07 | -0.83 %   | +35.70 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,16)        |  1.061e+07 | -2.00 %   | +32.99 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,32)        |  5.234e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,32)        |  6.820e+06 | +30.30 %  | +30.30 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,32)        |  6.995e+06 | +2.57 %   | +33.65 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,32)        |  7.239e+06 | +3.49 %   | +38.31 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,32)        |  6.980e+06 | -3.57 %   | +33.36 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,32)        |  7.181e+06 | +2.88 %   | +37.20 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,32)        |  6.865e+06 | -4.40 %   | +31.16 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,64)        |  3.222e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,64)        |  3.963e+06 | +22.99 %  | +22.99 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,64)        |  4.018e+06 | +1.39 %   | +24.71 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,64)        |  3.956e+06 | -1.54 %   | +22.78 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,64)        |  3.949e+06 | -0.18 %   | +22.56 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,64)        |  4.069e+06 | +3.05 %   | +26.29 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,64)        |  3.855e+06 | -5.26 %   | +19.65 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,128)       |  1.687e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,128)       |  2.081e+06 | +23.34 %  | +23.34 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,128)       |  2.090e+06 | +0.43 %   | +23.87 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,128)       |  2.132e+06 | +1.99 %   | +26.34 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,128)       |  2.129e+06 | -0.11 %   | +26.21 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,128)       |  2.082e+06 | -2.23 %   | +23.39 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,128)       |  2.098e+06 | +0.77 %   | +24.35 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,256)       |  8.638e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,256)       |  1.094e+06 | +26.67 %  | +26.67 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,256)       |  1.098e+06 | +0.35 %   | +27.11 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,256)       |  1.118e+06 | +1.82 %   | +29.42 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,256)       |  1.107e+06 | -0.94 %   | +28.20 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,256)       |  1.137e+06 | +2.70 %   | +31.66 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,256)       |  1.095e+06 | -3.72 %   | +26.76 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,512)       |  4.400e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,512)       |  5.711e+05 | +29.78 %  | +29.78 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,512)       |  5.725e+05 | +0.25 %   | +30.10 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,512)       |  5.726e+05 | +0.01 %   | +30.12 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,512)       |  5.733e+05 | +0.13 %   | +30.29 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,512)       |  5.655e+05 | -1.36 %   | +28.52 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,512)       |  5.621e+05 | -0.60 %   | +27.74 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,1024)      |  2.275e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,1024)      |  2.886e+05 | +26.83 %  | +26.83 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,1024)      |  2.895e+05 | +0.32 %   | +27.23 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,1024)      |  2.909e+05 | +0.50 %   | +27.87 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,1024)      |  2.892e+05 | -0.62 %   | +27.08 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,1024)      |  2.889e+05 | -0.08 %   | +26.97 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,1024)      |  2.851e+05 | -1.31 %   | +25.31 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,2048)      |  1.152e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,2048)      |  1.431e+05 | +24.25 %  | +24.25 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,2048)      |  1.395e+05 | -2.54 %   | +21.09 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,2048)      |  1.421e+05 | +1.93 %   | +23.42 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,2048)      |  1.448e+05 | +1.88 %   | +25.75 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,2048)      |  1.426e+05 | -1.56 %   | +23.78 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,2048)      |  1.405e+05 | -1.42 %   | +22.02 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,4096)      |  5.760e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,4096)      |  7.459e+04 | +29.51 %  | +29.51 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,4096)      |  7.448e+04 | -0.16 %   | +29.30 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,4096)      |  7.590e+04 | +1.91 %   | +31.77 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,4096)      |  7.505e+04 | -1.12 %   | +30.30 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,4096)      |  7.665e+04 | +2.14 %   | +33.08 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,4096)      |  7.050e+04 | -8.02 %   | +22.40 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,8192)      |  2.765e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,8192)      |  3.634e+04 | +31.44 %  | +31.44 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,8192)      |  3.666e+04 | +0.87 %   | +32.59 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,8192)      |  3.593e+04 | -2.00 %   | +29.94 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,8192)      |  3.572e+04 | -0.57 %   | +29.20 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,8192)      |  3.526e+04 | -1.30 %   | +27.51 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,8192)      |  3.502e+04 | -0.67 %   | +26.65 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4,16384)     |  1.405e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4,16384)     |  1.859e+04 | +32.35 %  | +32.35 %  | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4,16384)     |  1.806e+04 | -2.85 %   | +28.57 %  | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4,16384)     |  1.807e+04 | +0.05 %   | +28.63 %  | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4,16384)     |  1.792e+04 | -0.83 %   | +27.57 %  | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4,16384)     |  1.841e+04 | +2.74 %   | +31.07 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4,16384)     |  1.742e+04 | -5.39 %   | +24.01 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (5,5)         |  1.043e+07 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (5,5)         |  1.035e+07 | -0.82 %   | -0.82 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (5,5)         |  1.051e+07 | +1.60 %   | +0.77 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (5,5)         |  1.034e+07 | -1.60 %   | -0.84 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (5,5)         |  1.017e+07 | -1.64 %   | -2.46 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (5,5)         |  1.795e+07 | +76.45 %  | +72.10 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (5,5)         |  1.843e+07 | +2.67 %   | +76.69 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (6,6)         |  9.775e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (6,6)         |  9.497e+06 | -2.84 %   | -2.84 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (6,6)         |  9.515e+06 | +0.18 %   | -2.66 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (6,6)         |  9.484e+06 | -0.32 %   | -2.97 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (6,6)         |  9.739e+06 | +2.68 %   | -0.37 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (6,6)         |  1.661e+07 | +70.60 %  | +69.98 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (6,6)         |  1.661e+07 | -0.01 %   | +69.95 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (7,7)         |  7.308e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (7,7)         |  7.449e+06 | +1.93 %   | +1.93 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (7,7)         |  7.465e+06 | +0.21 %   | +2.14 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (7,7)         |  7.482e+06 | +0.23 %   | +2.38 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (7,7)         |  7.295e+06 | -2.49 %   | -0.18 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (7,7)         |  7.395e+06 | +1.36 %   | +1.18 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (7,7)         |  1.017e+07 | +37.49 %  | +39.12 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,8)         |  7.916e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,8)         |  8.206e+06 | +3.67 %   | +3.67 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,8)         |  8.135e+06 | -0.87 %   | +2.77 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,8)         |  7.981e+06 | -1.90 %   | +0.82 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,8)         |  8.065e+06 | +1.06 %   | +1.88 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,8)         |  8.048e+06 | -0.21 %   | +1.68 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,8)         |  9.559e+06 | +18.77 %  | +20.76 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,16)        |  6.325e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,16)        |  6.449e+06 | +1.95 %   | +1.95 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,16)        |  6.367e+06 | -1.27 %   | +0.66 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,16)        |  6.396e+06 | +0.46 %   | +1.12 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,16)        |  6.409e+06 | +0.19 %   | +1.32 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,16)        |  6.500e+06 | +1.42 %   | +2.76 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,16)        |  8.506e+06 | +30.86 %  | +34.47 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,32)        |  4.313e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,32)        |  4.489e+06 | +4.09 %   | +4.09 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,32)        |  4.369e+06 | -2.68 %   | +1.30 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,32)        |  4.350e+06 | -0.42 %   | +0.87 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,32)        |  4.246e+06 | -2.40 %   | -1.55 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,32)        |  4.323e+06 | +1.81 %   | +0.23 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,32)        |  6.039e+06 | +39.70 %  | +40.02 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,64)        |  2.722e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,64)        |  2.701e+06 | -0.77 %   | -0.77 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,64)        |  2.696e+06 | -0.21 %   | -0.97 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,64)        |  2.624e+06 | -2.67 %   | -3.61 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,64)        |  2.648e+06 | +0.93 %   | -2.72 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,64)        |  2.661e+06 | +0.50 %   | -2.23 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,64)        |  3.850e+06 | +44.64 %  | +41.42 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,128)       |  1.408e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,128)       |  1.395e+06 | -0.97 %   | -0.97 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,128)       |  1.459e+06 | +4.61 %   | +3.59 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,128)       |  1.494e+06 | +2.42 %   | +6.10 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,128)       |  1.423e+06 | -4.76 %   | +1.05 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,128)       |  1.381e+06 | -2.97 %   | -1.95 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,128)       |  2.222e+06 | +60.92 %  | +57.78 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,256)       |  7.400e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,256)       |  7.553e+05 | +2.06 %   | +2.06 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,256)       |  7.425e+05 | -1.69 %   | +0.34 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,256)       |  7.503e+05 | +1.05 %   | +1.39 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,256)       |  7.493e+05 | -0.13 %   | +1.26 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,256)       |  7.172e+05 | -4.29 %   | -3.08 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,256)       |  1.145e+06 | +59.66 %  | +54.74 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,512)       |  3.836e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,512)       |  3.803e+05 | -0.87 %   | -0.87 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,512)       |  3.805e+05 | +0.04 %   | -0.83 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,512)       |  3.765e+05 | -1.03 %   | -1.85 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,512)       |  3.936e+05 | +4.53 %   | +2.59 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,512)       |  3.657e+05 | -7.09 %   | -4.69 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,512)       |  6.337e+05 | +73.30 %  | +65.18 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,1024)      |  2.028e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,1024)      |  2.089e+05 | +3.06 %   | +3.06 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,1024)      |  2.070e+05 | -0.95 %   | +2.08 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,1024)      |  2.010e+05 | -2.90 %   | -0.88 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,1024)      |  2.011e+05 | +0.09 %   | -0.79 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,1024)      |  2.087e+05 | +3.77 %   | +2.95 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,1024)      |  3.206e+05 | +53.60 %  | +58.13 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,2048)      |  9.974e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,2048)      |  9.833e+04 | -1.40 %   | -1.40 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,2048)      |  1.000e+05 | +1.72 %   | +0.29 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,2048)      |  1.006e+05 | +0.57 %   | +0.87 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,2048)      |  9.783e+04 | -2.76 %   | -1.91 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,2048)      |  1.022e+05 | +4.43 %   | +2.43 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,2048)      |  1.575e+05 | +54.22 %  | +57.97 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,4096)      |  5.160e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,4096)      |  5.257e+04 | +1.89 %   | +1.89 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,4096)      |  5.111e+04 | -2.78 %   | -0.94 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,4096)      |  5.306e+04 | +3.82 %   | +2.85 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,4096)      |  5.112e+04 | -3.67 %   | -0.93 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,4096)      |  5.116e+04 | +0.08 %   | -0.85 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,4096)      |  8.478e+04 | +65.72 %  | +64.32 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,8192)      |  2.424e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,8192)      |  2.380e+04 | -1.80 %   | -1.80 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,8192)      |  2.470e+04 | +3.75 %   | +1.88 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,8192)      |  2.407e+04 | -2.55 %   | -0.72 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,8192)      |  2.426e+04 | +0.80 %   | +0.08 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,8192)      |  2.402e+04 | -0.97 %   | -0.89 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,8192)      |  3.904e+04 | +62.50 %  | +61.06 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8,16384)     |  1.232e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8,16384)     |  1.209e+04 | -1.81 %   | -1.81 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8,16384)     |  1.207e+04 | -0.20 %   | -2.01 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8,16384)     |  1.188e+04 | -1.60 %   | -3.58 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8,16384)     |  1.210e+04 | +1.89 %   | -1.76 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8,16384)     |  1.219e+04 | +0.78 %   | -0.99 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8,16384)     |  1.986e+04 | +62.86 %  | +61.24 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,16)       |  4.209e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,16)       |  4.381e+06 | +4.08 %   | +4.08 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,16)       |  4.240e+06 | -3.20 %   | +0.75 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,16)       |  4.261e+06 | +0.50 %   | +1.25 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,16)       |  4.344e+06 | +1.94 %   | +3.22 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,16)       |  4.390e+06 | +1.06 %   | +4.32 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,16)       |  6.024e+06 | +37.21 %  | +43.13 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,32)       |  3.234e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,32)       |  3.386e+06 | +4.68 %   | +4.68 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,32)       |  3.328e+06 | -1.72 %   | +2.89 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,32)       |  3.351e+06 | +0.70 %   | +3.61 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,32)       |  3.288e+06 | -1.89 %   | +1.65 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,32)       |  3.239e+06 | -1.49 %   | +0.14 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,32)       |  4.868e+06 | +50.31 %  | +50.51 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,64)       |  2.044e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,64)       |  2.044e+06 | 0.00 %    | 0.00 %    | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,64)       |  2.044e+06 | +0.01 %   | 0.00 %    | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,64)       |  2.009e+06 | -1.69 %   | -1.68 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,64)       |  2.085e+06 | +3.75 %   | +2.00 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,64)       |  1.808e+06 | -13.27 %  | -11.53 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,64)       |  3.306e+06 | +82.88 %  | +61.79 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,128)      |  1.130e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,128)      |  1.133e+06 | +0.22 %   | +0.22 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,128)      |  1.140e+06 | +0.61 %   | +0.83 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,128)      |  1.144e+06 | +0.37 %   | +1.21 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,128)      |  1.153e+06 | +0.80 %   | +2.02 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,128)      |  1.019e+06 | -11.58 %  | -9.79 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,128)      |  1.905e+06 | +86.82 %  | +68.53 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,256)      |  5.782e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,256)      |  5.903e+05 | +2.10 %   | +2.10 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,256)      |  6.019e+05 | +1.96 %   | +4.10 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,256)      |  5.733e+05 | -4.74 %   | -0.84 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,256)      |  6.001e+05 | +4.67 %   | +3.79 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,256)      |  5.447e+05 | -9.22 %   | -5.78 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,256)      |  9.676e+05 | +77.62 %  | +67.35 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,512)      |  3.038e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,512)      |  3.031e+05 | -0.22 %   | -0.22 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,512)      |  3.123e+05 | +3.01 %   | +2.78 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,512)      |  3.032e+05 | -2.91 %   | -0.21 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,512)      |  2.998e+05 | -1.13 %   | -1.34 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,512)      |  2.933e+05 | -2.16 %   | -3.46 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,512)      |  5.296e+05 | +80.58 %  | +74.33 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,1024)     |  1.662e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,1024)     |  1.632e+05 | -1.83 %   | -1.83 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,1024)     |  1.665e+05 | +2.01 %   | +0.14 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,1024)     |  1.696e+05 | +1.90 %   | +2.04 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,1024)     |  1.650e+05 | -2.73 %   | -0.74 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,1024)     |  1.660e+05 | +0.62 %   | -0.13 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,1024)     |  2.755e+05 | +65.92 %  | +65.71 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,2048)     |  8.053e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,2048)     |  8.282e+04 | +2.84 %   | +2.84 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,2048)     |  8.382e+04 | +1.21 %   | +4.08 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,2048)     |  8.044e+04 | -4.03 %   | -0.12 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,2048)     |  8.025e+04 | -0.24 %   | -0.36 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,2048)     |  8.147e+04 | +1.53 %   | +1.17 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,2048)     |  1.357e+05 | +66.59 %  | +68.54 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,4096)     |  4.231e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,4096)     |  4.152e+04 | -1.87 %   | -1.87 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,4096)     |  4.190e+04 | +0.94 %   | -0.95 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,4096)     |  4.115e+04 | -1.80 %   | -2.74 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,4096)     |  4.117e+04 | +0.05 %   | -2.69 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,4096)     |  4.268e+04 | +3.67 %   | +0.88 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,4096)     |  7.145e+04 | +67.41 %  | +68.88 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,8192)     |  1.917e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,8192)     |  1.923e+04 | +0.33 %   | +0.33 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,8192)     |  1.923e+04 | -0.01 %   | +0.32 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,8192)     |  1.905e+04 | -0.95 %   | -0.63 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,8192)     |  1.942e+04 | +1.95 %   | +1.30 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,8192)     |  1.976e+04 | +1.76 %   | +3.09 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,8192)     |  3.238e+04 | +63.88 %  | +68.95 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16,16384)    |  9.644e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16,16384)    |  9.647e+03 | +0.02 %   | +0.02 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16,16384)    |  9.473e+03 | -1.80 %   | -1.78 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16,16384)    |  1.002e+04 | +5.73 %   | +3.85 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16,16384)    |  9.389e+03 | -6.26 %   | -2.65 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16,16384)    |  9.645e+03 | +2.73 %   | +0.01 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16,16384)    |  1.622e+04 | +68.14 %  | +68.15 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,32)       |  2.013e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,32)       |  2.046e+06 | +1.65 %   | +1.65 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,32)       |  2.026e+06 | -0.96 %   | +0.67 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,32)       |  2.051e+06 | +1.19 %   | +1.87 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,32)       |  2.060e+06 | +0.44 %   | +2.32 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,32)       |  1.786e+06 | -13.27 %  | -11.26 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,32)       |  3.408e+06 | +90.80 %  | +69.32 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,64)       |  1.406e+06 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,64)       |  1.354e+06 | -3.69 %   | -3.69 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,64)       |  1.395e+06 | +2.99 %   | -0.81 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,64)       |  1.370e+06 | -1.77 %   | -2.56 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,64)       |  1.343e+06 | -1.97 %   | -4.48 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,64)       |  1.119e+06 | -16.72 %  | -20.45 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,64)       |  2.356e+06 | +110.63 % | +67.56 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,128)      |  7.979e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,128)      |  8.295e+05 | +3.96 %   | +3.96 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,128)      |  8.132e+05 | -1.96 %   | +1.92 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,128)      |  8.153e+05 | +0.25 %   | +2.18 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,128)      |  8.377e+05 | +2.75 %   | +4.98 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,128)      |  7.242e+05 | -13.55 %  | -9.24 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,128)      |  1.393e+06 | +92.39 %  | +74.61 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,256)      |  4.770e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,256)      |  4.680e+05 | -1.89 %   | -1.89 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,256)      |  4.595e+05 | -1.82 %   | -3.67 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,256)      |  4.645e+05 | +1.09 %   | -2.63 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,256)      |  4.557e+05 | -1.88 %   | -4.46 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,256)      |  4.161e+05 | -8.69 %   | -12.76 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,256)      |  7.811e+05 | +87.71 %  | +63.75 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,512)      |  2.304e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,512)      |  2.260e+05 | -1.94 %   | -1.94 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,512)      |  2.321e+05 | +2.73 %   | +0.73 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,512)      |  2.262e+05 | -2.55 %   | -1.84 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,512)      |  2.202e+05 | -2.64 %   | -4.43 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,512)      |  2.125e+05 | -3.50 %   | -7.77 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,512)      |  4.050e+05 | +90.56 %  | +75.75 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,1024)     |  1.178e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,1024)     |  1.221e+05 | +3.65 %   | +3.65 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,1024)     |  1.167e+05 | -4.40 %   | -0.92 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,1024)     |  1.211e+05 | +3.74 %   | +2.79 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,1024)     |  1.196e+05 | -1.20 %   | +1.56 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,1024)     |  1.188e+05 | -0.68 %   | +0.87 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,1024)     |  2.097e+05 | +76.48 %  | +78.02 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,2048)     |  6.023e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,2048)     |  5.920e+04 | -1.72 %   | -1.72 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,2048)     |  5.869e+04 | -0.85 %   | -2.56 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,2048)     |  5.969e+04 | +1.69 %   | -0.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,2048)     |  5.970e+04 | +0.02 %   | -0.89 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,2048)     |  5.813e+04 | -2.63 %   | -3.49 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,2048)     |  1.057e+05 | +81.75 %  | +75.41 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,4096)     |  3.015e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,4096)     |  3.042e+04 | +0.92 %   | +0.92 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,4096)     |  3.015e+04 | -0.91 %   | 0.00 %    | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,4096)     |  3.042e+04 | +0.91 %   | +0.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,4096)     |  3.101e+04 | +1.93 %   | +2.85 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,4096)     |  3.015e+04 | -2.77 %   | 0.00 %    | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,4096)     |  5.671e+04 | +88.11 %  | +88.12 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,8192)     |  1.397e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,8192)     |  1.358e+04 | -2.79 %   | -2.79 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,8192)     |  1.346e+04 | -0.91 %   | -3.68 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,8192)     |  1.371e+04 | +1.87 %   | -1.88 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,8192)     |  1.360e+04 | -0.78 %   | -2.65 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,8192)     |  1.371e+04 | +0.78 %   | -1.89 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,8192)     |  2.439e+04 | +77.94 %  | +74.58 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,16384)    |  6.677e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (32,16384)    |  6.734e+03 | +0.85 %   | +0.85 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (32,16384)    |  6.798e+03 | +0.94 %   | +1.80 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (32,16384)    |  6.858e+03 | +0.89 %   | +2.70 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (32,16384)    |  6.617e+03 | -3.51 %   | -0.90 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (32,16384)    |  6.991e+03 | +5.65 %   | +4.70 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,16384)    |  1.212e+04 | +73.37 %  | +81.51 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,64)       |  7.302e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,64)       |  6.785e+05 | -7.08 %   | -7.08 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,64)       |  7.102e+05 | +4.67 %   | -2.74 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,64)       |  7.107e+05 | +0.07 %   | -2.67 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,64)       |  7.102e+05 | -0.07 %   | -2.74 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,64)       |  5.515e+05 | -22.34 %  | -24.47 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,64)       |  1.432e+06 | +159.69 % | +96.14 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,128)      |  3.659e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,128)      |  3.689e+05 | +0.82 %   | +0.82 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,128)      |  3.663e+05 | -0.71 %   | +0.10 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,128)      |  3.767e+05 | +2.86 %   | +2.96 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,128)      |  3.762e+05 | -0.15 %   | +2.81 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,128)      |  3.204e+05 | -14.83 %  | -12.44 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,128)      |  9.630e+05 | +200.58 % | +163.19 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,256)      |  2.509e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,256)      |  2.396e+05 | -4.52 %   | -4.52 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,256)      |  2.440e+05 | +1.84 %   | -2.77 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,256)      |  2.372e+05 | -2.77 %   | -5.47 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,256)      |  2.394e+05 | +0.91 %   | -4.60 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,256)      |  2.194e+05 | -8.36 %   | -12.57 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,256)      |  5.368e+05 | +144.70 % | +113.94 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,512)      |  1.193e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,512)      |  1.203e+05 | +0.80 %   | +0.80 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,512)      |  1.213e+05 | +0.82 %   | +1.63 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,512)      |  1.201e+05 | -0.93 %   | +0.68 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,512)      |  1.196e+05 | -0.43 %   | +0.25 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,512)      |  1.121e+05 | -6.32 %   | -6.09 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,512)      |  2.865e+05 | +155.62 % | +140.06 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,1024)     |  5.983e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,1024)     |  6.092e+04 | +1.81 %   | +1.81 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,1024)     |  6.036e+04 | -0.91 %   | +0.88 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,1024)     |  6.092e+04 | +0.93 %   | +1.82 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,1024)     |  6.095e+04 | +0.05 %   | +1.87 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,1024)     |  6.044e+04 | -0.84 %   | +1.02 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,1024)     |  1.462e+05 | +141.83 % | +144.29 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,2048)     |  3.104e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,2048)     |  3.160e+04 | +1.80 %   | +1.80 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,2048)     |  3.160e+04 | -0.01 %   | +1.79 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,2048)     |  3.133e+04 | -0.87 %   | +0.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,2048)     |  3.103e+04 | -0.96 %   | -0.06 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,2048)     |  3.131e+04 | +0.91 %   | +0.85 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,2048)     |  7.198e+04 | +129.92 % | +131.88 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,4096)     |  1.603e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,4096)     |  1.618e+04 | +0.93 %   | +0.93 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,4096)     |  1.589e+04 | -1.76 %   | -0.85 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,4096)     |  1.589e+04 | -0.04 %   | -0.89 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,4096)     |  1.589e+04 | +0.01 %   | -0.87 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,4096)     |  1.560e+04 | -1.85 %   | -2.70 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,4096)     |  3.748e+04 | +140.29 % | +133.80 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,8192)     |  7.092e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,8192)     |  7.085e+03 | -0.11 %   | -0.11 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,8192)     |  7.026e+03 | -0.83 %   | -0.93 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,8192)     |  7.170e+03 | +2.04 %   | +1.09 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,8192)     |  7.092e+03 | -1.09 %   | -0.01 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,8192)     |  7.081e+03 | -0.15 %   | -0.15 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,8192)     |  1.591e+04 | +124.70 % | +124.36 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,16384)    |  3.516e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (64,16384)    |  3.548e+03 | +0.91 %   | +0.91 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (64,16384)    |  3.546e+03 | -0.05 %   | +0.85 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (64,16384)    |  3.581e+03 | +0.98 %   | +1.84 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (64,16384)    |  3.553e+03 | -0.79 %   | +1.04 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (64,16384)    |  3.579e+03 | +0.75 %   | +1.80 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,16384)    |  7.986e+03 | +123.12 % | +127.13 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,128)     |  2.065e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,128)     |  2.086e+05 | +1.01 %   | +1.01 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,128)     |  2.106e+05 | +0.96 %   | +1.99 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,128)     |  2.126e+05 | +0.97 %   | +2.97 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,128)     |  2.084e+05 | -1.99 %   | +0.92 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,128)     |  1.750e+05 | -16.01 %  | -15.24 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,128)     |  5.567e+05 | +218.07 % | +169.60 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,256)     |  1.225e+05 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,256)     |  1.247e+05 | +1.86 %   | +1.86 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,256)     |  1.281e+05 | +2.73 %   | +4.64 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,256)     |  1.297e+05 | +1.23 %   | +5.93 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,256)     |  1.247e+05 | -3.84 %   | +1.86 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,256)     |  1.142e+05 | -8.41 %   | -6.71 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,256)     |  3.410e+05 | +198.51 % | +178.48 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,512)     |  6.696e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,512)     |  6.699e+04 | +0.05 %   | +0.05 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,512)     |  6.749e+04 | +0.74 %   | +0.79 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,512)     |  6.821e+04 | +1.07 %   | +1.86 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,512)     |  6.348e+04 | -6.94 %   | -5.20 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,512)     |  6.313e+04 | -0.54 %   | -5.72 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,512)     |  1.842e+05 | +191.83 % | +175.14 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,1024)    |  3.443e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,1024)    |  3.365e+04 | -2.27 %   | -2.27 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,1024)    |  3.350e+04 | -0.45 %   | -2.71 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,1024)    |  3.380e+04 | +0.91 %   | -1.83 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,1024)    |  3.354e+04 | -0.79 %   | -2.60 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,1024)    |  3.380e+04 | +0.79 %   | -1.83 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,1024)    |  8.632e+04 | +155.39 % | +150.71 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,2048)    |  1.755e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,2048)    |  1.741e+04 | -0.83 %   | -0.83 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,2048)    |  1.709e+04 | -1.80 %   | -2.61 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,2048)    |  1.738e+04 | +1.68 %   | -0.97 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,2048)    |  1.758e+04 | +1.14 %   | +0.16 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,2048)    |  1.742e+04 | -0.90 %   | -0.74 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,2048)    |  4.631e+04 | +165.82 % | +163.84 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,4096)    |  8.514e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,4096)    |  8.674e+03 | +1.88 %   | +1.88 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,4096)    |  8.581e+03 | -1.07 %   | +0.78 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,4096)    |  8.433e+03 | -1.72 %   | -0.95 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,4096)    |  8.273e+03 | -1.90 %   | -2.83 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,4096)    |  8.338e+03 | +0.79 %   | -2.06 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,4096)    |  2.386e+04 | +186.19 % | +180.30 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,8192)    |  3.891e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,8192)    |  4.037e+03 | +3.76 %   | +3.76 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,8192)    |  3.880e+03 | -3.90 %   | -0.29 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,8192)    |  3.920e+03 | +1.05 %   | +0.76 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,8192)    |  3.856e+03 | -1.65 %   | -0.91 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,8192)    |  3.916e+03 | +1.58 %   | +0.66 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,8192)    |  9.759e+03 | +149.19 % | +150.83 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,16384)   |  1.895e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (128,16384)   |  1.931e+03 | +1.90 %   | +1.90 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (128,16384)   |  1.895e+03 | -1.88 %   | -0.01 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (128,16384)   |  1.911e+03 | +0.88 %   | +0.87 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (128,16384)   |  1.929e+03 | +0.95 %   | +1.83 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (128,16384)   |  1.912e+03 | -0.92 %   | +0.89 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,16384)   |  4.829e+03 | +152.60 % | +154.85 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,256)     |  5.990e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,256)     |  5.853e+04 | -2.29 %   | -2.29 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,256)     |  5.875e+04 | +0.37 %   | -1.93 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,256)     |  5.876e+04 | +0.02 %   | -1.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,256)     |  5.697e+04 | -3.05 %   | -4.90 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,256)     |  5.288e+04 | -7.17 %   | -11.72 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,256)     |  1.712e+05 | +223.70 % | +185.77 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,512)     |  3.232e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,512)     |  3.357e+04 | +3.88 %   | +3.88 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,512)     |  3.234e+04 | -3.66 %   | +0.08 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,512)     |  3.296e+04 | +1.92 %   | +2.00 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,512)     |  3.094e+04 | -6.12 %   | -4.25 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,512)     |  3.064e+04 | -0.99 %   | -5.20 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,512)     |  1.019e+05 | +232.50 % | +215.22 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,1024)    |  1.711e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,1024)    |  1.742e+04 | +1.82 %   | +1.82 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,1024)    |  1.742e+04 | -0.01 %   | +1.81 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,1024)    |  1.693e+04 | -2.78 %   | -1.02 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,1024)    |  1.742e+04 | +2.91 %   | +1.85 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,1024)    |  1.710e+04 | -1.84 %   | -0.02 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,1024)    |  4.881e+04 | +185.38 % | +185.31 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,2048)    |  9.051e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,2048)    |  8.710e+03 | -3.77 %   | -3.77 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,2048)    |  8.652e+03 | -0.67 %   | -4.41 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,2048)    |  8.796e+03 | +1.66 %   | -2.82 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,2048)    |  8.622e+03 | -1.98 %   | -4.75 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,2048)    |  8.616e+03 | -0.07 %   | -4.81 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,2048)    |  2.530e+04 | +193.63 % | +179.51 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,4096)    |  4.409e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,4096)    |  4.455e+03 | +1.05 %   | +1.05 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,4096)    |  4.379e+03 | -1.71 %   | -0.67 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,4096)    |  4.348e+03 | -0.72 %   | -1.39 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,4096)    |  4.454e+03 | +2.45 %   | +1.03 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,4096)    |  4.373e+03 | -1.83 %   | -0.82 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,4096)    |  1.345e+04 | +207.51 % | +204.98 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,8192)    |  1.986e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,8192)    |  1.934e+03 | -2.58 %   | -2.58 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,8192)    |  1.986e+03 | +2.68 %   | +0.02 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,8192)    |  1.959e+03 | -1.37 %   | -1.35 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,8192)    |  2.004e+03 | +2.32 %   | +0.94 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,8192)    |  1.966e+03 | -1.90 %   | -0.98 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,8192)    |  5.460e+03 | +177.66 % | +174.94 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (256,16384)   |  1.003e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (256,16384)   |  9.851e+02 | -1.79 %   | -1.79 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (256,16384)   |  9.836e+02 | -0.14 %   | -1.94 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (256,16384)   |  9.753e+02 | -0.85 %   | -2.77 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (256,16384)   |  1.037e+03 | +6.35 %   | +3.40 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (256,16384)   |  9.946e+02 | -4.11 %   | -0.85 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (256,16384)   |  2.661e+03 | +167.57 % | +165.30 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,512)     |  1.685e+04 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,512)     |  1.653e+04 | -1.86 %   | -1.86 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,512)     |  1.668e+04 | +0.90 %   | -0.97 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,512)     |  1.684e+04 | +0.93 %   | -0.06 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,512)     |  1.600e+04 | -4.96 %   | -5.01 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,512)     |  1.555e+04 | -2.80 %   | -7.67 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,512)     |  5.216e+04 | +235.33 % | +209.61 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,1024)    |  8.525e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,1024)    |  8.730e+03 | +2.41 %   | +2.41 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,1024)    |  8.568e+03 | -1.87 %   | +0.50 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,1024)    |  8.566e+03 | -0.02 %   | +0.48 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,1024)    |  8.566e+03 | -0.01 %   | +0.47 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,1024)    |  8.697e+03 | +1.53 %   | +2.01 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,1024)    |  2.679e+04 | +208.07 % | +214.26 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,2048)    |  4.402e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,2048)    |  4.362e+03 | -0.91 %   | -0.91 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,2048)    |  4.401e+03 | +0.91 %   | -0.01 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,2048)    |  4.398e+03 | -0.07 %   | -0.08 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,2048)    |  4.359e+03 | -0.90 %   | -0.98 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,2048)    |  4.362e+03 | +0.08 %   | -0.90 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,2048)    |  1.383e+04 | +216.94 % | +214.08 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,4096)    |  2.316e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,4096)    |  2.232e+03 | -3.61 %   | -3.61 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,4096)    |  2.215e+03 | -0.77 %   | -4.35 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,4096)    |  2.188e+03 | -1.21 %   | -5.50 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,4096)    |  2.230e+03 | +1.89 %   | -3.72 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,4096)    |  2.252e+03 | +0.98 %   | -2.77 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,4096)    |  7.158e+03 | +217.91 % | +209.10 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,8192)    |  9.847e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,8192)    |  1.015e+03 | +3.04 %   | +3.04 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,8192)    |  1.008e+03 | -0.62 %   | +2.40 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,8192)    |  1.022e+03 | +1.33 %   | +3.77 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,8192)    |  1.011e+03 | -1.09 %   | +2.64 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,8192)    |  9.940e+02 | -1.65 %   | +0.94 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,8192)    |  2.849e+03 | +186.61 % | +189.31 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (512,16384)   |  5.133e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (512,16384)   |  5.032e+02 | -1.97 %   | -1.97 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (512,16384)   |  4.949e+02 | -1.64 %   | -3.58 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (512,16384)   |  5.035e+02 | +1.73 %   | -1.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (512,16384)   |  5.130e+02 | +1.90 %   | -0.05 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (512,16384)   |  4.992e+02 | -2.69 %   | -2.74 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (512,16384)   |  1.464e+03 | +193.16 % | +185.13 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1024,1024)   |  4.277e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1024,1024)   |  4.232e+03 | -1.04 %   | -1.04 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1024,1024)   |  4.194e+03 | -0.90 %   | -1.93 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1024,1024)   |  4.195e+03 | +0.03 %   | -1.91 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1024,1024)   |  4.341e+03 | +3.48 %   | +1.51 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1024,1024)   |  4.155e+03 | -4.28 %   | -2.84 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1024,1024)   |  1.360e+04 | +227.21 % | +217.91 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1024,2048)   |  2.189e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1024,2048)   |  2.168e+03 | -0.93 %   | -0.93 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1024,2048)   |  2.169e+03 | +0.04 %   | -0.89 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1024,2048)   |  2.272e+03 | +4.73 %   | +3.80 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1024,2048)   |  2.189e+03 | -3.66 %   | 0.00 %    | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1024,2048)   |  2.185e+03 | -0.18 %   | -0.18 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1024,2048)   |  7.159e+03 | +227.65 % | +227.07 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1024,4096)   |  1.125e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1024,4096)   |  1.125e+03 | +0.01 %   | +0.01 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1024,4096)   |  1.115e+03 | -0.91 %   | -0.89 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1024,4096)   |  1.125e+03 | +0.91 %   | +0.01 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1024,4096)   |  1.157e+03 | +2.81 %   | +2.83 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1024,4096)   |  1.136e+03 | -1.81 %   | +0.97 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1024,4096)   |  3.707e+03 | +226.42 % | +229.59 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1024,8192)   |  5.046e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1024,8192)   |  5.134e+02 | +1.73 %   | +1.73 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1024,8192)   |  5.141e+02 | +0.14 %   | +1.88 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1024,8192)   |  5.135e+02 | -0.11 %   | +1.76 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1024,8192)   |  5.045e+02 | -1.76 %   | -0.03 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1024,8192)   |  5.041e+02 | -0.09 %   | -0.12 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1024,8192)   |  1.464e+03 | +190.46 % | +190.12 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (1024,16384)  |  2.511e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (1024,16384)  |  2.532e+02 | +0.83 %   | +0.83 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (1024,16384)  |  2.511e+02 | -0.82 %   | 0.00 %    | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (1024,16384)  |  2.488e+02 | -0.92 %   | -0.92 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (1024,16384)  |  2.490e+02 | +0.05 %   | -0.87 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (1024,16384)  |  2.487e+02 | -0.10 %   | -0.96 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (1024,16384)  |  7.248e+02 | +191.41 % | +188.60 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2048,2048)   |  1.093e+03 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2048,2048)   |  1.114e+03 | +1.90 %   | +1.90 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2048,2048)   |  1.064e+03 | -4.54 %   | -2.72 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2048,2048)   |  1.073e+03 | +0.91 %   | -1.84 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2048,2048)   |  1.083e+03 | +0.87 %   | -0.99 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2048,2048)   |  1.077e+03 | -0.52 %   | -1.51 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2048,2048)   |  3.743e+03 | +247.54 % | +242.31 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2048,4096)   |  5.569e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2048,4096)   |  5.471e+02 | -1.77 %   | -1.77 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2048,4096)   |  5.575e+02 | +1.91 %   | +0.11 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2048,4096)   |  5.473e+02 | -1.82 %   | -1.72 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2048,4096)   |  5.628e+02 | +2.82 %   | +1.05 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2048,4096)   |  5.520e+02 | -1.90 %   | -0.87 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2048,4096)   |  1.889e+03 | +242.23 % | +239.23 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2048,8192)   |  2.523e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2048,8192)   |  2.521e+02 | -0.04 %   | -0.04 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2048,8192)   |  2.545e+02 | +0.94 %   | +0.90 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2048,8192)   |  2.569e+02 | +0.92 %   | +1.83 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2048,8192)   |  2.477e+02 | -3.59 %   | -1.82 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2048,8192)   |  2.521e+02 | +1.79 %   | -0.06 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2048,8192)   |  7.424e+02 | +194.50 % | +194.31 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (2048,16384)  |  1.251e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (2048,16384)  |  1.274e+02 | +1.83 %   | +1.83 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (2048,16384)  |  1.312e+02 | +3.03 %   | +4.92 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (2048,16384)  |  1.298e+02 | -1.09 %   | +3.77 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (2048,16384)  |  1.263e+02 | -2.71 %   | +0.96 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (2048,16384)  |  1.262e+02 | -0.09 %   | +0.87 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (2048,16384)  |  3.753e+02 | +197.41 % | +199.99 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4096,4096)   |  2.645e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4096,4096)   |  2.645e+02 | -0.01 %   | -0.01 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4096,4096)   |  2.669e+02 | +0.89 %   | +0.88 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4096,4096)   |  2.646e+02 | -0.84 %   | +0.03 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4096,4096)   |  2.705e+02 | +2.21 %   | +2.24 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4096,4096)   |  2.743e+02 | +1.41 %   | +3.68 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4096,4096)   |  9.454e+02 | +244.67 % | +257.36 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4096,8192)   |  1.258e+02 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4096,8192)   |  1.234e+02 | -1.89 %   | -1.89 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4096,8192)   |  1.244e+02 | +0.77 %   | -1.14 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4096,8192)   |  1.257e+02 | +1.09 %   | -0.06 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4096,8192)   |  1.236e+02 | -1.69 %   | -1.75 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4096,8192)   |  1.245e+02 | +0.76 %   | -1.00 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4096,8192)   |  3.863e+02 | +210.20 % | +207.09 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (4096,16384)  |  6.339e+01 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (4096,16384)  |  6.442e+01 | +1.62 %   | +1.62 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (4096,16384)  |  6.339e+01 | -1.59 %   | 0.00 %    | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (4096,16384)  |  6.288e+01 | -0.81 %   | -0.80 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (4096,16384)  |  6.312e+01 | +0.38 %   | -0.43 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (4096,16384)  |  6.536e+01 | +3.55 %   | +3.10 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (4096,16384)  |  1.842e+02 | +181.84 % | +190.58 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8192,8192)   |  5.904e+01 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8192,8192)   |  5.957e+01 | +0.91 %   | +0.91 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8192,8192)   |  6.031e+01 | +1.24 %   | +2.16 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8192,8192)   |  5.898e+01 | -2.21 %   | -0.10 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8192,8192)   |  6.206e+01 | +5.22 %   | +5.11 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8192,8192)   |  6.157e+01 | -0.79 %   | +4.29 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8192,8192)   |  1.950e+02 | +216.66 % | +230.24 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (8192,16384)  |  3.029e+01 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (8192,16384)  |  3.095e+01 | +2.19 %   | +2.19 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (8192,16384)  |  3.057e+01 | -1.22 %   | +0.94 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (8192,16384)  |  3.077e+01 | +0.63 %   | +1.57 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (8192,16384)  |  3.117e+01 | +1.31 %   | +2.90 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (8192,16384)  |  3.147e+01 | +0.98 %   | +3.91 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (8192,16384)  |  9.908e+01 | +214.79 % | +227.10 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (16384,16384) |  1.515e+01 |           |           | 42de72f | SQL/JSON: Various improvements to SQL/JSON query f
 (16384,16384) |  1.481e+01 | -2.19 %   | -2.19 %   | ca481d3 | Optimise numeric multiplication for short inputs.
 (16384,16384) |  1.474e+01 | -0.51 %   | -2.69 %   | 628c1d1 | Use diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag where appropri
 (16384,16384) |  1.485e+01 | +0.75 %   | -1.96 %   | 0dcf753 | Improve the numeric width_bucket() computation. Fo
 (16384,16384) |  1.542e+01 | +3.84 %   | +1.80 %   | da87dc0 | Add missing pointer dereference in pg_backend_memo
 (16384,16384) |  1.538e+01 | -0.27 %   | +1.53 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (16384,16384) |  4.689e+01 | +204.93 % | +209.58 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Mon, Jul 29, 2024, at 16:42, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> New results with less noise below.
> Pardon the exceeding of 80 chars line width,
> but felt important to include commit hash and relative delta.
>     ndigits    |    rate    |  change   |   accum   | commit  |         
>              summary
> ---------------+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------

I've reviewed the benchmark results, and it looks like v3-0001 made some cases a bit slower:

 (32,32)       |  1.786e+06 | -13.27 %  | -11.26 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,64)       |  1.119e+06 | -16.72 %  | -20.45 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (32,128)      |  7.242e+05 | -13.55 %  | -9.24 %   | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,64)       |  5.515e+05 | -22.34 %  | -24.47 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (64,128)      |  3.204e+05 | -14.83 %  | -12.44 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co
 (128,128)     |  1.750e+05 | -16.01 %  | -15.24 %  | v3-0001 | Extend mul_var_short() to 5 and 6-digit inputs. Co

Thanks to v3-0002, they are all still significantly faster when both patches have been applied,
but I wonder if it is expected or not, that v3-0001 temporarily made them a bit slower?

Same cases with v3-0002 applied:

 (32,32)       |  3.408e+06 | +90.80 %  | +69.32 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,64)       |  2.356e+06 | +110.63 % | +67.56 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (32,128)      |  1.393e+06 | +92.39 %  | +74.61 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (64,64)       |  1.432e+06 | +159.69 % | +96.14 %  | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2
 (128,128)     |  5.567e+05 | +218.07 % | +169.60 % | v3-0002 | Optimise numeric multiplication using base-NBASE^2


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 18:57, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> Thanks to v3-0002, they are all still significantly faster when both patches have been applied,
> but I wonder if it is expected or not, that v3-0001 temporarily made them a bit slower?

There's no obvious reason why 0001 would make those cases slower, but
the fact that, together with 0002, it's a significant net win, and the
gains for 5 and 6-digit inputs make it worthwhile, in my opinion.

Something I did notice in my tests was that if ndigits was a small
multiple of 8, the old code was disproportionately faster, which can
be explained by the fact that the computation fits exactly into a
whole number of XMM register operations, with no remaining digits to
process. For example, these results from above:

 ndigits1 | ndigits2 |   PG17 rate   |  patch rate   | % change
       15 |       15 | 3.7595882e+06 | 5.0751355e+06 | +34.99%
       16 |       16 | 4.3353435e+06 |  4.970363e+06 | +14.65%
       17 |       17 | 3.9258755e+06 |  4.935394e+06 | +25.71%

       23 |       23 | 2.7975982e+06 | 4.5065035e+06 | +61.08%
       24 |       24 | 3.2456168e+06 | 4.4578115e+06 | +37.35%
       25 |       25 | 2.9515055e+06 | 4.0208335e+06 | +36.23%

       31 |       31 |  2.169437e+06 | 3.7209152e+06 | +71.52%
       32 |       32 | 2.5022498e+06 | 3.6609378e+06 | +46.31%
       33 |       33 |   2.27133e+06 |  3.435459e+06 | +51.25%

(Note how 16x16 was much faster than 15x15, for example.)

The patched code seems to do a better job at levelling out and coping
with arbitrary-sized inputs, not just those that fit exactly into a
whole number of loops using SSE2 operations.

Something else I noticed was that the relative gains for large numbers
of digits were much higher with clang than with gcc:

gcc 13.3.0:

    16383 |    16383 |     21.629467 |      73.58552 | +240.21%

clang 15.0.7:

    16383 |    16383 |     11.562384 |      73.00517 | +531.40%

That seems to be because clang doesn't do a good job of generating
efficient SSE2 code in the old case of 16-bit x 16-bit
multiplications. Looking on, it generates
overly-complicated code using PMULUDQ, which actually does 32-bit x
32-bit multiplications. Gcc, on the other hand, generates a much more
compact loop, using PMULHW and PMULLW, which is much faster. With the
patch, they both generate the same SSE2 code, so the results are
pretty consistent.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Mon, Jul 29, 2024, at 22:01, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 18:57, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>> Thanks to v3-0002, they are all still significantly faster when both patches have been applied,
>> but I wonder if it is expected or not, that v3-0001 temporarily made them a bit slower?
> There's no obvious reason why 0001 would make those cases slower, but
> the fact that, together with 0002, it's a significant net win, and the
> gains for 5 and 6-digit inputs make it worthwhile, in my opinion.

Yes, I agree, I just thought it was noteworthy, but not a problem per se.

> Something I did notice in my tests was that if ndigits was a small
> multiple of 8, the old code was disproportionately faster, which can
> be explained by the fact that the computation fits exactly into a
> whole number of XMM register operations, with no remaining digits to
> process. For example, these results from above:
>  ndigits1 | ndigits2 |   PG17 rate   |  patch rate   | % change
> ----------+----------+---------------+---------------+----------
>        15 |       15 | 3.7595882e+06 | 5.0751355e+06 | +34.99%
>        16 |       16 | 4.3353435e+06 |  4.970363e+06 | +14.65%
>        17 |       17 | 3.9258755e+06 |  4.935394e+06 | +25.71%
>        23 |       23 | 2.7975982e+06 | 4.5065035e+06 | +61.08%
>        24 |       24 | 3.2456168e+06 | 4.4578115e+06 | +37.35%
>        25 |       25 | 2.9515055e+06 | 4.0208335e+06 | +36.23%
>        31 |       31 |  2.169437e+06 | 3.7209152e+06 | +71.52%
>        32 |       32 | 2.5022498e+06 | 3.6609378e+06 | +46.31%
>        33 |       33 |   2.27133e+06 |  3.435459e+06 | +51.25%
> (Note how 16x16 was much faster than 15x15, for example.)
> The patched code seems to do a better job at levelling out and coping
> with arbitrary-sized inputs, not just those that fit exactly into a
> whole number of loops using SSE2 operations.

That's nice.

> Something else I noticed was that the relative gains for large numbers
> of digits were much higher with clang than with gcc:
> gcc 13.3.0:
>     16383 |    16383 |     21.629467 |      73.58552 | +240.21%
> clang 15.0.7:
>     16383 |    16383 |     11.562384 |      73.00517 | +531.40%
> That seems to be because clang doesn't do a good job of generating
> efficient SSE2 code in the old case of 16-bit x 16-bit
> multiplications. Looking on, it generates
> overly-complicated code using PMULUDQ, which actually does 32-bit x
> 32-bit multiplications. Gcc, on the other hand, generates a much more
> compact loop, using PMULHW and PMULLW, which is much faster. With the
> patch, they both generate the same SSE2 code, so the results are
> pretty consistent.

Very nice.

I've now also had an initial look at the actual code of the patches:

* v3-0001

Looks pretty straight forward, nice with the PRODSUM macros,
that really improved readability a lot.

I like these simplifications, how `var2ndigits` is used instead of `res_ndigits`:
-            for (int i = res_ndigits - 3; i >= 1; i--)
+            for (int i = var2ndigits - 1; i >= 1; i--)

But I wonder why does `case 1:`  not follow the same pattern?
            for (int i = res_ndigits - 2; i >= 0; i--)

* v3-0002

I think it's non-obvious if the separate code paths for 32-bit and 64-bit,
using `#if SIZEOF_DATUM < 8`, to get *fast* 32-bit support, outweighs
the benefits of simpler code.

You brought up the question if 32-bit systems should be regarded
as legacy previously in this thread.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any feedback, so I'm starting a separate
thread, with subject "Is fast 32-bit code still important?", hoping to get
more input to help us make judgement calls.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 21:39, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> I like these simplifications, how `var2ndigits` is used instead of `res_ndigits`:
> -                       for (int i = res_ndigits - 3; i >= 1; i--)
> +                       for (int i = var2ndigits - 1; i >= 1; i--)
> But I wonder why does `case 1:`  not follow the same pattern?
>                         for (int i = res_ndigits - 2; i >= 0; i--)

Ah yes, that should be made the same. (I think I did do that at one
point, but then accidentally reverted it during a code refactoring.)

> * v3-0002
> I think it's non-obvious if the separate code paths for 32-bit and 64-bit,
> using `#if SIZEOF_DATUM < 8`, to get *fast* 32-bit support, outweighs
> the benefits of simpler code.
> You brought up the question if 32-bit systems should be regarded
> as legacy previously in this thread.
> Unfortunately, we didn't get any feedback, so I'm starting a separate
> thread, with subject "Is fast 32-bit code still important?", hoping to get
> more input to help us make judgement calls.

Looking at that other thread that you found [1], I think it's entirely
possible that there are people who care about 32-bit systems, which
means that we might well get complaints, if we make it slower for
them. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to test that (I doubt that
running a 32-bit executable on my x86-64 system is a realistic test).



Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Tom Lane
Dean Rasheed <> writes:
> On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 21:39, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>> I think it's non-obvious if the separate code paths for 32-bit and 64-bit,
>> using `#if SIZEOF_DATUM < 8`, to get *fast* 32-bit support, outweighs
>> the benefits of simpler code.

> Looking at that other thread that you found [1], I think it's entirely
> possible that there are people who care about 32-bit systems, which
> means that we might well get complaints, if we make it slower for
> them. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to test that (I doubt that
> running a 32-bit executable on my x86-64 system is a realistic test).

I think we've already done things that might impact 32-bit systems
negatively (5e1f3b9eb for instance), and not heard a lot of pushback.
I would argue that anyone still running PG on 32-bit must have pretty
minimal performance requirements, so that they're unlikely to care if
numeric_mul gets slightly faster or slower.  Obviously a *big*
performance drop might get pushback.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Jul 30, 2024, at 00:31, Tom Lane wrote:
> Dean Rasheed <> writes:
>> On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 21:39, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>>> I think it's non-obvious if the separate code paths for 32-bit and 64-bit,
>>> using `#if SIZEOF_DATUM < 8`, to get *fast* 32-bit support, outweighs
>>> the benefits of simpler code.
>> Looking at that other thread that you found [1], I think it's entirely
>> possible that there are people who care about 32-bit systems, which
>> means that we might well get complaints, if we make it slower for
>> them. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to test that (I doubt that
>> running a 32-bit executable on my x86-64 system is a realistic test).
> I think we've already done things that might impact 32-bit systems
> negatively (5e1f3b9eb for instance), and not heard a lot of pushback.
> I would argue that anyone still running PG on 32-bit must have pretty
> minimal performance requirements, so that they're unlikely to care if
> numeric_mul gets slightly faster or slower.  Obviously a *big*
> performance drop might get pushback.

Thanks for guidance. Sounds reasonable to me.

Noted from 5e1f3b9eb:
"While it adds some space on 32-bit machines, we aren't optimizing for that case anymore."

In this case, the extra 32-bit numeric_mul code seems to be 89 lines of code, excluding comments.
To me, this seems like quite a lot, so I lean on thinking we should omit that code for now.
We can always add it later if we get pushback.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 at 13:34, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> Noted from 5e1f3b9eb:
> "While it adds some space on 32-bit machines, we aren't optimizing for that case anymore."
> In this case, the extra 32-bit numeric_mul code seems to be 89 lines of code, excluding comments.
> To me, this seems like quite a lot, so I lean on thinking we should omit that code for now.
> We can always add it later if we get pushback.

OK, I guess that's reasonable. There is no clear-cut right answer
here, but I don't really want to have a lot of 32-bit-specific code
that significantly complicates this function, making it harder to
maintain. Without that code, the patch becomes much simpler, which
seems like a decent justification for any performance tradeoffs on
32-bit machines that are unlikely to affect many people anyway.



Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Aug 6, 2024, at 13:52, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 at 13:34, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>> Noted from 5e1f3b9eb:
>> "While it adds some space on 32-bit machines, we aren't optimizing for that case anymore."
>> In this case, the extra 32-bit numeric_mul code seems to be 89 lines of code, excluding comments.
>> To me, this seems like quite a lot, so I lean on thinking we should omit that code for now.
>> We can always add it later if we get pushback.
> OK, I guess that's reasonable. There is no clear-cut right answer
> here, but I don't really want to have a lot of 32-bit-specific code
> that significantly complicates this function, making it harder to
> maintain. Without that code, the patch becomes much simpler, which
> seems like a decent justification for any performance tradeoffs on
> 32-bit machines that are unlikely to affect many people anyway.
> Regards,
> Dean
> Attachments:
> * v4-0001-Extend-mul_var_short-to-5-and-6-digit-inputs.patch
> * v4-0002-Optimise-numeric-multiplication-using-base-NBASE-.patch

I've reviewed and tested both patches and think they are ready to be committed.

Neat with the pairs variables, really improved readability a lot,
compared to my first version.

Also neat you found a way to adjust the res_weight in a simpler way
than my quite lengthy expression.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Sun, Aug 11, 2024, at 22:04, Joel Jacobson wrote:
>> Attachments:
>> * v4-0001-Extend-mul_var_short-to-5-and-6-digit-inputs.patch
>> * v4-0002-Optimise-numeric-multiplication-using-base-NBASE-.patch
> I've reviewed and tested both patches and think they are ready to be committed.

In addition, I've also tested reduced rscale specifically, due to what you wrote earlier:

> 2). Attempt to fix the formulae incorporating maxdigits mentioned
> above. This part really made my brain hurt, and I'm still not quite
> sure that I've got it right. In particular, it needs double-checking
> to ensure that it's not losing accuracy in the reduced-rscale case.

To test if there are any differences that actually matter in the result,
I patched mul_var to log what combinations that occur when running
the test suite:

    if (rscale != var1->dscale + var2->dscale)
        printf("NUMERIC_REDUCED_RSCALE %d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", var1ndigits, var2ndigits, var1->dscale, var2->dscale, rscale
-(var1->dscale + var2->dscale));

I also added a SQL-callable numeric_mul_rscale(var1, var2, rscale_adjustment) function,
to be able to check for differences for the reduced rscale combinations.

I then ran the test suite against my db and extracted the seen combinations:

make installcheck
grep -E "^NUMERIC_REDUCED_RSCALE \d+,\d+,\d+,\d+,-\d+$" logfile | sort -u | awk '{print $2}' >

This test didn't produce any differences between HEAD and the two patches applied.

% psql -f test-mul_var-verify.sql
COPY 1413
 var1ndigits | var2ndigits | var1dscale | var2dscale | rscale_adjustment | var1 | var2 | expected | numeric_mul_rscale

(0 rows)

Attaching patch as .txt to not confuse cfbot.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Mon, Aug 12, 2024, at 12:47, Joel Jacobson wrote:
>> 2). Attempt to fix the formulae incorporating maxdigits mentioned
>> above. This part really made my brain hurt, and I'm still not quite
>> sure that I've got it right. In particular, it needs double-checking
>> to ensure that it's not losing accuracy in the reduced-rscale case.
> To test if there are any differences that actually matter in the result,
> I patched mul_var to log what combinations that occur when running
> the test suite:

I expanded the test to generate 10k different random numerics
for each of the reduced rscale cases.

This actually found some differences,
where the last decimal digit differs by one,
except in one case where the last decimal digit differs by two.

Not sure if this is a real problem though,
since these differences might not affect the result of the SQL-callable functions.

The case found with the smallest rscale adjustment was this one:
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------------------------
var1               | 0.0000000000009873307197037692
var2               | 0.426697279270850
rscale_adjustment  | -15
expected           | 0.0000000000004212913318381285
numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000004212913318381284
diff               | -0.0000000000000000000000000001

Here is a count grouped by diff:

     diff     |  count
  0.000e+00   | 14114384
  1.000e-108  |        1
  1.000e-211  |        1
  1.000e-220  |        2
  1.000e-228  |        6
  1.000e-232  |        2
  1.000e-235  |        1
  1.000e-28   |       13
  1.000e-36   |        1
  1.000e-51   |        2
  1.000e-67   |        1
  1.000e-68   |        1
  1.000e-80   |        1
 -1.000e-1024 |     2485
 -1.000e-108  |        3
 -1.000e-144  |     2520
 -1.000e-16   |     2514
 -1.000e-228  |        4
 -1.000e-232  |        1
 -1.000e-27   |       36
 -1.000e-28   |      538
 -1.000e-32   |     2513
 -1.000e-48   |     2473
 -1.000e-68   |        1
 -1.000e-80   |     2494
 -2.000e-16   |        2
(26 rows)

Should I investigate where each reduced rscale case originates from,
and then try to test the actual SQL-callable functions with values
that cause the same inputs to mul_var as the cases found,
or do we feel confident these differences are not problematic?


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Mon, Aug 12, 2024, at 17:14, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> The case found with the smallest rscale adjustment was this one:
> -[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------------------------
> var1               | 0.0000000000009873307197037692
> var2               | 0.426697279270850
> rscale_adjustment  | -15
> expected           | 0.0000000000004212913318381285
> numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000004212913318381284
> diff               | -0.0000000000000000000000000001

To avoid confusion, correction: I mean "largest", since rscale_adjustment is less than or equal to zero.

Here is a group by rscale_adjustment to get a better picture:

    numeric_mul_rscale(var1, var2, rscale_adjustment)
WHERE numeric_mul_rscale IS DISTINCT FROM expected
GROUP BY rscale_adjustment
ORDER BY rscale_adjustment;

 rscale_adjustment | count
              -237 |     2
              -235 |     1
              -232 |     3
              -229 |     2
              -228 |     8
              -218 |     1
              -108 |     4
               -77 |     1
               -67 |     1
               -51 |     2
               -38 |     3
               -36 |     1
               -28 |     5
               -22 |    42
               -17 |     7
               -16 | 14959
               -15 |   574
(17 rows)


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Mon, 12 Aug 2024 at 16:17, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2024, at 17:14, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> > The case found with the smallest rscale adjustment was this one:
> > -[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------------------------
> > var1               | 0.0000000000009873307197037692
> > var2               | 0.426697279270850
> > rscale_adjustment  | -15
> > expected           | 0.0000000000004212913318381285
> > numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000004212913318381284
> > diff               | -0.0000000000000000000000000001

Hmm, interesting example. There will of course always be cases where
the result isn't exact, but HEAD does produce the expected result in
this case, and the intention is to always produce a result at least as
accurate as HEAD, so it isn't working as expected.

Looking more closely, the problem is that to fully compute the
required guard digits, it is necessary to compute at least one extra
output base-NBASE digit, because the product of base-NBASE^2 digits
contributes to the next base-NBASE digit up. So instead of

    maxdigitpairs = (maxdigits + 1) / 2;

we should do

    maxdigitpairs = maxdigits / 2 + 1;

Additionally, since maxdigits is based on res_weight, we should
actually do the res_weight adjustments for odd-length inputs before
computing maxdigits. (Otherwise we're actually computing more digits
than strictly necessary for odd-length inputs, so this is a minor

Updated patch attached, which fixes the above example and all the
other differences produced by your test. I think, with a little
thought, it ought to be possible to produce examples that round
incorrectly in a more systematic (less brute-force) way. It should
then be possible to construct examples where the patch differs from
HEAD, but hopefully only by being more accurate, not less.



Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024, at 00:56, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Aug 2024 at 16:17, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2024, at 17:14, Joel Jacobson wrote:
>> > The case found with the smallest rscale adjustment was this one:
>> > -[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------------------------
>> > var1               | 0.0000000000009873307197037692
>> > var2               | 0.426697279270850
>> > rscale_adjustment  | -15
>> > expected           | 0.0000000000004212913318381285
>> > numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000004212913318381284
>> > diff               | -0.0000000000000000000000000001
> Hmm, interesting example. There will of course always be cases where
> the result isn't exact, but HEAD does produce the expected result in
> this case, and the intention is to always produce a result at least as
> accurate as HEAD, so it isn't working as expected.
> Updated patch attached, which fixes the above example and all the
> other differences produced by your test. I think, with a little
> thought, it ought to be possible to produce examples that round
> incorrectly in a more systematic (less brute-force) way. It should
> then be possible to construct examples where the patch differs from
> HEAD, but hopefully only by being more accurate, not less.

I reran the tests and v5 produces much fewer diffs than v4.
Not sure if the remaining ones are problematic or not.

joel@Joels-MBP postgresql % ./
HEAD is now at a67a49648d Rename C23 keyword
COPY 1413

(1 row)

INSERT 0 14130000
COPY 14130000

joel@Joels-MBP postgresql % ./
HEAD is now at a67a49648d Rename C23 keyword
COPY 14130000
Expanded display is on.
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------------------------
var1               | 0.0000000000009873307197037692
var2               | 0.426697279270850
rscale_adjustment  | -15
expected           | 0.0000000000004212913318381285
numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000004212913318381284
diff               | -0.0000000000000000000000000001

Expanded display is off.
     diff     |  count
  0.000e+00   | 14114384
  1.000e-108  |        1
  1.000e-211  |        1
  1.000e-220  |        2
  1.000e-228  |        6
  1.000e-232  |        2
  1.000e-235  |        1
  1.000e-28   |       13
  1.000e-36   |        1
  1.000e-51   |        2
  1.000e-67   |        1
  1.000e-68   |        1
  1.000e-80   |        1
 -1.000e-1024 |     2485
 -1.000e-108  |        3
 -1.000e-144  |     2520
 -1.000e-16   |     2514
 -1.000e-228  |        4
 -1.000e-232  |        1
 -1.000e-27   |       36
 -1.000e-28   |      538
 -1.000e-32   |     2513
 -1.000e-48   |     2473
 -1.000e-68   |        1
 -1.000e-80   |     2494
 -2.000e-16   |        2
(26 rows)

 rscale_adjustment | count
              -237 |     2
              -235 |     1
              -232 |     3
              -229 |     2
              -228 |     8
              -218 |     1
              -108 |     4
               -77 |     1
               -67 |     1
               -51 |     2
               -38 |     3
               -36 |     1
               -28 |     5
               -22 |    42
               -17 |     7
               -16 | 14959
               -15 |   574
(17 rows)

joel@Joels-MBP postgresql % ./
HEAD is now at a67a49648d Rename C23 keyword
COPY 14130000
Expanded display is on.
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------------------------------
var1               | 0.0000000000000000489673392928
var2               | 6.713030439846337
rscale_adjustment  | -15
expected           | 0.0000000000000003287192392308
numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000000003287192392309
diff               | 0.0000000000000000000000000001

Expanded display is off.
     diff     |  count
  0.000e+00   | 14129971
  1.000e-1024 |        1
  1.000e-144  |        1
  1.000e-16   |        1
  1.000e-211  |        1
  1.000e-220  |        2
  1.000e-228  |        5
  1.000e-232  |        1
  1.000e-235  |        1
  1.000e-28   |        8
  1.000e-32   |        2
  1.000e-36   |        1
  1.000e-51   |        2
  1.000e-67   |        1
  1.000e-68   |        1
  1.000e-80   |        1
(16 rows)

 rscale_adjustment | count
              -237 |     1
              -235 |     1
              -232 |     1
              -229 |     2
              -228 |     4
              -218 |     1
               -77 |     1
               -67 |     1
               -51 |     2
               -38 |     1
               -36 |     1
               -28 |     2
               -17 |     4
               -16 |     5
               -15 |     2
(15 rows)


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024, at 09:49, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> I reran the tests and v5 produces much fewer diffs than v4.
> Not sure if the remaining ones are problematic or not.

Attaching scripts if needed.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

Dean Rasheed
On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 08:49, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
> I reran the tests and v5 produces much fewer diffs than v4.
> Not sure if the remaining ones are problematic or not.
> joel@Joels-MBP postgresql % ./
> HEAD is now at a67a49648d Rename C23 keyword
> COPY 14130000
> Expanded display is on.
> -[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------------------------------
> var1               | 0.0000000000000000489673392928
> var2               | 6.713030439846337
> rscale_adjustment  | -15
> expected           | 0.0000000000000003287192392308
> numeric_mul_rscale | 0.0000000000000003287192392309
> diff               | 0.0000000000000000000000000001

Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect to see. The exact
product of var1 and var2 in that case is


so numeric_mul_rscale() with the patch is producing the correctly
rounded result, and "expected" is the result from HEAD, which is off
by 1 in the final digit.

To make it easier to hit such cases, I tested with the attached test
script, which intentionally produces pairs of numbers whose product
contains '5' followed by 5 zeros, and rounds at the digit before the
'5', so the correct answer should round up, but the truncated product
is quite likely not to do so.

With HEAD, this gives 710,017 out of 1,000,000 cases that are off by 1
in the final digit (always 1 too low in the final digit), and with the
v5 patch, it gives 282,595 cases. Furthermore, it's an exact subset:

select count(*) from diffs1; -- HEAD
(1 row)

pgdevel=# select count(*) from diffs2; -- v5 patch
(1 row)

select * from diffs2 except select * from diffs1;
 n | z | m | w | x | y | expected | numeric_mul_rscale
(0 rows)

which is exactly what I was hoping to see (no cases where the patch
made it less accurate).



Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024, at 12:23, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 08:49, Joel Jacobson <> wrote:
>> I reran the tests and v5 produces much fewer diffs than v4.
>> Not sure if the remaining ones are problematic or not.
> Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect to see. The exact
> product of var1 and var2 in that case is
>     0.0000_0000_0000_0003_2871_9239_2308_5000_4574_2504_736
> so numeric_mul_rscale() with the patch is producing the correctly
> rounded result, and "expected" is the result from HEAD, which is off
> by 1 in the final digit.
> To make it easier to hit such cases, I tested with the attached test
> script, which intentionally produces pairs of numbers whose product
> contains '5' followed by 5 zeros, and rounds at the digit before the
> '5', so the correct answer should round up, but the truncated product
> is quite likely not to do so.
> With HEAD, this gives 710,017 out of 1,000,000 cases that are off by 1
> in the final digit (always 1 too low in the final digit), and with the
> v5 patch, it gives 282,595 cases. Furthermore, it's an exact subset:
> select count(*) from diffs1; -- HEAD
>  count
> --------
>  710017
> (1 row)
> pgdevel=# select count(*) from diffs2; -- v5 patch
>  count
> --------
>  282595
> (1 row)
> select * from diffs2 except select * from diffs1;
>  n | z | m | w | x | y | expected | numeric_mul_rscale
> ---+---+---+---+---+---+----------+--------------------
> (0 rows)
> which is exactly what I was hoping to see (no cases where the patch
> made it less accurate).

Nice. I got the same results:

select count(*) from diffs_head;
(1 row)

select count(*) from diffs_v4;
(1 row)

select count(*) from diffs_v5;
(1 row)

select count(*) from (select * from diffs_v4 except select * from diffs_head) as q;
(1 row)

select count(*) from (select * from diffs_v5 except select * from diffs_head) as q;
(1 row)

I think this is acceptable, since it produces more correct results.


Re: Optimize mul_var() for var1ndigits >= 8

"Joel Jacobson"
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024, at 13:01, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> I think this is acceptable, since it produces more correct results.

In addition, I've traced the rscale_adjustment -15 mul_var() calls to originate
from numeric_exp() and numeric_power(), so I thought it would be good to
brute-force test those as well, to get an idea of the probability of different
results from those functions.

Brute-force testing of course doesn't prove it's impossible to happen,
but millions of inputs didn't cause any observable differences in the
returned results, so I think it's at least very improbable to
happen in practice.
