Thread: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

dipti shah
I have created the stored procedure that allows particular users to create the table. I want to prevent users to drop the tables owned by someone esle and hence, I am making owner of each table created by this stored procedure to super user(postgres) so that no one will be allowed to drop/alter table. I want to allow to drop/alter the table by actuall user who ran the stored procedure to create the table. Could anyone please suggest me how to proceed with this?

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

Tom Lane
dipti shah <> writes:
> I have created the stored procedure that allows particular users to create
> the table. I want to prevent users to drop the tables owned by someone esle
> and hence, I am making owner of each table created by this stored procedure
> to super user(postgres) so that no one will be allowed to drop/alter table.
> I want to allow to drop/alter the table by actuall user who ran the stored
> procedure to create the table. Could anyone please suggest me how to proceed
> with this?

It sounds like you are going to a great deal of trouble to reinvent the
standard behavior.  Why not forget the stored procedure and just let
users create and drop their own tables?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

dipti shah
I don't want users to create/drop/alter anything directly. They have to use stored procedure for everything. The stored procedure creates logging tables and stores many other auditing information so it is madatory to prevent users from running any direct commands.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
dipti shah <> writes:
> I have created the stored procedure that allows particular users to create
> the table. I want to prevent users to drop the tables owned by someone esle
> and hence, I am making owner of each table created by this stored procedure
> to super user(postgres) so that no one will be allowed to drop/alter table.
> I want to allow to drop/alter the table by actuall user who ran the stored
> procedure to create the table. Could anyone please suggest me how to proceed
> with this?

It sounds like you are going to a great deal of trouble to reinvent the
standard behavior.  Why not forget the stored procedure and just let
users create and drop their own tables?

                       regards, tom lane

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

John R Pierce
dipti shah wrote:
> I don't want users to create/drop/alter anything directly. They have
> to use stored procedure for everything. The stored procedure creates
> logging tables and stores many other auditing information so it is
> madatory to prevent users from running any direct commands.

may be you should use middleware instead and not let your users connect
directly to SQL at all.

so, any DDL changes, you'd call the middleware server, it would
authenticate the user, decide whats allowed, maintain your audit trail,
logging, etc.  ditto, any operations that require database queries, etc,
would all be done by this middleware.

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

dipti shah
What is middleware?
Is it similar to stored procedure? That what I have been doing. I have revoked all permissions from mydb schema from public and have SECURITY DEFINER enable for stored procedure to allow creating/droping/altering tables.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:19 PM, John R Pierce <> wrote:
dipti shah wrote:
I don't want users to create/drop/alter anything directly. They have to use stored procedure for everything. The stored procedure creates logging tables and stores many other auditing information so it is madatory to prevent users from running any direct commands.

may be you should use middleware instead and not let your users connect directly to SQL at all.

so, any DDL changes, you'd call the middleware server, it would authenticate the user, decide whats allowed, maintain your audit trail, logging, etc.  ditto, any operations that require database queries, etc, would all be done by this middleware.

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

John R Pierce
dipti shah wrote:
> What is middleware?

An application server that does all the business logic.  your user
software calls the application server to do things, and it in turn
accesses the database.    User written software is not alloweed to
directly connecct to the databases at all.   Classic example of a
middleware platform Apache Tomcat

Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table?

dipti shah
Hmm...that would be too much work I think. Ayway, could you point me some useful link for postgresql middleware?

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:13 PM, John R Pierce <> wrote:
dipti shah wrote:
What is middleware?

An application server that does all the business logic.  your user software calls the application server to do things, and it in turn accesses the database.    User written software is not alloweed to directly connecct to the databases at all.   Classic example of a middleware platform Apache Tomcat