Thread: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Alessandro Baretta
Hello gentlemen,

Although this is my first post on the list, I am a fairly experienced PostgreSQL
programmer. I am writing an ERP application suite using PostgreSQL as the
preferred DBMS. Let me state that the SQL DDL is automatically generated by a
CASE tool from an ER model. The generated schema contains the appropriate
primary key and foreign key constraints, as defined by the original ER model, as
well as "reverse indexes" on foreign keys, allowing (in theory) rapid backward
navigation of foreign keys in joins.

Let me show a sample join of two tables in the database schema. The information
provided is quite extensive. I'm sorry for that, but I think it is better to
provide the list with all the relevant information.

Package: postgresql-7.4
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 7860
Maintainer: Martin Pitt <>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1:7.4.9-2

                                            Table "public.articolo"
          Column          |            Type             |
  bigoid                  | bigint                      | not null default
  metadata                | text                        |
  finalized               | timestamp without time zone |
  xdbs_created            | timestamp without time zone | default now()
  xdbs_modified           | timestamp without time zone |
  id_ente                 | text                        | not null
  barcode                 | text                        |
  tipo                    | text                        |
  id_produttore           | text                        | not null
  id_articolo             | text                        | not null
  venditore_id_ente       | text                        |
  id_prodotto             | text                        |
  aggregato_id_ente       | text                        |
  aggregato_id_produttore | text                        |
  aggregato_id_articolo   | text                        |
  descr                   | text                        |
  url                     | text                        |
  datasheet               | text                        |
  scheda_sicurezza        | text                        |
  peso                    | numeric                     |
  lunghezza               | numeric                     |
  larghezza               | numeric                     |
  altezza                 | numeric                     |
  volume                  | numeric                     |
  max_strati              | numeric                     |
  um                      | text                        |
     "articolo_pkey" primary key, btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
     "articolo_unique_barcode_index" unique, btree (barcode)
     "articolo_modified_index" btree (xdbs_modified)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "$3" FOREIGN KEY (aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore,
aggregato_id_articolo) REFERENCES articolo(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
     "$2" FOREIGN KEY (venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto) REFERENCES
prodotto(venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
     articolo_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO articolo DO INSERT INTO articolo_trash
(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo, venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto,
aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo, descr, url,
datasheet, scheda_sicurezza, peso, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume,
max_strati, um, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created,
xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo,
old.venditore_id_ente, old.id_prodotto, old.aggregato_id_ente,
old.aggregato_id_produttore, old.aggregato_id_articolo, old.descr, old.url,
old.datasheet, old.scheda_sicurezza, old.peso, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza,
old.altezza, old.volume, old.max_strati,, old.barcode, old.tipo,
old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified)
     articolo_update_rule AS ON UPDATE TO articolo WHERE
((new.xdbs_modified)::timestamp with time zone <> now()) DO INSERT INTO
articolo_trash (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo, venditore_id_ente,
id_prodotto, aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo,
descr, url, datasheet, scheda_sicurezza, peso, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza,
volume, max_strati, um, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized,
xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_produttore,
old.id_articolo, old.venditore_id_ente, old.id_prodotto, old.aggregato_id_ente,
old.aggregato_id_produttore, old.aggregato_id_articolo, old.descr, old.url,
old.datasheet, old.scheda_sicurezza, old.peso, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza,
old.altezza, old.volume, old.max_strati,, old.barcode, old.tipo,
old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified)
     articolo_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE ON articolo FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE xdbs_update_trigger()
Inherits: object,

                                      Table "public.ubicazione"
     Column     |            Type             |                      Modifiers
  bigoid        | bigint                      | not null default
  metadata      | text                        |
  finalized     | timestamp without time zone |
  xdbs_created  | timestamp without time zone | default now()
  xdbs_modified | timestamp without time zone |
  id_ente       | text                        | not null
  barcode       | text                        |
  tipo          | text                        |
  id_magazzino  | text                        | not null
  id_settore    | text                        | not null
  id_area       | text                        | not null
  id_ubicazione | text                        | not null
  flavor        | text                        |
  peso_max      | numeric                     |
  lunghezza     | numeric                     |
  larghezza     | numeric                     |
  altezza       | numeric                     |
  volume_max    | numeric                     |
  inventario    | integer                     | default 0
  allarme       | text                        |
  manutenzione  | text                        |
  id_produttore | text                        |
  id_articolo   | text                        |
  quantita      | numeric                     |
  in_prelievo   | numeric                     |
  in_deposito   | numeric                     |
  lotto         | text                        |
  scadenza      | date                        |
     "ubicazione_pkey" primary key, btree (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore,
id_area, id_ubicazione)
     "ubicazione_id_ubicazione_key" unique, btree (id_ubicazione)
     "ubicazione_fkey_articolo" btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
     "ubicazione_modified_index" btree (xdbs_modified)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "$5" FOREIGN KEY (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) REFERENCES
articolo(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
     "$4" FOREIGN KEY (manutenzione) REFERENCES manutenzione(manutenzione)
     "$3" FOREIGN KEY (allarme) REFERENCES allarme(allarme) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY
     "$1" FOREIGN KEY (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area) REFERENCES
area(id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
     ubicazione_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO ubicazione DO INSERT INTO
ubicazione_trash (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione,
flavor, peso_max, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume_max, inventario,
allarme, manutenzione, id_produttore, id_articolo, quantita, in_prelievo,
in_deposito, lotto, scadenza, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized,
xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_magazzino,
old.id_settore, old.id_area, old.id_ubicazione, old.flavor, old.peso_max,
old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume_max, old.inventario,
old.allarme, old.manutenzione, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.quantita,
old.in_prelievo, old.in_deposito,, old.scadenza, old.barcode,
old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created,
     ubicazione_update_rule AS ON UPDATE TO ubicazione WHERE
((new.xdbs_modified)::timestamp with time zone <> now()) DO INSERT INTO
ubicazione_trash (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione,
flavor, peso_max, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume_max, inventario,
allarme, manutenzione, id_produttore, id_articolo, quantita, in_prelievo,
in_deposito, lotto, scadenza, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized,
xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_magazzino,
old.id_settore, old.id_area, old.id_ubicazione, old.flavor, old.peso_max,
old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume_max, old.inventario,
old.allarme, old.manutenzione, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.quantita,
old.in_prelievo, old.in_deposito,, old.scadenza, old.barcode,
old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created,
     ubicazione_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE ON ubicazione FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE xdbs_update_trigger()
Inherits: object,


Here is the first join. This is planned correctly. Execution times are irrelevant.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT *  FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione
USING  (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE ubicazione.id_ente =  'dmd'
AND allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND ubicazione.xdbs_modified >
'2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';

  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..8.73 rows=1 width=1146) (actual time=0.247..0.247
rows=0 loops=1)
    ->  Index Scan using ubicazione_modified_index on ubicazione
(cost=0.00..3.03 rows=1 width=536) (actual time=0.239..0.239 rows=0 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without
time zone)
          Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND
(manutenzione IS NULL))
    ->  Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo  (cost=0.00..5.69 rows=1
width=653) (never executed)
          Index Cond: (('dmd'::text = articolo.id_ente) AND
(articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo =
  Total runtime: 0.556 ms
(7 rows)


Here's the second join on the same tables. This times a different set of indexes
should be used to perform the join, but even in this case I would expect the
planner to generate a nested loop of two index scans. Instead, this is what happens.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT *  FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione
USING  (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE ubicazione.id_ente =  'dmd'
AND allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND articolo.xdbs_modified >
'2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';

  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..1017.15 rows=1 width=1146) (actual
time=258.648..258.648 rows=0 loops=1)
    ->  Seq Scan on ubicazione  (cost=0.00..1011.45 rows=1 width=536) (actual
time=0.065..51.617 rows=12036 loops=1)
          Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND
(manutenzione IS NULL))
    ->  Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo  (cost=0.00..5.69 rows=1
width=653) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=12036)
          Index Cond: (('dmd'::text = articolo.id_ente) AND
(articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo =
          Filter: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time
  Total runtime: 258.975 ms
(7 rows)

This time, a sequential scan on the rightmost table is used to perform the join.
This is quite plainly a wrong choice, since the number of tuples in the articolo
having xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00' is 0. I also tried increasing the
amount of collected statistics to 1000 with "ALTER TABLE articolo ALTER COLUMN
xdbs_modified SET STATISTICS 1000" and subsequently vacuum-analyzed the db, so
as to give the planner as much information as possible to realize that articolo
ought to be index-scanned with the articolo_modified_index B-tree index. The
correct query plan is to perform a nested loop join with an index scan on
articolo using xdbs_modified_index and a corresponding index scan on ubicazione
using ubicazione_fkey_articolo.

I am currently resorting to selecting from the single tables and performing the
join in the application code rather than in the DB. This is currently the only
viable alternative for me, as a 500x speed-down simply cannot be tolerated.

What I do not understand is why the planner behaves so differently in the two
cases. Any ideas? Would upgrading to more recent versions of postgresql make any


Baretta DE&IT
A division of Baretta SRL

tel. +39 02 370 111 55
fax. +39 02 370 111 54

Our technology:

The Application System/Xcaml (AS/Xcaml)

The FreerP Project

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Matteo Beccati
Hi Alessandro,

>  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..1017.15 rows=1 width=1146) (actual
> time=258.648..258.648 rows=0 loops=1)
>    ->  Seq Scan on ubicazione  (cost=0.00..1011.45 rows=1 width=536)
> (actual time=0.065..51.617 rows=12036 loops=1)
>          Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND
> (manutenzione IS NULL))

The problem seems here. The planner expects one matching row (and that's
why it chooses a nested loop), but 12036 rows are matching this condition.

Are you sure that you recentrly ANALYZED the table "ubicazione"? If so,
try to increase statistics for the id_ente column.

There is also an italian mailing list, if you are interested :)

Best regards
Matteo Beccati

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Jaime Casanova
On 1/9/06, Alessandro Baretta <> wrote:
> Hello gentlemen,
> Although this is my first post on the list, I am a fairly experienced PostgreSQL
> programmer. I am writing an ERP application suite using PostgreSQL as the
> preferred DBMS. Let me state that the SQL DDL is automatically generated by a
> CASE tool from an ER model. The generated schema contains the appropriate
> primary key and foreign key constraints, as defined by the original ER model, as
> well as "reverse indexes" on foreign keys, allowing (in theory) rapid backward
> navigation of foreign keys in joins.
> Let me show a sample join of two tables in the database schema. The information
> provided is quite extensive. I'm sorry for that, but I think it is better to
> provide the list with all the relevant information.
> Package: postgresql-7.4

maybe, because you are in developing state, you can start to think in
upgrading to 8.1

Jaime Casanova
(DBA: DataBase Aniquilator ;)

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Alessandro Baretta
Matteo Beccati wrote:
> Hi Alessandro,
>>  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..1017.15 rows=1 width=1146) (actual
>> time=258.648..258.648 rows=0 loops=1)
>>    ->  Seq Scan on ubicazione  (cost=0.00..1011.45 rows=1 width=536)
>> (actual time=0.065..51.617 rows=12036 loops=1)
>>          Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND
>> (manutenzione IS NULL))
> The problem seems here. The planner expects one matching row (and that's
> why it chooses a nested loop), but 12036 rows are matching this condition.
> Are you sure that you recentrly ANALYZED the table "ubicazione"? If so,
> try to increase statistics for the id_ente column.

No, this is not the problem. I increased the amount of statistics with ALTER
TABLE ... SET STATISTICS 1000, which is as much as I can have. The problem is
that the planner simply ignores the right query plan, which is orders of
magnitude less costly. Keep in mind that the XDBS--the CASE tool I use--makes
heavy use of indexes, and generates all relevant indexes in relation to the join
paths which are implicit in the ER model "relations". In this case, both
ubicazione and articolo have indexes on the join fields:

"articolo_pkey" primary key, btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
"ubicazione_fkey_articolo" btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)

Notice that only the "articolo_pkey" is a unique index, while
"ubicazione_fkey_articolo" allows duplicates. This second index is not used by
the planner.

Both tables also have a "bookkeeping" index on xdbs_modified. I am selecting
"recently inserted or updated" tuples, which are usually a very small fraction
of the table--if there are any. The index on xdbs_modified is B-tree allowing a
very quick index scan to find the few tuples having xdbs_modified > '[some
recent timestamp]'. Hence, the optimal plan for both queries is to perform an
index scan using the <table_name>_modified_index on the table upon which I
specify the xdbs_modified > '...' condition, and the join-fields index on the
other table.


Baretta DE&IT
A division of Baretta SRL

tel. +39 02 370 111 55
fax. +39 02 370 111 54

Our technology:

The Application System/Xcaml (AS/Xcaml)

The FreerP Project

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Tom Lane
Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
> Matteo Beccati wrote:
>> Are you sure that you recentrly ANALYZED the table "ubicazione"? If so,
>> try to increase statistics for the id_ente column.

> No, this is not the problem. I increased the amount of statistics with ALTER
> TABLE ... SET STATISTICS 1000, which is as much as I can have.

What Matteo wanted to know is if you'd done an ANALYZE afterward.  ALTER
TABLE SET STATISTICS doesn't in itself update the statistics.

What do you get from

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';

I'm curious to see how many rows the planner thinks this will produce,
and whether it will use the index or not.

Also, I gather from the plan choices that the condition id_ente = 'dmd'
isn't very selective ... what fraction of the rows in each table
satisfy that?

            regards, tom lane

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Alessandro Baretta
Tom Lane wrote:
> Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
>>Matteo Beccati wrote:
>>>Are you sure that you recentrly ANALYZED the table "ubicazione"? If so,
>>>try to increase statistics for the id_ente column.
>>No, this is not the problem. I increased the amount of statistics with ALTER
>>TABLE ... SET STATISTICS 1000, which is as much as I can have.
> What Matteo wanted to know is if you'd done an ANALYZE afterward.  ALTER
> TABLE SET STATISTICS doesn't in itself update the statistics.

I probably forgot to mention that I have vacuum-analyze the after this
operation, and, since I did not manage to get the index to work, I
vacuum-analyzed several times more, just to be on the safe side.

> What do you get from
> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';
> I'm curious to see how many rows the planner thinks this will produce,
> and whether it will use the index or not.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE
articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';
                                                                 QUERY PLAN

  Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on articolo  (cost=0.00..3914.91
rows=17697 width=653) (actual time=0.032..0.032 rows=0 loops=1)
    Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
  Total runtime: 0.150 ms
(3 rows)

The planner gets tricked only by *SOME* join queries.

> Also, I gather from the plan choices that the condition id_ente = 'dmd'
> isn't very selective ... what fraction of the rows in each table
> satisfy that?

In most situation, this condition selects all the tuples. "id_ente" selects the
"owner of the data". Since, in most situations, companies do not share a
database between them--although the application allows it--filtering according
to 'id_ente' is like to filtering at all. Yet, this field is used in the
indexes, so the condition ought to be specified in the queries anyhow.

Baretta DE&IT
A division of Baretta SRL

tel. +39 02 370 111 55
fax. +39 02 370 111 54

Our technology:

The Application System/Xcaml (AS/Xcaml)

The FreerP Project

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong query plan?

Tom Lane
Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'm curious to see how many rows the planner thinks this will produce,
>> and whether it will use the index or not.

> dmd-freerp-1-alex=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE
> articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';
>                                                                  QUERY PLAN
>   Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on articolo  (cost=0.00..3914.91
> rows=17697 width=653) (actual time=0.032..0.032 rows=0 loops=1)
>     Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
>   Total runtime: 0.150 ms
> (3 rows)

Well, there's your problem: 17697 rows estimated vs 0 actual.  With a
closer row estimate it would've probably done the right thing for the
join problem.

How many rows are really in the table, anyway?  Could we see the
pg_stats row for articolo.xdbs_modified?

            regards, tom lane

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong statistics!

Alessandro Baretta
Tom Lane wrote:
> Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
>>Tom Lane wrote:
>>>I'm curious to see how many rows the planner thinks this will produce,
>>>and whether it will use the index or not.
>>dmd-freerp-1-alex=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE
>>articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01';
>>                                                                 QUERY PLAN

>>  Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on articolo  (cost=0.00..3914.91
>>rows=17697 width=653) (actual time=0.032..0.032 rows=0 loops=1)
>>    Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
>>  Total runtime: 0.150 ms
>>(3 rows)
> Well, there's your problem: 17697 rows estimated vs 0 actual.  With a
> closer row estimate it would've probably done the right thing for the
> join problem.

Hmmm, what you are telling me is very interesting, Tom. So, let me see if I got
this straight: the first 'rows=... in the result from EXPLAIN ANALYZE gives me
estimates, while the second gives the actual cardinality of the selected record
set. Correct? If this is true, two questions arise: why is the estimated number
of rows completele wrong, and why, given such a large estimated record set does
PostgreSQL schedule an Index Scan as opposed to a Seq Scan?

 > How many rows are really in the table, anyway?  Could we see the
 > pg_stats row for articolo.xdbs_modified?

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# select count(*) from articolo;
(1 row)

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze select * from articolo;
                                                    QUERY PLAN
  Seq Scan on articolo  (cost=0.00..1439.91 rows=53091 width=653) (actual
time=0.013..151.189 rows=53091 loops=1)
  Total runtime: 295.152 ms
(2 rows)

Now let me get the pg_stats for xdbs_modified.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# select * from pg_stats where tablename = 'articolo' and
attname = 'xdbs_modified';
  schemaname | tablename |    attname    | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct |
        most_common_vals        | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation

  public     | articolo  | xdbs_modified |         0 |         8 |          1 |
{"2006-01-10 08:12:58.605327"} | {1}               |       |           1
(1 row)

For sake of simplicity I have re-timestamped all tuples in the table with the
current timestamp, as you can see above. Now, obviously, the planner must
estimate ~0 rows for queries posing a selection condition on xdbs_modified, for
any value other than "2006-01-10 08:12:58.605327". Let me try selecting from
articolo first.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM articolo WHERE
articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-10 18:25:00+01';
                                                              QUERY PLAN

  Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on articolo  (cost=0.00..2.01 rows=1
width=653) (actual time=0.139..0.139 rows=0 loops=1)
    Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-10 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
  Total runtime: 0.257 ms
(3 rows)

The planner produces a sensible estimate of the number of rows and consequently
chooses the appropriate query plan. Now, the join.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT *  FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione
USING  (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE articolo.id_ente =  'dmd' AND
allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND articolo.xdbs_modified >
'2006-01-10 18:25:00+01';


  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..5.05 rows=1 width=1146) (actual time=0.043..0.043
rows=0 loops=1)
    ->  Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on articolo  (cost=0.00..2.02
rows=1 width=653) (actual time=0.035..0.035 rows=0 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-10 18:25:00'::timestamp without
time zone)
          Filter: (id_ente = 'dmd'::text)
    ->  Index Scan using ubicazione_fkey_articolo on ubicazione
(cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1 width=536) (never executed)
          Index Cond: (('dmd'::text = ubicazione.id_ente) AND
("outer".id_produttore = ubicazione.id_produttore) AND ("outer".id_articolo =
          Filter: ((allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione IS NULL))
  Total runtime: 0.382 ms
(8 rows)

Dear Tom, you're my hero! I have no clue as to how or why the statistics were
wrong yesterday--as I vacuum-analyzed continuously out of lack of any better
idea--and I was stupid enough to re-timestamp everything before selecting from
pg_stats. Supposedly, the timestamps in the table were a random sampling taken
from the month of December 2005, so that any date in January would be greater
than all the timestamps in xdbs_modified. There must a bug in the my
rule/trigger system, which is responsible to maintain these timestamps as

>             regards, tom lane

Thank you very much Tom and Matteo. Your help has been very precious to me.
Thanks to your wisdom, my application will now have a 500x speed boost on a very
common class of queries.

The end result is the following query plan, allowing me to rapidly select only
the tuples in a join which have changed since the application last updated its
notion of this dataset.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT *  FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione
USING  (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE articolo.id_ente =  'dmd' AND
allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND articolo.xdbs_modified >
'2006-01-10 18:25:00+01' UNION SELECT * FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione USING
(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE articolo.id_ente =  'dmd' AND
allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND ubicazione.xdbs_modified >
'2006-01-10 18:25:00+01';
            QUERY PLAN

  Unique  (cost=11.13..11.39 rows=2 width=1146) (actual time=0.519..0.519 rows=0
    ->  Sort  (cost=11.13..11.14 rows=2 width=1146) (actual time=0.512..0.512
rows=0 loops=1)
          Sort Key: id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo, bigoid, metadata,
finalized, xdbs_created, xdbs_modified, barcode, tipo, venditore_id_ente,
id_prodotto, aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo,
descr, url, datasheet, scheda_sicurezza, peso, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza,
volume, max_strati, um, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created,
xdbs_modified, barcode, tipo, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione,
flavor, peso_max, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume_max, inventario,
allarme, manutenzione, quantita, in_prelievo, in_deposito, lotto, scadenza
          ->  Append  (cost=0.00..11.12 rows=2 width=1146) (actual
time=0.305..0.305 rows=0 loops=1)
                ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=0.00..5.06 rows=1
width=1146) (actual time=0.157..0.157 rows=0 loops=1)
                      ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..5.05 rows=1 width=1146)
(actual time=0.149..0.149 rows=0 loops=1)
                            ->  Index Scan using articolo_modified_index on
articolo  (cost=0.00..2.02 rows=1 width=653) (actual time=0.142..0.142 rows=0
                                  Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-10
18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
                                  Filter: (id_ente = 'dmd'::text)
                            ->  Index Scan using ubicazione_fkey_articolo on
ubicazione  (cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1 width=536) (never executed)
                                  Index Cond: (('dmd'::text =
ubicazione.id_ente) AND ("outer".id_produttore = ubicazione.id_produttore) AND
("outer".id_articolo = ubicazione.id_articolo))
                                  Filter: ((allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione
                ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.00..6.06 rows=1
width=1146) (actual time=0.137..0.137 rows=0 loops=1)
                      ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..6.05 rows=1 width=1146)
(actual time=0.131..0.131 rows=0 loops=1)
                            ->  Index Scan using ubicazione_modified_index on
ubicazione  (cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1 width=536) (actual time=0.123..0.123 rows=0
                                  Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-10
18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
                                  Filter: ((allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione
IS NULL) AND ('dmd'::text = id_ente))
                            ->  Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo
(cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1 width=653) (never executed)
                                  Index Cond: ((articolo.id_ente = 'dmd'::text)
AND (articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo =
  Total runtime: 1.609 ms
(20 rows)

Since the previous approach used in my application was to select the whole
relation every time the user needed to access this data, the above result must
be compared with the following naive one.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT *  FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione
USING  (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE articolo.id_ente =  'dmd' AND
allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL;
                                     QUERY PLAN

  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..1014.49 rows=1 width=1146) (actual
time=0.210..283.272 rows=3662 loops=1)
    ->  Seq Scan on ubicazione  (cost=0.00..1011.45 rows=1 width=536) (actual
time=0.070..51.223 rows=12036 loops=1)
          Filter: ((allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione IS NULL) AND ('dmd'::text
= id_ente))
    ->  Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo  (cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1
width=653) (actual time=0.008..0.009 rows=0 loops=12036)
          Index Cond: ((articolo.id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND
(articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo =
  Total runtime: 292.544 ms
(6 rows)

This amounts to a ~200x speedup for the end user.


Baretta DE&IT
A division of Baretta SRL

tel. +39 02 370 111 55
fax. +39 02 370 111 54

Our technology:

The Application System/Xcaml (AS/Xcaml)

The FreerP Project

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong statistics!

Tom Lane
Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
> I have no clue as to how or why the statistics were wrong
> yesterday--as I vacuum-analyzed continuously out of lack of any better
> idea--and I was stupid enough to re-timestamp everything before
> selecting from pg_stats.

Too bad.  I would be interested to find out how, if the stats were
up-to-date, the thing was still getting the row estimate so wrong.
If you manage to get the database back into its prior state please
do send along the pg_stats info.

            regards, tom lane

Re: 500x speed-down: Wrong statistics!

Alessandro Baretta
Tom Lane wrote:
> Alessandro Baretta <> writes:
>>I have no clue as to how or why the statistics were wrong
>>yesterday--as I vacuum-analyzed continuously out of lack of any better
>>idea--and I was stupid enough to re-timestamp everything before
>>selecting from pg_stats.
> Too bad.  I would be interested to find out how, if the stats were
> up-to-date, the thing was still getting the row estimate so wrong.
> If you manage to get the database back into its prior state please
> do send along the pg_stats info.

I have some more information on this issue, which clears PostgreSQL's planner of
all suspects. I am observing severe corruption of the bookkeeping fields managed
by the xdbs rule/trigger "complex". I am unable to pinpoint the cause, right
now, but the effect is that after running a few hours' test on the end-user
application (which never interacts directly with xdbs_* fields, and thus cannot
possibly mangle them) most tuples (the older ones, apparently) get thei
timestamps set to NULL. Before vacuum-analyzing the table, yesterday's
statistics were in effect, and the planner used the appropriate indexes. Now,
after vacuum-analyzing the table, the pg_stats row for the xdbs_modified field
no longer exists (!), and the planner has reverted to the Nested Loop Seq Scan
join strategy. Hence, all the vacuum-analyzing I was doing when complaining
against the planner was actually collecting completely screwed statistics, and
this is why the ALTER TABLE ... SET STATISTICS 1000 did not help at all!

Ok. I plead guilty and ask for the clemency of the court. I'll pay my debt with
society with a long term of pl/pgsql code debugging...
