Thread: Field name problem

Field name problem

Alan Chandler
I built an application last year which used the name "over" as the name
of a boolean field in one of the tables.

It was in regular use last year and worked fine.

I have been regularly taking backups with of this database with the
following command

pg_dump -Fc melindas_ball | gzip -9 > ball.sql.gz

and, in the past - last year - managed to recover the data from a backup.

The server (a hosting service) this runs on is currently running 8.1.11

I discovered yesterday that for some unknown reason my hosting service
seems to have lost the data in the database.  The structure is there,
but the data is gone.

So I went back to a backup and loaded it on. It loaded OK (I can see it
in phppgadmin) but there was something wrong with the complex display of
the first page of my application (the queries it uses hadn't completed
in 10 minutes). I know there is a large number of queries and might need
some optimisation

So I tried to load the same database on my home machine using
pg_restore.  This runs version 8.4.0, and it failed loading the restore
  with and error at this field "over" because, I presume, its a reserved
word in SQL.

Is there anyway, I can access any of my other backups and load the data
in a current database?

Alan Chandler

Re: Field name problem

Tim Landscheidt
Alan Chandler <> wrote:

> [...]
> So I tried to load the same database on my home machine
> using pg_restore.  This runs version 8.4.0, and it failed
> loading the restore with and error at this field "over"
> because, I presume, its a reserved word in SQL.

> Is there anyway, I can access any of my other backups and
> load the data in a current database?

a) Install an old PostgreSQL server, restore to it, change
   the attribute name, dump from it, restore to a new ser-
b) Restore the backup to an SQL file, load it into a suit-
   able editor, change (very carefully) "over" to the new
   attribute name and restore that file to a new server.


Re: Field name problem

Alan Chandler
Tim Landscheidt wrote:

> b) Restore the backup to an SQL file, load it into a suit-
>    able editor, change (very carefully) "over" to the new
>    attribute name and restore that file to a new server.

Thats what I had hoped to be able to do (I've got to search several
backups for the one with the exact right dataset and I don't want to be
changing postgresql versions all the time), I read the pg_restore man
page over and over before posting.  Looking again after your post I see
now to just leave out the database name duh.


Alan Chandler