Thread: Re: [ADMIN] slower every day

Re: [ADMIN] slower every day

G u i d o B a r o s i o
The solution appeared as something I didn't know

  On the .conf file

Previous situation:


Worst situation

Nice situation

Ok, the problem was that I assumed that commenting a value on
the conf file will set it up to a default (false?). I was wrong.
My server was writting tons of log's.

Is this the normal behavior for pg_ctl reload? It seems that looks for new values, remembering the last state on the
onesthat actually are commented. Although it's my fault to have 2 (tow) lines for the same issue, and that I should
realizethat this is MY MISTAKE, the log defaults on a reload, if commented, tend to be the last value entered? 


> Am Mittwoch, 1. September 2004 12:06 schrieb G u i d o B a r o s i o:
> >   The problem is the time that the postgres takes to perform/return a
> > query. For example, trying the \d <tablename> command takes between 4 or 5
> > seconds. This table is very big, but I am not asking for the rows, only
> > asking the table schema, so...why is this so slow?!?!? My last
> > administrative action into this table was a reindex to all the indexes via
> > the BKI in standalone mode. I thought I suceed, but this was las saturday.
> Do you regularly vacuum and analyze the database?
> --
> Peter Eisentraut
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [ADMIN] slower every day

"Michael Paesold"
This issue was resently discussed on hackers. It is a known issue, not very
convinient for the user. Nevertheless it is not fixed in 8.0, but will
perhaps be addressed in the next major release.
(Remembering, it was a non-trivial thing to change.)

Best Regards,
Michael Paesold

G u i d o B a r o s i o wrote:

> The solution appeared as something I didn't know
>   On the .conf file
> Previous situation:
> #log_something=false
> log_something=true
> Worst situation
> #log_something=false
> #log_something=true
> Nice situation
> log_something=false
> #log_something=true
> Ok, the problem was that I assumed that commenting a value on
> the conf file will set it up to a default (false?). I was wrong.
> My server was writting tons of log's.
> Is this the normal behavior for pg_ctl reload? It seems that looks for new
values, remembering the last state on the ones that actually are commented.
Although it's my fault to have 2 (tow) lines for the same issue, and that I
should realize that this is MY MISTAKE, the log defaults on a reload, if
commented, tend to be the last value entered?