Thread: multiple psql commands in batch

multiple psql commands in batch

Tobias Boes
G'Day all,

i know that this issues was discussed multiple time, but i still stuck in processing multiple pgsql commands in a DOS
I want to create a user, than a database with the following command:
C:\financial-planner\pgsql\bin\psql.exe -U postgres  < create_user_and_db.sql

this scceeds. in the create_user_and_db.sql I stored the SQL-commands to setup the database and the database user.
but afterwards I want to switch to "mydatabase" and process the create table statements. In the pgsql shell I can
switchto "mydatabase" with the following command: 
\c mydatabase
but how can I run mulitple pgsql commands in a batch job? After loads of reading I'm still not able to do this.
Any help is really appreciated!

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Re: multiple psql commands in batch

"Daniel T. Staal"
On Fri, June 2, 2006 2:28 pm, Tobias Boes said:
> G'Day all,
> i know that this issues was discussed multiple time, but i still stuck in
> processing multiple pgsql commands in a DOS batch file.
> I want to create a user, than a database with the following command:
> C:\financial-planner\pgsql\bin\psql.exe -U postgres  <
> create_user_and_db.sql
> this scceeds. in the create_user_and_db.sql I stored the SQL-commands to
> setup the database and the database user.
> but afterwards I want to switch to "mydatabase" and process the create
> table statements. In the pgsql shell I can switch to "mydatabase" with the
> following command:
> \c mydatabase
> but how can I run mulitple pgsql commands in a batch job? After loads of
> reading I'm still not able to do this.
> Any help is really appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Tobias

The switch you are looking for is '-d'.  Use like such:
C:\financial-planner\pgsql\bin\psql.exe -d mydatabase

(With appropriate user and commands, of course.)

I'd move the create table statements to a seperate file, and make another
call from the batch file.

(Otherwise, in this context I believe schema == database, so if you
appended the database name to table names in the SQL creates like this
'mydatabase.mytable' that should work as well.)

Daniel T. Staal

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Re: multiple psql commands in batch

"Andrej Ricnik-Bay"
Something like:

create database
\connect database user
create table ....


Re: multiple psql commands in batch

Tobias Boes
ok, but when I have a batch file like this:
@echo off

C:\postgresdir\pgsql\bin\psql.exe -U postgres
CREATE USER mydbuser PASSWORD 'mypwd';

i can't get it to run. How do i set SQL-commands in this case?

> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 10:48:57 +1200
> Von: Andrej Ricnik-Bay <>
> An: Tobias Boes <>
> Betreff: Re: [NOVICE] multiple psql commands in batch
> Something like:
> create database
> \connect database user
> create table ....
> Cheers,
> Andrej
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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