Thread: TOAST and TEXT


Chris Bitmead

Now that postgresql doesn't have field size limits, it seems to
me they should be good for storing large blobs, even if it means
having to uuencode them to be non-binary or whatever. I don't
like the old large object implementation, I need to store very large
numbers of objects and unless this implementation has changed
in recent times it won't cut it.

So my question is, I assume TEXT is the best data type to store
large things in, what precisely is the range of characters that
I can store in TEXT? Is it only characters ascii <= 127, or is
it only printable characters, or everything except '\0' or what?


"Rod Taylor"
It should be noted that there is still a limit of about 1GB if I
remember correctly.
Rod Taylor

There are always four sides to every story: your side, their side, the
truth, and what really happened.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Bitmead" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 9:33 PM

> Hi,
> Now that postgresql doesn't have field size limits, it seems to
> me they should be good for storing large blobs, even if it means
> having to uuencode them to be non-binary or whatever. I don't
> like the old large object implementation, I need to store very large
> numbers of objects and unless this implementation has changed
> in recent times it won't cut it.
> So my question is, I assume TEXT is the best data type to store
> large things in, what precisely is the range of characters that
> I can store in TEXT? Is it only characters ascii <= 127, or is
> it only printable characters, or everything except '\0' or what?
> ---------------------------(end of
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Marko Kreen
On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 11:33:04AM +1000, Chris Bitmead wrote:
> So my question is, I assume TEXT is the best data type to store
> large things in, what precisely is the range of characters that
> I can store in TEXT? Is it only characters ascii <= 127, or is
> it only printable characters, or everything except '\0' or what?

text accepts everything except \0, and also various funtions
take locale/charset info into account.

Use bytea, its for 0-255, binary data.  When your client
library does not support it, then base64 it in client side
and later decode() into place.



Jan Wieck
Rod Taylor wrote:
> It should be noted that there is still a limit of about 1GB if I
> remember correctly.
   You're right, there is still a practical limit on the size of   a text field. And it's usually much lower than 1GB.
   The problem is that first, the (encoded) data has to  be  put   completely  into  the  querystring, passed to the
backendand   buffered there entirely in memory. Then it get's parsed,  and   the  data  copied  into  a  const  node.
Afterrewriting and   planning, a  heap  tuple  is  build,  containing  the  third,   eventually fourth in memory copy
ofthe data. After that, the   toaster kicks in, allocates another chunk of that size to try   to compress the data and
finallyslices it up for storage.
   So the limit depends on how much swapspace you have and where   the per process virtual memory limit of your OS is.
   In practice, sizes of up to 10 MB are no problem. So  storing   typical MP3s works.



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Tom Lane
Chris Bitmead <> writes:
> ... I don't
> like the old large object implementation, I need to store very large
> numbers of objects and unless this implementation has changed
> in recent times it won't cut it.

Have you looked at 7.1?  AFAIK it has no particular problem with
lots of LOs.

Which is not to discourage you from going over to bytea fields instead,
if that model happens to be more convenient for your application.
But your premise above seems false.
        regards, tom lane


Chris Bitmead
>Chris Bitmead <> writes:>> ... I don't>> like the old large object implementation, I need to store
verylarge>> numbers of objects and unless this implementation has changed>> in recent times it won't cut it.>>Have you
lookedat 7.1?  AFAIK it has no particular problem with>lots of LOs.>>Which is not to discourage you from going over to
byteafields instead,>if that model happens to be more convenient for your application.>But your premise above seems

I'm storing emails, which as we know are usually small but occasionally 
huge. OK, I see in the release notes something like "store all large
objects in one table". and "pg_dump" of large objects. That sounds like
maybe LOs are now ok, although for portability with Oracle blobs it
would be nice if they could be embedded in any row or at least appear
to be so from client interface side (Java client for what I'm doing).

BTW, the postgres docs web pages says there is "no limitation" on row
size. Someone should probably update that with the info given in the
last few emails and probably integrate it in the regular doco as well.

Suitable Driver ?

"Balaji Venkatesan"
HI       I have to setup PERL to interact with PGSQL.       I have taken the following steps.
       1.Installation of perl_5.6.0 under Redhat Linux 7.0       2.Installation of POSTGRESQL under Redhat Linux7.0
       Both are working perfectly as seperate modules.
       Now I need to interface perl with PGSQL.
       I need to what's the best possible soln.
       I have installed latest DBI from
       Now i need to install DBD For PGSQL .Is       this the driver i have to work on for pgsql ?.       Or do I have
anyother option to connect to pgsql       from perl . Indeed i've found out an other way       to use Pg driver
providedby PGSQL to interface       perl with pgsql.
       I need to exactly know the difference between       use Pg ; and use DBI ; Need to which one is       proceeding
towardscorrect direction under what circumstances.

       when I tried to install DBD-Pg-0.93.tar.gz under Linux       i get
       Configuring Pg       Remember to actually read the README file !       please set environment variables
       I need to know what these varibles POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB       should point to ...
       and when i tried to run perl, the program to test the
installation of the module which       comes with the tar.        I get the error
       OS: linux       install_driver(Pg) failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC (@INC
contains: /usr/l       ib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i3       86-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .)
at (eval 1)       line 3.       Perhaps the DBD::Pg perl module hasn't been fully installed,       or perhaps the
capitalisationof 'Pg' isn't right.       Available drivers: ADO, ExampleP, Multiplex, Proxy.        at line 51
       Any body who can clarify is most welcome....
       with regards,       Prassanna...

Re: Suitable Driver ?

Alex Pilosov
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Balaji Venkatesan wrote:

>         Now i need to install DBD For PGSQL .Is
>         this the driver i have to work on for pgsql ?.
>         Or do I have any other option to connect to pgsql
>         from perl . Indeed i've found out an other way
>         to use Pg driver provided by PGSQL to interface
>         perl with pgsql.
You need DBD::Pg, which is a DBD driver for postgres.

>         I need to exactly know the difference between
>         use Pg ; and use DBI ; Need to which one is
>         proceeding towards correct direction under what circumstances.
You need use DBI; and use DBD::Pg;
Pg by itself is slightly lower-level module that is similar to C interface
to postgresql.

>         when I tried to install DBD-Pg-0.93.tar.gz under Linux
>         i get
>         Configuring Pg
>         Remember to actually read the README file !
>         please set environment variables POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB !
>         I need to know what these varibles POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB
>         should point to ...
To location of your installed postgres includes' and libraries
For example:

export POSTGRES_INCLUDE=/usr/local/pgsql/include
export POSTGRES_LIB=/usr/local/pgsql/lib


Re: Suitable Driver ?

Tom Lane
"Balaji Venkatesan" <> writes:
>         I have installed latest DBI from
>         Now i need to install DBD For PGSQL .Is
>         this the driver i have to work on for pgsql ?.

If you want to use DBI then you should get the DBD::Pg driver from
CPAN.  (Yes, it is on CPAN, even though their index page about DBD
modules didn't list it last time I looked.)

>         I need to exactly know the difference between
>         use Pg ; and use DBI ; Need to which one is

Pg is a older stand-alone driver; it's not DBI-compatible,
and it's got nothing to do with DBD::Pg.
        regards, tom lane


Bruce Momjian
> Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> > Although the field length is limited to 1GB, is there a row size
> > limit? 
> Sure.  1Gb per field (hard limit) times 1600 fields (also hard limit).
> In practice less, since TOAST pointers are 20bytes each at present,
> meaning you can't have more than BLCKSZ/20 toasted fields in one row.

I read this as 409GB with 8k pages.

> Whether this has anything to do with real applications is debatable,
> however.  I find it hard to visualize a table design that needs several
> hundred columns that *all* need to be GB-sized.

Yes, that just makes my head hurt.  Easier to just say "unlimited" and
limited by your computer's memory/disk.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610)
853-3000+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill,


Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> Although the field length is limited to 1GB, is there a row size
> limit? 

Sure.  1Gb per field (hard limit) times 1600 fields (also hard limit).
In practice less, since TOAST pointers are 20bytes each at present,
meaning you can't have more than BLCKSZ/20 toasted fields in one row.

Whether this has anything to do with real applications is debatable,
however.  I find it hard to visualize a table design that needs several
hundred columns that *all* need to be GB-sized.
        regards, tom lane


Bruce Momjian
> BTW, the postgres docs web pages says there is "no limitation" on row
> size. Someone should probably update that with the info given in the
> last few emails and probably integrate it in the regular doco as well.

Although the field length is limited to 1GB, is there a row size limit? 
I don't know of one.  The FAQ does say below the list:
   Of course, these are not actually unlimited, but limited to   available disk space and memory/swap space.
Performancemay suffer   when these values get unusually large. 

--  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610)
853-3000+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill,