Thread: todo: Hash index creation

todo: Hash index creation

Is anyone currently working on this TODO item?  

"During index creation, pre-sort the tuples to improve build speed"

A few of us would like to tackle it and see if we can add some value here.  


Re: todo: Hash index creation

Heikki Linnakangas
Date: wrote:
> Is anyone currently working on this TODO item?  
> "During index creation, pre-sort the tuples to improve build speed"
> A few of us would like to tackle it and see if we can add some value here.  

That would be nice!

If you want to work on hash indexes, though, this TODO item seems more 
important to me at least:

> Add WAL logging for crash recovery

Until that's done, you can't really use hash indexes for anything else 
than read-only tables.

--   Heikki Linnakangas  EnterpriseDB

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Tom Lane
Heikki Linnakangas <> writes:
> wrote:
>> Is anyone currently working on this TODO item?  
>> "During index creation, pre-sort the tuples to improve build speed"

> If you want to work on hash indexes, though, this TODO item seems more 
> important to me at least:
>> Add WAL logging for crash recovery

Actually I think the *most* important thing to work on is to get hash to
the point where its search speed actually beats btree consistently, so
that it has an excuse to live.  If that is insoluble we might well end up
ripping it out entirely.  (The first three TODO items for hash indexes
are ideas for trying to improve the speed.)

Fixing the WAL support would come after that, and bring it to the point
where someone could actually recommend it for production use.

After that it would be sensible to work on inessentials like improving
the build speed.
        regards, tom lane

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Kenneth Marshall
On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 08:36:54PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Heikki Linnakangas <> writes:
> > wrote:
> >> Is anyone currently working on this TODO item?  
> >> "During index creation, pre-sort the tuples to improve build speed"
> > If you want to work on hash indexes, though, this TODO item seems more 
> > important to me at least:
> >> Add WAL logging for crash recovery
> Actually I think the *most* important thing to work on is to get hash to
> the point where its search speed actually beats btree consistently, so
> that it has an excuse to live.  If that is insoluble we might well end up
> ripping it out entirely.  (The first three TODO items for hash indexes
> are ideas for trying to improve the speed.)
> Fixing the WAL support would come after that, and bring it to the point
> where someone could actually recommend it for production use.
> After that it would be sensible to work on inessentials like improving
> the build speed.
>             regards, tom lane

I definitely agree with Tom's assessment. If we cannot need to make the
hash index as performant as it is in theory, none of the other refinements
are worth it. You would need to use BTree if you were concerned about
speed. (and who isn't)


Re: todo: Hash index creation

Naz Gassiep
> Actually I think the *most* important thing to work on is to get hash to
> the point where its search speed actually beats btree consistently, so
> that it has an excuse to live.  If that is insoluble we might well end up
> ripping it out entirely.  (The first three TODO items for hash indexes
> are ideas for trying to improve the speed.)
> Fixing the WAL support would come after that, and bring it to the point
> where someone could actually recommend it for production use.
> After that it would be sensible to work on inessentials like improving
> the build speed.
I've been warned away from hash indexes before, however I had no idea
that it's performance was that abysmal that BTREE beat it and I was
definitely not aware that they were not included in WAL logs. I was told
it wasn't as good as it could be, but I wasn't told it was pretty much
an alpha piece of code.

As a result, when creating tables containing large blocks of text I wish
to index, I've been using HASH as an index method. Please can we state
in the manual that HASH index types are in a beta stage of development
or something similar, or perhaps remove the manual entry altogether
until HASH is at a point where it is usable in production.

A very surprised n00b.

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Tom Lane
Naz Gassiep <> writes:
> As a result, when creating tables containing large blocks of text I wish
> to index, I've been using HASH as an index method. Please can we state
> in the manual that HASH index types are in a beta stage of development
> or something similar, or perhaps remove the manual entry altogether
> until HASH is at a point where it is usable in production.

Uh, the manual already does say
   Note: Testing has shown PostgreSQL's hash indexes to perform no better   than B-tree indexes, and the index size and
buildtime for hash indexes   is much worse. Furthermore, hash index operations are not presently   WAL-logged, so hash
indexesmight need to be rebuilt with REINDEX after   a database crash. For these reasons, hash index use is presently

under 11.2 Index Types, as well as various derogatory remarks elsewhere.
        regards, tom lane

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Hannu Krosing
Ühel kenal päeval, E, 2007-07-02 kell 04:27, kirjutas Naz Gassiep:

> I've been warned away from hash indexes before, however I had no idea
> that it's performance was that abysmal that BTREE beat it and I was
> definitely not aware that they were not included in WAL logs. I was told
> it wasn't as good as it could be, but I wasn't told it was pretty much
> an alpha piece of code.
> As a result, when creating tables containing large blocks of text I wish
> to index, I've been using HASH as an index method. 

If you just wish to have smaller indexes, then you can use functional
btree indexes over text hash, like this:

CREATE INDEX largetextindex on mytable(hashtext(largetext));

and use

SELECT * FROM mytable where hashtext(largetext) = hastext('searchvalue')   and largetext = 'searchvalue'

btw, if the real hash indexes don't get fixes soon, maybe we could
redefine hash index to actually mean usage like this and do the rewrites
in parser?

> Please can we state
> in the manual that HASH index types are in a beta stage of development
> or something similar, or perhaps remove the manual entry altogether
> until HASH is at a point where it is usable in production.
> Regards,
> A very surprised n00b.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Naz Gassiep
Wow... not sure how I missed that. I *did* create this schema ages ago, perhaps it wasn't there, or at the time I had
noidea what the implications were. *shrug*<br /> Regards,<br /> - Naz.<br /><br /><br /> Tom Lane wrote: <blockquote
cite=""type="cite"><pre wrap="">Naz Gassiep <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
href=""><></a>writes: </pre><blockquote type="cite"><pre wrap="">As a result, when
creatingtables containing large blocks of text I wish
to index, I've been using HASH as an index method. Please can we state
in the manual that HASH index types are in a beta stage of development
or something similar, or perhaps remove the manual entry altogether
until HASH is at a point where it is usable in production.   </pre></blockquote><pre wrap="">
Uh, the manual already does say
   Note: Testing has shown PostgreSQL's hash indexes to perform no better   than B-tree indexes, and the index size and
buildtime for hash indexes   is much worse. Furthermore, hash index operations are not presently   WAL-logged, so hash
indexesmight need to be rebuilt with REINDEX after   a database crash. For these reasons, hash index use is presently

under 11.2 Index Types, as well as various derogatory remarks elsewhere.
        regards, tom lane

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Heikki Linnakangas
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
> I definitely agree with Tom's assessment. If we cannot need to make the
> hash index as performant as it is in theory, none of the other refinements
> are worth it. You would need to use BTree if you were concerned about
> speed. (and who isn't)

I just got an idea.

Hash indexes would take much less space, and be more efficient to 
search, if we only stored the hash of the key in the index. Such index 
tuples would be fixed size, so we could get rid of the overhead of the 
length-field in IndexTuple, as well as the line pointers.

Of course, the key value would need to be rechecked after fetching the 
heap tuple, but that shouldn't be a problem assuming there's few collisions.

Another idea: when searching, we scan the whole bucket page looking for 
matching tuples. If we stored the tuples ordered by hash value within 
page, we could do a binary search instead.

These changes might give hash indexam the edge over b-tree it needs.

--   Heikki Linnakangas  EnterpriseDB

Re: todo: Hash index creation

Kenneth Marshall
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 12:26:45PM +0100, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Kenneth Marshall wrote:
> >I definitely agree with Tom's assessment. If we cannot need to make the
> >hash index as performant as it is in theory, none of the other refinements
> >are worth it. You would need to use BTree if you were concerned about
> >speed. (and who isn't)
> I just got an idea.
> Hash indexes would take much less space, and be more efficient to 
> search, if we only stored the hash of the key in the index. Such index 
> tuples would be fixed size, so we could get rid of the overhead of the 
> length-field in IndexTuple, as well as the line pointers.
> Of course, the key value would need to be rechecked after fetching the 
> heap tuple, but that shouldn't be a problem assuming there's few collisions.
> Another idea: when searching, we scan the whole bucket page looking for 
> matching tuples. If we stored the tuples ordered by hash value within 
> page, we could do a binary search instead.
> These changes might give hash indexam the edge over b-tree it needs.
> -- 
>   Heikki Linnakangas
>   EnterpriseDB
I was thinking about your idea on my commute yesterday and the new
HOT functionality. The first step would be as you suggested, store
only the hash value and the heap bucket page in the index. The check
for collisions within a hash bucket is essentially the same thing
that we do when searching for the heap tuple visible for a specific
transaction. This would mean, that with a HOT type process, the index
would not need to be updated when a non-indexed field is changed. We
treat them as another tuple in the HOT chain.

This would make typical lookups require 2 disk reads per item, the
first to get the heap location and the second to get the heap page
itself. The next step would be to have the hash function generate
the heap location directly instead of a disk read, then retrieving
an item would be one read. This would also provide for a simple
clustering based on the hash index. I am certain that there are
holes in this ideal, but it would be a logical next step.
