Thread: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
The discussion around TCP keepalives reminded me that I have wanted to
implement setQueryTimeout() support for a while. Here's my thoughts on
it so far.

My motivation here is that we have an environment where having threads
hang for extended periods when doing DB queries is not good. We must
have them fail the query within a relatively short time, or the entire
system can grind to a halt due to a lack of threads.

This is the same regardless of the cause of the delay - slow query, or a
resultset that's taking a long time to transfer, or the server just died
and TCP hasn't killed the connection yet, or there is a slow query ahead
of us on the same connection.

In essense the requirement is: calling Statement.execute() should either
return a result or throw an exception within some relatively short
period of time. In my case the timeout is on the order of 15 seconds or


There are two main approaches I see:

(1) Map query timeout to server-side statement_timeout. Add a timeout
parameter to QueryExecutor methods. The protocol layer remembers the
current setting of statement_timeout and issues an appropriate "SET
statement_timeout" as necessary before submitting each query.

Advantages: Gives nice failure characteristics (query is cancelled,
connection remains usable)
Disadvantages: Doesn't help with anything but slow queries on the server
side, relies on server-side query cancellation due to timeout happening
reasonably promptly. Client code that sets statement_timeout itself can
confuse it.

(2) Run a separate timer thread. Start a timer in Statement.execute()
before submitting the query to the protocol layer. If the timer expires,
close the low-level DB connection (from the timer thread) which should
cause an IOException in the guts of the protocol layer where the query
executing thread is blocked on network I/O, eventually propagating up as
a fatal SQLException to the caller.

The assumption here is that if a thread is blocked inside
Statement.execute(), the eventual cause of that is that something is
blocked on network I/O. I think that's generally true?

Advantages: Should catch all cases regardless of cause.
Disadvantages: Draconian failure mode - a query timeout means the
connection is dead.


I would like to implement (2) but I can see that killing the connection
on timeout may not be desirable in all cases.

Independant of approach, I'd also like to implement a connection
parameter that provides a default query timeout for all statements that
don't override it (this would include internal driver queries e.g. OID
lookups, metadata queries).

Any thoughts on this?


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Tom Lane
Oliver Jowett <> writes:
> (2) Run a separate timer thread. Start a timer in Statement.execute()
> before submitting the query to the protocol layer. If the timer expires,
> close the low-level DB connection (from the timer thread) which should
> cause an IOException in the guts of the protocol layer where the query
> executing thread is blocked on network I/O, eventually propagating up as
> a fatal SQLException to the caller.

> I would like to implement (2) but I can see that killing the connection
> on timeout may not be desirable in all cases.

That seems pretty darn horrid, actually.  If the reason for the slow
response is server overload, this technique will make things rapidly
*worse*.  In the first place it does nothing to prevent the server from
continuing to compute the too-slow query (and perhaps even committing
it).  In the second place, having to establish a new connection will eat
a lot of cycles you really don't want to waste.  In the third place,
once you do establish a new connection it will be competing for cycles
with the still-running query in the original backend.  Iterate a few
times and you'll have a self-inflicted denial of service.

I agree with having a timer thread, I think, just not with what you want
to do when the timer fires.  Can't you do something like sending a query
cancel request when you time out?

It might be that you need to decouple queries from connections a bit
more, so that a query can fail and "let go" of a connection, while the
connection object has to wait for its query to be cancelled before
returning to the pool of available connections.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Tom Lane wrote:

> That seems pretty darn horrid, actually.  If the reason for the slow
> response is server overload, this technique will make things rapidly
> *worse*.  In the first place it does nothing to prevent the server from
> continuing to compute the too-slow query (and perhaps even committing
> it).  In the second place, having to establish a new connection will eat
> a lot of cycles you really don't want to waste.  In the third place,
> once you do establish a new connection it will be competing for cycles
> with the still-running query in the original backend.  Iterate a few
> times and you'll have a self-inflicted denial of service.

Except for the problem of the query continuing to run, these problems
seem to be common to anything that throws an exception to the client on
timeout. The client is going to have to give up on that query regardless
of how we actually implement the timeout, so the server is doing extra
"useless" work anyway. If the surrounding logic is not smart enough to
throttle itself, then you're hosed either way.

> I agree with having a timer thread, I think, just not with what you want
> to do when the timer fires.  Can't you do something like sending a query
> cancel request when you time out?

I could do that, but if the problem is actually that the server or
network has died it will not help things (the cancel is just going to
fail.. eventually).

Maybe two timeouts? One causes query cancel; if the cancel doesn't
actually happen by the time the second timeout occurs, the connection
gets closed.

In fact that could be done by simply doing both of the approaches I
suggested with different timeouts - set statement_timeout, and if you're
still waiting for a response some time after statement_timeout should
have fired, you kill the connection? This has the advantage that you
don't have to juggle an extra connection to do the cancel.

> It might be that you need to decouple queries from connections a bit
> more, so that a query can fail and "let go" of a connection, while the
> connection object has to wait for its query to be cancelled before
> returning to the pool of available connections.

This is going to be a lot more work than I have time to do unfortunately
:( The main problems are that:

(1) the current code stores a fair amount of protocol state in what are
essentially local variables - so you can't just unwind the stack and
throw an exception to the caller at an arbitary point without losing
important protocol state. The current code is very careful to wait until
it is at a known point in the protocol (ReadyForQuery, IIRC) before
returning. So there would be quite a lot of rework needed here.

(2) there is no simple way to nondestructively interrupt a blocking I/O
call deep in the protocol code; and a rewrite to allow this (a) is a lot
of work and (b) would probably require that we drop support for older
Java versions.

It also seems a bit problematic in this scenario:

- client get connection from pool
- client runs query
- query throws SQLException due to timeout; at the protocol level we are
still waiting for the query to cancel
- client logs exception, cleans up, returns the connection to the pool
- connection gets reused
- new query gets backed up behind the cancelling query

Essentially you've now got a useless connection in the pool.. In fact,
in this scenario it's likely the pool will be running some cleanup SQL
before handing it out to a new client, and that will fail - so the
connection will probably be discarded entirely anyway!

(There is no way in the JDBC API to say to a client or connection pool
"this connection is busy, please don't use it right now")


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Gregory Stark
"Oliver Jowett" <> writes:

> Tom Lane wrote:
>> That seems pretty darn horrid, actually.  If the reason for the slow
>> response is server overload, this technique will make things rapidly
>> *worse*.  In the first place it does nothing to prevent the server from
>> continuing to compute the too-slow query (and perhaps even committing
>> it).  In the second place, having to establish a new connection will eat
>> a lot of cycles you really don't want to waste.  In the third place,
>> once you do establish a new connection it will be competing for cycles
>> with the still-running query in the original backend.  Iterate a few
>> times and you'll have a self-inflicted denial of service.
> Except for the problem of the query continuing to run, these problems seem to
> be common to anything that throws an exception to the client on timeout. The
> client is going to have to give up on that query regardless of how we actually
> implement the timeout, so the server is doing extra "useless" work anyway. If
> the surrounding logic is not smart enough to throttle itself, then you're hosed
> either way.
>> I agree with having a timer thread, I think, just not with what you want
>> to do when the timer fires.  Can't you do something like sending a query
>> cancel request when you time out?
> I could do that, but if the problem is actually that the server or network has
> died it will not help things (the cancel is just going to fail.. eventually).

I think you have to tackle this as two problems. The usual case is going to be
a long query which you want to cancel. Cancelling is normally quick and you
can report an error with the query just as if the database had encountered
some other error.

The problem of a broken network connection or down server is another case. For
most users without a failover server I think triggering an error in this case
would actually do more harm than good. Even with a failover in my experience
you really want a manual or out-of-band mechanism to trigger failover lest you
get false positives or double-failures.

> (2) there is no simple way to nondestructively interrupt a blocking I/O call
> deep in the protocol code; and a rewrite to allow this (a) is a lot of work and
> (b) would probably require that we drop support for older Java versions.

Ouch. That's frightening. I'm not sure there's any reasonable way to implement
a statement timeout without some way to interrupt the read it's blocking on.
Unless there some kind of select(2) equivalent that can allow you to block
only for a limited amount of time and then regain control?

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

peter royal
On Feb 17, 2008, at 5:40 PM, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> (1) Map query timeout to server-side statement_timeout. Add a
> timeout parameter to QueryExecutor methods. The protocol layer
> remembers the current setting of statement_timeout and issues an
> appropriate "SET statement_timeout" as necessary before submitting
> each query.
> Advantages: Gives nice failure characteristics (query is cancelled,
> connection remains usable)
> Disadvantages: Doesn't help with anything but slow queries on the
> server side, relies on server-side query cancellation due to timeout
> happening reasonably promptly. Client code that sets
> statement_timeout itself can confuse it.

i think this is a very reasonable approach. it seems like it should
handle the majority of the cases.


(peter.royal|osi) -


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Gregory Stark wrote:

> The problem of a broken network connection or down server is another case. For
> most users without a failover server I think triggering an error in this case
> would actually do more harm than good. Even with a failover in my experience
> you really want a manual or out-of-band mechanism to trigger failover lest you
> get false positives or double-failures.

It is not about triggering failover in my scenario, it is about limiting
the time a thread can spend blocked waiting on a query.

The scenario is call processing where access to the DB is not critical -
you can do something acceptable without DB access. However, what you do
*not* have the luxury of doing is hanging around for 5 minutes waiting
for a connection to time out before you make a decision about what to do
with the call! Instead you want a rapid error, mark the DB as down, and
future queries proceed as if the DB has failed until a separate check
process manages to run a test query against the DB successfully.

There is a secondary problem that you do not have an unbounded number of
threads and connections to do your processing on, so tying up threads
and connections blocking on a slowly dying TCP connection is a real
problem - under any real load you will exhaust your thread pool (or
connection pool) in a matter of seconds. Then everything stops. This is bad.

I can implement something in my local copy of the driver to support
this, but it'd be nice if I can do something more generally useful too..

I'd argue that "close connection on network timeout if setQueryTimeout()
is set" is better than "do absolutely nothing special if
setQueryTimeout() is set", anyway. If you don't want queries being
aborted because they are taking too long to complete.. don't set a query


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Tom Lane
Oliver Jowett <> writes:
> I'd argue that "close connection on network timeout if setQueryTimeout()
> is set" is better than "do absolutely nothing special if
> setQueryTimeout() is set", anyway. If you don't want queries being
> aborted because they are taking too long to complete.. don't set a query
> timeout!

I think it's a serious, serious conceptual error to tie network timeouts
to query timeouts.  Maybe your specific application needs them to be the
same, but implementing something that forces them to be the same is a
good way to guarantee that your work won't be generally useful or
acceptable for the mainstream driver.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Tom Lane wrote:
> Oliver Jowett <> writes:
>> I'd argue that "close connection on network timeout if setQueryTimeout()
>> is set" is better than "do absolutely nothing special if
>> setQueryTimeout() is set", anyway. If you don't want queries being
>> aborted because they are taking too long to complete.. don't set a query
>> timeout!
> I think it's a serious, serious conceptual error to tie network timeouts
> to query timeouts.

Why? I don't understand this argument.

setQueryTimeout() is documented as:

> Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds. If
thelimit is exceeded, an SQLException is thrown. 

That would seem to cover any sort of delay, not just "it is a slow query
on the server side". If the Statement can't execute in N seconds, return
an error. That could mean slow network - slow query - whatever.

I don't see why clients that want timeouts care about the cause of the
slowness -  all they care about is that they get control back within
some reasonable amount of time, surely? What's the use case where you
would use setQueryTimeout() but don't actually mean "give me control
back in N seconds"?

If a client is postgresql-aware, it could always set statement_timeout
itself if it really does mean "don't take more than N seconds of server
time" instead of "please return within N seconds".


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Tom Lane
Oliver Jowett <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I think it's a serious, serious conceptual error to tie network timeouts
>> to query timeouts.

> Why? I don't understand this argument.

Because the failure mechanisms that you're worried about are completely
different in the two cases, and don't necessarily have similar timeout
requirements (to say nothing of the appropriate recovery actions).

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Tom Lane wrote:
> Oliver Jowett <> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> I think it's a serious, serious conceptual error to tie network timeouts
>>> to query timeouts.
>> Why? I don't understand this argument.
> Because the failure mechanisms that you're worried about are completely
> different in the two cases, and don't necessarily have similar timeout
> requirements (to say nothing of the appropriate recovery actions).

Which is fair enough .. but I have a single JDBC method to work with
here. I could implement something driver-specific but it seems a little
silly to have timeout behaviour in the driver but have the standard
method unimplemented.

Note that you could implement different recovery behaviour by looking at
the SQLState of the thrown exception easily enough.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Oliver Jowett
Based on feedback so far here's attempt #2. The main thing I got out of
the feedback is that statement_timeout seems to be enough for most people.

Unfortunately statement_timeout is not sufficient for what I need, so my
changes will end up doing more than that. Here's an attempt at a compromise:

Add 4 new connection parameters, associated connection / statement
values and accessors on the postgresql extension interfaces:

- softQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
- hardQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
- softQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 0
- hardQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 60s

The soft query timeout (if enabled) makes the driver set
statement_timeout before executing a query, which in most cases will
result in a SQLException being reported if the timeout is reached (but
this is not guaranteed).

The hard query timeout (if enabled) makes the driver forcibly close the
connection after that timeout if the query has not completed, which will
result in a fatal SQLException due to an IOException from the blocked
query thread.

The setQueryTimeout(N) logic then looks something like this:

> if (N == 0) {
>   softQueryTimeout = hardQueryTimeout = 0;
>   return;
> }
> if (softQueryMargin == -1 && hardQueryMargin == -1)
>   throw new PSQLException("not implemented");
> if (softQueryMargin != -1)
>   softQueryTimeout = max(1,N*1000+softQueryMargin)
> else
>   softQueryTimeout = 0;
> if (hardQueryMargin != -1)
>   hardQueryTimeout = max(1,N*1000+hardQueryMargin)
> else
>   hardQueryTimeout = 0;

The net effect is that if you call "setQueryTimeout(N)" by default you
get an attempt at query cancellation after N seconds and a hard close of
the connection after N+60 seconds.

Any comments on this iteration? Too configurable? Not configurable
enough? Are the defaults sensible?


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

peter royal
On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:39 PM, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> Unfortunately statement_timeout is not sufficient for what I need,
> so my changes will end up doing more than that. Here's an attempt at
> a compromise:
> Add 4 new connection parameters, associated connection / statement
> values and accessors on the postgresql extension interfaces:

this seems complicated.

can setQueryTimeout set statement_timeout, and then can any additional
logic be implemented externally?

i agree with tom that tying queries actually running long and network
failures isn't appropriate.


(peter.royal|osi) -


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Till Toenges
Oliver Jowett wrote:
> setQueryTimeout() is documented as:
>> Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object
>> to execute to the given number of seconds. If the limit is exceeded,
>> an SQLException is thrown.
> That would seem to cover any sort of delay, not just "it is a slow query
> on the server side". If the Statement can't execute in N seconds, return
> an error. That could mean slow network - slow query - whatever.
> I don't see why clients that want timeouts care about the cause of the
> slowness -  all they care about is that they get control back within
> some reasonable amount of time, surely? What's the use case where you
> would use setQueryTimeout() but don't actually mean "give me control
> back in N seconds"?

The documentation is unclear. But i think it is intended to limit the
execution time on the server.

And i do care about the cause of the slowness. If i call
setQueryTimeout(), i expect to be able to use the connection after a
timeout, including everything i had SET before, prepared statements etc.
A network timeout or anything worse is handled in an entirely different
part of the code. That is not the responsibility of the driver, and
doesn't event need to be part of the database related code at all.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Till Toenges wrote:

> A network timeout or anything worse is handled in an entirely different
> part of the code. That is not the responsibility of the driver, and
> doesn't event need to be part of the database related code at all.

I'm not sure what you mean here - if the connection to the DB fails, the
driver will certainly handle that and tell you about it via a SQLException!


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Till Toenges
Oliver Jowett wrote:
> - softQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
> - hardQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
> - softQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 0
> - hardQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 60s

I had to think about how you mean this. Doesn't this reduce to just one
useful parameter, namely hardQueryMargin? If hardQueryMargin is set,
then kill the connection after setQueryTimeout() + hardQueryMargin
seconds? All other cases would be covered by setting appropriate values
for these two.

And i'm still not quite convinced that anything but "softQueryTimeout"
should be implemented by the driver, but that's just my personal
opinion. How about starting with the simple case (using set), and then
see how it turns out in the real world?


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Oliver Jowett
Till Toenges wrote:
> Oliver Jowett wrote:
>> - softQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
>> - hardQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
>> - softQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 0
>> - hardQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 60s
> I had to think about how you mean this. Doesn't this reduce to just one
> useful parameter, namely hardQueryMargin? If hardQueryMargin is set,
> then kill the connection after setQueryTimeout() + hardQueryMargin
> seconds? All other cases would be covered by setting appropriate values
> for these two.

The two Margins are there for applications that are not aware of the
extensions and just uses setQueryTimeout().

If your code is aware of the two timeouts, it can set them directly. Or
they can be set at the connection level and inherited by all users, even
ones that don't use setQueryTimeout at all.

> And i'm still not quite convinced that anything but "softQueryTimeout"
> should be implemented by the driver, but that's just my personal
> opinion. How about starting with the simple case (using set), and then
> see how it turns out in the real world?

The real world case I am dealing with needs the hardQueryTimeout
behaviour. If I'm going to implement anything first, it's that.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Till Toenges
Oliver Jowett wrote:
>> A network timeout or anything worse is handled in an entirely
>> different part of the code. That is not the responsibility of the
>> driver, and doesn't event need to be part of the database related code
>> at all.
> I'm not sure what you mean here - if the connection to the DB fails, the
> driver will certainly handle that and tell you about it via a SQLException!

Sorry. Of course the driver must handle failed connections. I meant the
code in my application, which handles the two cases (timeout but usable
connection vs broken connection for whatever reason) differently.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Till Toenges wrote:
> Oliver Jowett wrote:
>>> A network timeout or anything worse is handled in an entirely
>>> different part of the code. That is not the responsibility of the
>>> driver, and doesn't event need to be part of the database related
>>> code at all.
>> I'm not sure what you mean here - if the connection to the DB fails,
>> the driver will certainly handle that and tell you about it via a
>> SQLException!
> Sorry. Of course the driver must handle failed connections. I meant the
> code in my application, which handles the two cases (timeout but usable
> connection vs broken connection for whatever reason) differently.

You can check the SQLState of any exception thrown to tell the
difference, right?


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Oliver Jowett
Oliver Jowett wrote:
> Till Toenges wrote:
>> Oliver Jowett wrote:
>>>> A network timeout or anything worse is handled in an entirely
>>>> different part of the code. That is not the responsibility of the
>>>> driver, and doesn't event need to be part of the database related
>>>> code at all.
>>> I'm not sure what you mean here - if the connection to the DB fails,
>>> the driver will certainly handle that and tell you about it via a
>>> SQLException!
>> Sorry. Of course the driver must handle failed connections. I meant
>> the code in my application, which handles the two cases (timeout but
>> usable connection vs broken connection for whatever reason) differently.
> You can check the SQLState of any exception thrown to tell the
> difference, right?

Just to clarify:

- If the soft query timeout goes off and the server cancels the query,
you will get a server-generated SQLException saying the query was
cancelled. This will be some non-fatal SQLState and generally looks like
any other SQL error generated by the server. The connection and
statement will still be live (and in fact IIRC the transaction is still
live and you can rollback to a savepoint, etc, if you like)

- If the hard query timeout goes off, you will get a SQLException
generated by the driver that has whatever the SQLState for connection
errors is (I can't remember offhand) - but it will look very similar to
the exception you get for any other connection problem when running a query.

Basically the "hard query" timeout just introduces a new cause of
connection errors - "server didn't respond within the timeout". It will
otherwise behave like any other network-level connection error.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout()

Till Toenges
Oliver Jowett wrote:
>>> Sorry. Of course the driver must handle failed connections. I meant
>>> the code in my application, which handles the two cases (timeout but
>>> usable connection vs broken connection for whatever reason) differently.
>> You can check the SQLState of any exception thrown to tell the
>> difference, right?

Yes, i can check that. But if the connection is closed at this point,
that's no longer useful, except for diagnostics. This is, of course,
just the case where setQueryTimeout() is really "hard".

> Just to clarify:
> - If the soft query timeout goes off and the server cancels the query,
> you will get a server-generated SQLException saying the query was
> cancelled. This will be some non-fatal SQLState and generally looks like
> any other SQL error generated by the server. The connection and
> statement will still be live (and in fact IIRC the transaction is still
> live and you can rollback to a savepoint, etc, if you like)
> - If the hard query timeout goes off, you will get a SQLException
> generated by the driver that has whatever the SQLState for connection
> errors is (I can't remember offhand) - but it will look very similar to
> the exception you get for any other connection problem when running a
> query.
> Basically the "hard query" timeout just introduces a new cause of
> connection errors - "server didn't respond within the timeout". It will
> otherwise behave like any other network-level connection error.

The distinction between hard and soft timeouts makes sense in this way.
Please just make it so that hard timeouts are off by default.


Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Gregory Stark
"Oliver Jowett" <> writes:

> The real world case I am dealing with needs the hardQueryTimeout behaviour. If
> I'm going to implement anything first, it's that.

I still don't understand why this has to be in the driver. Your application is
going to have to be able to handle creating a new connection in response to
this error so why can't it just also be the one to close the connection?

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's 24x7 Postgres support!

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Kris Jurka

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Oliver Jowett wrote:

> Add 4 new connection parameters, associated connection / statement values and
> accessors on the postgresql extension interfaces:
> - softQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
> - hardQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
> - softQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 0
> - hardQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 60s
> Any comments on this iteration? Too configurable? Not configurable enough?
> Are the defaults sensible?

Sounds too configurable.  I don't understand the use case for
softQueryMargin at all right now.  Since hardQueryTimeout +
hardQueryMargin should be > softQueryTimeout + softQueryMargin for a
reasonable configuration, we don't need all these parameters. Don't you
just want:

1) defaultQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 timeout in ms
2) hardTimeoutMargin: -1 disabled, >=0 hard timeout above query timeout

Kris Jurka

Re: Implementing setQueryTimeout() - round 2

Michael Paesold
Kris Jurka wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Oliver Jowett wrote:
>> Add 4 new connection parameters, associated connection / statement
>> values and accessors on the postgresql extension interfaces:
>> - softQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
>> - hardQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 = timeout in ms, default 0
>> - softQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 0
>> - hardQueryMargin: -1=disabled, >=0 = margin in ms, default 60s
>> Any comments on this iteration? Too configurable? Not configurable
>> enough? Are the defaults sensible?
> Sounds too configurable.  I don't understand the use case for
> softQueryMargin at all right now.  Since hardQueryTimeout +
> hardQueryMargin should be > softQueryTimeout + softQueryMargin for a
> reasonable configuration, we don't need all these parameters. Don't you
> just want:
> 1) defaultQueryTimeout: 0=disabled, >0 timeout in ms
> 2) hardTimeoutMargin: -1 disabled, >=0 hard timeout above query timeout

+1 from me, sounds easier to grasp, and looks like it would be
everything Oliver needs, too. Oliver?

setQueryTimeout() could by default only set "soft" timeout
(hardTimeoutMargin set to -1)

If hardTimeoutMargin is set to >= 0 you will get hard timeouts at
setQueryTimeout + margin. Margin can be 0 of course.

If you want to have soft/hard timeout for all queries, you set one or
both parameters.

Any use cases not working with just these two parameters?

Best Regards
Michael Paesold