Thread: Sun Server Location

Sun Server Location

Josh Berkus

Sun is donating a T2000 to the PostgreSQL project for performance/Solaris
compatibility testing.   I can think of two reasonable places to host it
right now: GigAve (Sean Chittenden) or OSL.  Gavin Roy is willing to host
it (in principle) but is short rackspace at the moment.

Since OSL is already hosting Sun servers for Apache and Debian, I'm
inclined to send it there.   Any objections?

Too bad I need this for testing ... it would make a kick-ass mail/web
server.  16 cores, 32GB RAM.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

Re: Sun Server Location

"Gavin M. Roy"
Sorry, forgot to update you... I'm no longer short on rack space or


On May 15, 2006, at 3:42 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Folks,
> Sun is donating a T2000 to the PostgreSQL project for performance/
> Solaris
> compatibility testing.   I can think of two reasonable places to
> host it
> right now: GigAve (Sean Chittenden) or OSL.  Gavin Roy is willing
> to host
> it (in principle) but is short rackspace at the moment.
> Since OSL is already hosting Sun servers for Apache and Debian, I'm
> inclined to send it there.   Any objections?
> Too bad I need this for testing ... it would make a kick-ass mail/web
> server.  16 cores, 32GB RAM.
> --
> --Josh
> Josh Berkus
> PostgreSQL @ Sun
> San Francisco
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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Re: Sun Server Location

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Josh Berkus
> Sent: 15 May 2006 23:43
> To: PostgreSQL www
> Subject: [pgsql-www] Sun Server Location
> Too bad I need this for testing ... it would make a kick-ass
> mail/web server.  16 cores, 32GB RAM.



Re: Sun Server Location

"Joshua D. Drake"
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Folks,
> Sun is donating a T2000 to the PostgreSQL project for performance/Solaris
> compatibility testing.   I can think of two reasonable places to host it
> right now: GigAve (Sean Chittenden) or OSL.  Gavin Roy is willing to host
> it (in principle) but is short rackspace at the moment.
> Since OSL is already hosting Sun servers for Apache and Debian, I'm
> inclined to send it there.   Any objections?
> Too bad I need this for testing ... it would make a kick-ass mail/web
> server.  16 cores, 32GB RAM.

CMD can host it.

Joshua D. Drake


            === The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
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Re: Sun Server Location

"Magnus Hagander"
> Folks,
> Sun is donating a T2000 to the PostgreSQL project for
> performance/Solaris
> compatibility testing.   I can think of two reasonable places
> to host it
> right now: GigAve (Sean Chittenden) or OSL.  Gavin Roy is
> willing to host it (in principle) but is short rackspace at
> the moment.
> Since OSL is already hosting Sun servers for Apache and Debian, I'm
> inclined to send it there.   Any objections?
> Too bad I need this for testing ... it would make a kick-ass
> mail/web server.  16 cores, 32GB RAM.

If it's not an "infrastructure server" (web/mail/etc) it doesn't really
matter where it is hosted, IMHO - as long as there are on-site techs to
help you if things go bad. (If it's web etc, we need to look at getting
good distribution etc) So no objectinos from me.
It could actually be a point not to "over-stress" the places where we
can expect further offers for hosting servers that are more critical.
From that perspective, OSL seems a very good choice.

(Hey, I can host it here if I get to play with it for personal stuff
instaed of pg stuff :-P)


Re: Sun Server Location

Josh Berkus

> If it's not an "infrastructure server" (web/mail/etc) it doesn't really
> matter where it is hosted, IMHO - as long as there are on-site techs to
> help you if things go bad.

OSL has a staff.  Mostly Corey, but he's on site and taking care of the
servers is his job.

> (If it's web etc, we need to look at getting
> good distribution etc) So no objectinos from me.

Well, given the lack of real objections, I'm going to check with Robert Lor to
see if there's any advantage in us having physical access to the machine.  If
not, to OSL it goes.

FWIW, this server will "belong" to SPI, since we need a legal entity to own

> (Hey, I can host it here if I get to play with it for personal stuff
> instaed of pg stuff :-P)

<grin> Ship it to Skandanavia?   I don't think so ...

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Sun Server Location

"Magnus Hagander"
> > (Hey, I can host it here if I get to play with it for
> personal stuff
> > instaed of pg stuff :-P)
> <grin> Ship it to Skandanavia?   I don't think so ...

Bummer. Could've had some serious playtime there.. ;-)


Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 15:42 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Since OSL is already hosting Sun servers for Apache and Debian, I'm
> inclined to send it there.   Any objections?

I'm not familiar with OSL. Do you mean OSDL?

I'd be interested in hosting it with full community access via a public
booking system, managed via policies agreed on this list. Subject to
more detailed info, it would be at a site with people to operate it on
behalf of users.

How much rackspace and how much power are we talking about?
That the right link?

Does it come with a StorEdge array also? The specs say it only supports
4 drives internally. What disks are we talking?

  Simon Riggs

Re: Sun Server Location

Josh Berkus

> I'm not familiar with OSL. Do you mean OSDL?

Open Source Lab, in Corvalis, Oregon.  They're funded by Oregon State
University, and host quite a number of other open source projects,
including Gentoo, some Apache projects, portions of Debian, etc.
Unrelated to OSDL except through collaboration on specific projects.

> I'd be interested in hosting it with full community access via a public
> booking system, managed via policies agreed on this list. Subject to
> more detailed info, it would be at a site with people to operate it on
> behalf of users.

Yep.   Mind you, I don't think that software exists for such scheduling,
but if you want to write it I won't object to using it.  Warning, though;
I claim the first month after racking to work on some PostgreSQL/Solaris
bugs, and the server should run a permanent BuildFarm client.

> How much rackspace and how much power are we talking about?
>ent That the right link?


> Does it come with a StorEdge array also? The specs say it only supports
> 4 drives internally. What disks are we talking?

Four.  There's some limit on the donation, and since Sun doesn't
manufacture their own disks, the machines are disk-light.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

Re: Sun Server Location

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <> writes:
>> Does it come with a StorEdge array also? The specs say it only supports
>> 4 drives internally. What disks are we talking?

> Four.  There's some limit on the donation, and since Sun doesn't
> manufacture their own disks, the machines are disk-light.

That's too bad.  With such a serious server, it would be nice to have
some serious disk too, so that community members could experiment with
enterprise-level performance scenarios.

Is there any chance of scaring up some real disk storage from another
interested company?  I understand the point that Sun isn't in a position
to contribute major disk hardware, but maybe someone else is?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Sun Server Location

Josh Berkus

> Is there any chance of scaring up some real disk storage from another
> interested company?  I understand the point that Sun isn't in a position
> to contribute major disk hardware, but maybe someone else is?

I discussed it with some of the Sun folks.  It's possible down the line, just
not right now.

Of course, if anyone knows people at HP or IBM or Rackable we could get a JBOD
from, I wouldn't turn it down.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 19:42 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

> > Is there any chance of scaring up some real disk storage from another
> > interested company?  I understand the point that Sun isn't in a position
> > to contribute major disk hardware, but maybe someone else is?
> I discussed it with some of the Sun folks.  It's possible down the line, just
> not right now.
> Of course, if anyone knows people at HP or IBM or Rackable we could get a JBOD
> from, I wouldn't turn it down.

It's possible we can utilise disks from other EDB equipment, so we're
able to have multi-path access. We were also looking at some other
options for disks.

I'll get some opinions and report back.

  Simon Riggs

Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 14:19 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

> > I'd be interested in hosting it with full community access via a public
> > booking system, managed via policies agreed on this list. Subject to
> > more detailed info, it would be at a site with people to operate it on
> > behalf of users.
> Yep.   Mind you, I don't think that software exists for such scheduling,
> but if you want to write it I won't object to using it.

We'll run it by hand to begin with while we judge how many people are
actually going to use a booking system. We'll need some form of
qualification process I think.

I was imagining that we'd all have individual userids and there's be a
way to lock everybody else off while you're doing testing, but then let
others back on when in Open Access mode for test prep.

> Warning, though;
> I claim the first month after racking to work on some PostgreSQL/Solaris
> bugs,

That's a long time. Not like you can't come back for more. ;-)
But if that's the conditions of sale...

The main issue is probably the disk space for setup. We should be able
to have smaller databases setup alongside each other without too much

> and the server should run a permanent BuildFarm client.


I'd like somebody at Sun to be responsible for the OS, so that we know
we've got the latest patch set, kernel tweaks etc. Maybe via a monthly
admin window?

  Simon Riggs

Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 14:19 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

> > Does it come with a StorEdge array also? The specs say it only supports
> > 4 drives internally. What disks are we talking?
> Four.  There's some limit on the donation, and since Sun doesn't
> manufacture their own disks, the machines are disk-light.

Is there a compatibility list? The Sun site only lists StorEdge, so do
we have to buy one of those? Can we arrange some steep discounts?

  Simon Riggs

Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 10:15 +0100, Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 19:42 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> > > Is there any chance of scaring up some real disk storage from another
> > > interested company?  I understand the point that Sun isn't in a position
> > > to contribute major disk hardware, but maybe someone else is?
> >
> > I discussed it with some of the Sun folks.  It's possible down the line, just
> > not right now.
> >
> > Of course, if anyone knows people at HP or IBM or Rackable we could get a JBOD
> > from, I wouldn't turn it down.
> It's possible we can utilise disks from other EDB equipment, so we're
> able to have multi-path access. We were also looking at some other
> options for disks.
> I'll get some opinions and report back.

OK, I can confirm EDB have space, power and willingness to manage and
I'll put time in to make sure this is managed as a community resource,
with equal access. Operator cover should be possible 24x7 to allow
global access, but with a proviso of reasonable efforts, rather than the
"best efforts" you'd expect on a pay-for support contract.

EDB should also be able to put money in to get some reasonable external
disks, but I won't put a figure on it here. Josh, I'd appreciate it if
you could pass the hat round a little bit?

The T2000 would be physically located in secured premises at EDB in New
Jersey, with appropriate firewalls etc..

How does all of that sound?

  Simon Riggs

Re: Sun Server Location

Josh Berkus

> OK, I can confirm EDB have space, power and willingness to manage and
> I'll put time in to make sure this is managed as a community resource,
> with equal access. Operator cover should be possible 24x7 to allow
> global access, but with a proviso of reasonable efforts, rather than the
> "best efforts" you'd expect on a pay-for support contract.

It may have already shipped.  I'll check.

> EDB should also be able to put money in to get some reasonable external
> disks, but I won't put a figure on it here. Josh, I'd appreciate it if
> you could pass the hat round a little bit?

Um, if EDB is not supplying a JBOD or similar extra disks, I don't really
understand the point in having them host it?  If we're going to take up a
collection, then I think it makes more sense to host it with an NPO, yes?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Sun Server Location

Simon Riggs
On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 08:41 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

> > OK, I can confirm EDB have space, power and willingness to manage and
> > I'll put time in to make sure this is managed as a community resource,
> > with equal access. Operator cover should be possible 24x7 to allow
> > global access, but with a proviso of reasonable efforts, rather than the
> > "best efforts" you'd expect on a pay-for support contract.
> It may have already shipped.  I'll check.
> > EDB should also be able to put money in to get some reasonable external
> > disks, but I won't put a figure on it here. Josh, I'd appreciate it if
> > you could pass the hat round a little bit?
> Um, if EDB is not supplying a JBOD or similar extra disks, I don't really
> understand the point in having them host it?  If we're going to take up a
> collection, then I think it makes more sense to host it with an NPO, yes?


  Simon Riggs

flash || php


i am an experienced flash - actionscript and php programmer....i am
interested in doing something for the community...if there's anything to
do let me know...greetings thorsten...

(sorry my english is not very good but i hope to learn something during
the communication about work)...