Thread: Closing 5432 to the outside

Closing 5432 to the outside

Aarni Ruuhimäki / Megative Tmi
Hi folks !

How can I close pgsql port to the outside ? I am accessing pg-databases only
from (the local net and) the server itself via coldfusion so the port does
not have to be visible to eth0 ?

How can I do this ? Is there a start option for this ? I vaguely remember
having seen something about it somewhere but could not find in docs.

Any hint or insight / explanation into this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


I am running RH 7.1 and PG 7.0

Re: Closing 5432 to the outside

Mo Holkar
If you start postmaster without the -i switch, that should prevent access
from anywhere non-local.

(Or if you want to be more selective, edit your pg_hba.conf file, which
controls what IP addresses are or aren't allowed to access, and under what



At 16:41 28/09/01, you wrote:
>Hi folks !
>How can I close pgsql port to the outside ? I am accessing pg-databases only
>from (the local net and) the server itself via coldfusion so the port does
>not have to be visible to eth0 ?
>How can I do this ? Is there a start option for this ? I vaguely remember
>having seen something about it somewhere but could not find in docs.
>Any hint or insight / explanation into this would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
>I am running RH 7.1 and PG 7.0
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Re: Closing 5432 to the outside

Sometime in September Aarni Ruuhim�ki / Megative Tmi assaulted keyboard

|Hi folks !
|How can I close pgsql port to the outside ? I am accessing pg-databases only
|from (the local net and) the server itself via coldfusion so the port does
|not have to be visible to eth0 ?
|How can I do this ? Is there a start option for this ? I vaguely remember
|having seen something about it somewhere but could not find in docs.
|Any hint or insight / explanation into this would be greatly appreciated.
|Thanks in advance,
|I am running RH 7.1 and PG 7.0

since you are running redhat you could use the firewalling software to
block external access to that port using iptables i believe.


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