Thread: Compiling and linking a Program interfacing with libpq.dll

Compiling and linking a Program interfacing with libpq.dll

I am trying to compile, link and execute the first example in the
Postgres 8.1.1
manual using the libpq.dll library.  Nothing I have tried works.  I am
the free Borland Compiler 5.5.  Can any give me the command line
for compiling and linking a C program using this compiler.  I have
tried everything
I can think of, referenced the section 28.15 for compiling and linking.Also I have
searched the archives and found nothing that helped.


Re: Compiling and linking a Program interfacing with libpq.dll

Gustavo Lopes
I think you'll need to generate the import library first (the one
included only works for gcc). Anyway, I've experienced problems when
the programs are not linked against msvcrt.dll; if you should find
your programs crashing for no apparent reason, try to use mingw (with
which you won't need to generate an import library) or vc6 with the
/MD switch.

Gustavo Lopes

On 8 Jan 2006 19:57:33 -0800, Michael <> wrote:
> I am trying to compile, link and execute the first example in the
> Postgres 8.1.1
> manual using the libpq.dll library.  Nothing I have tried works.  I am
> using
> the free Borland Compiler 5.5.  Can any give me the command line
> parameters
> for compiling and linking a C program using this compiler.  I have
> tried everything
> I can think of, referenced the section 28.15 for compiling and linking.
>  Also I have
> searched the archives and found nothing that helped.
> Thanks!
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Gustavo Lopes

Re: Compiling and linking a Program interfacing with libpq.dll

Thanks for your reply.  I took me a while but, I am glad you
told me to rebuild the import library.  Also the part about
linking against msvcrt was important.  I was able rebuild
the import library using the bcc32.mak file. It did something
I didn't expect which was to create some of the new files with
a 'b' prepended to their names such as blibpq.  Anyway in
the smalltalk compiler which I am using, it uses bcc32 to compile
primitives and I am now able to access postgres with the
methods I am writing.

Thanks again!