Thread: "parallel= " information is not coming in pg_dumpall for create aggregate

Hi,<br /><br /> I checked in PG 9.6 , if we create an aggregate function with saying - parallel=safe/restricted/unsafe
andthen take<br /> a pg_dumpall of the entire cluster , "parallel= " is missing from create aggregate syntax <br /><br
/>Steps to reproduce -<br /><br /> .)connect to psql terminal and create an aggregate function <br /><br /> postgres=#
CREATEAGGREGATE unsafe_sum100 (float8)<br /> (<br />     stype = float8,<br />     sfunc = float8pl,<br />     mstype =
float8,<br/>     msfunc = float8pl,<br />     minvfunc = float8mi,<br />    <b> parallel=safe</b>);<br /> CREATE
AGGREGATE<br/><br /> .)perform pg_dumpall against that cluster <br /><br /> .)check the content of create aggregate
unsafe_sum100in the file <br /><br /> "<br /> -<br /> -- Name: unsafe_sum100(double precision); Type: AGGREGATE;
Schema:public; Owner: centos<br /> --<br /><br /> CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100(double precision) (<br />     SFUNC =
float8pl,<br/>     STYPE = double precision,<br />     MSFUNC = float8pl,<br />     MINVFUNC = float8mi,<br />    
MSTYPE= double precision<br /> );<br /><br /> "<br /><pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">-- 

Re: "parallel= " information is not coming in pg_dumpall for create aggregate

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:30 AM, tushar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked in PG 9.6 , if we create an aggregate function with saying - parallel=safe/restricted/unsafe and then take
> a pg_dumpall of the entire cluster , "parallel= " is missing from create aggregate syntax
> Steps to reproduce -
> .)connect to psql terminal and create an aggregate function
> postgres=# CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100 (float8)
> (
>     stype = float8,
>     sfunc = float8pl,
>     mstype = float8,
>     msfunc = float8pl,
>     minvfunc = float8mi,
>     parallel=safe);
> .)perform pg_dumpall against that cluster
> .)check the content of create aggregate unsafe_sum100 in the file
> "
> -
> -- Name: unsafe_sum100(double precision); Type: AGGREGATE; Schema: public; Owner: centos
> --
> CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100(double precision) (
>     SFUNC = float8pl,
>     STYPE = double precision,
>     MSFUNC = float8pl,
>     MINVFUNC = float8mi,
>     MSTYPE = double precision
> );
> "

You're correct... try the attached patch to fix it.


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Timbira:
>> Blog:
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On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello
<> wrote:
>> I checked in PG 9.6 , if we create an aggregate function with saying -
>> parallel=safe/restricted/unsafe and then take
>> a pg_dumpall of the entire cluster , "parallel= " is missing from create
>> aggregate syntax
>> Steps to reproduce -
>> .)connect to psql terminal and create an aggregate function
>> postgres=# CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100 (float8)
>> (
>>     stype = float8,
>>     sfunc = float8pl,
>>     mstype = float8,
>>     msfunc = float8pl,
>>     minvfunc = float8mi,
>>     parallel=safe);
>> .)perform pg_dumpall against that cluster
>> .)check the content of create aggregate unsafe_sum100 in the file
>> "
>> -
>> -- Name: unsafe_sum100(double precision); Type: AGGREGATE; Schema: public;
>> Owner: centos
>> --
>> CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100(double precision) (
>>     SFUNC = float8pl,
>>     STYPE = double precision,
>>     MSFUNC = float8pl,
>>     MINVFUNC = float8mi,
>>     MSTYPE = double precision
>> );
>> "
> You're correct... try the attached patch to fix it.

Nice catch, Tushar.  Thanks for the patch, Fabrízio.  Committed.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

On 04/21/2016 08:36 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> Nice catch, Tushar.  Thanks for the patch, Fabrízio.  Committed.
Thanks, Verified against the latest sources of PG9.6 - issue has been 
fixed now.


Re: "parallel= " information is not coming in pg_dumpall for create aggregate

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Robert Haas <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello
> <> wrote:
> >> I checked in PG 9.6 , if we create an aggregate function with saying -
> >> parallel=safe/restricted/unsafe and then take
> >> a pg_dumpall of the entire cluster , "parallel= " is missing from create
> >> aggregate syntax
> >>
> >> Steps to reproduce -
> >>
> >> .)connect to psql terminal and create an aggregate function
> >>
> >> postgres=# CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100 (float8)
> >> (
> >>     stype = float8,
> >>     sfunc = float8pl,
> >>     mstype = float8,
> >>     msfunc = float8pl,
> >>     minvfunc = float8mi,
> >>     parallel=safe);
> >>
> >> .)perform pg_dumpall against that cluster
> >>
> >> .)check the content of create aggregate unsafe_sum100 in the file
> >>
> >> "
> >> -
> >> -- Name: unsafe_sum100(double precision); Type: AGGREGATE; Schema: public;
> >> Owner: centos
> >> --
> >>
> >> CREATE AGGREGATE unsafe_sum100(double precision) (
> >>     SFUNC = float8pl,
> >>     STYPE = double precision,
> >>     MSFUNC = float8pl,
> >>     MINVFUNC = float8mi,
> >>     MSTYPE = double precision
> >> );
> >>
> >> "
> >
> > You're correct... try the attached patch to fix it.
> Nice catch, Tushar.  Thanks for the patch, Fabrízio.  Committed.

You're welcome!

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Timbira:
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