Thread: Fwd: pgsql configuration

Fwd: pgsql configuration

"Pau Marc Munoz Torres"

 today I had a problem with postgresql.conf file, i remove it from my local home, any of you know if there is some security copy  of it somewhere or if there is some how to recover it? the guy who did the configuration is not working at my office any more and i don't know is he changed some directory form default configuration


Pau Marc Muñoz Torrespostgresql.conf

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional  
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar                                    
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)postgresql.conf
telèfon: 93 5812807
Email :

Re: Fwd: pgsql configuration

Richard Huxton
Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> Hi
>  today I had a problem with postgresql.conf file, i remove it from my local
> home, any of you know if there is some security copy  of it somewhere or if
> there is some how to recover it? the guy who did the configuration is not
> working at my office any more and i don't know is he changed some directory
> form default configuration

PostgreSQL doesn't keep separate copies of it. Is it not in your backups?

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: Fwd: pgsql configuration

Craig Ringer
Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> Hi
>  today I had a problem with postgresql.conf file, i remove it from my local
> home, any of you know if there is some security copy  of it somewhere or if
> there is some how to recover it? the guy who did the configuration is not
> working at my office any more and i don't know is he changed some directory
> form default configuration

If you do not know where your data directory is, search for the file
PG_VERSION . Your main data directory will be the directory containing
that file. On most UNIXes the following command (run as root) should
find it, but might take a long time to run:

find / -type f -name PG_VERSION

Back the directory containing the PG_VERSION file up to another computer
or to removable storage (like a CD or DVD-ROM).

Now, use a default postgresql.conf from your version of postgresql
(download a copy if you don't have the file) and try starting the
database server with the data directory set to the directory containing

You MUST use the same version of postgresql as shown in the contents of
the PG_VERSION file ( run "cat /path/to/PG_VERSION" on UNIX to see the
contents ). It sounds like you already have the server, just not the
config file, so you should be OK with just using a default config file.

See how you go.

If you still have problems, please reply and mention crucial details like:

- Your PostgreSQL version

- Your operating system and version (eg "Fedore Core 6" or "Solaris 10")

- Where your PostgreSQL came from, if you know. In particular, if it
came as part of the operating system or was installed separately. If you
do not know, mention where the `psql' executable is. On many systems
"type psql" or "which psql" will tell you this.

- Whether or not you know where your data directory is

- How you normally start and stop postgresql

Craig Ringer

Re: Fwd: pgsql configuration

Craig Ringer
Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> Thanks Craig
>  just one more question, most of the variables at
> /home/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf file are commented (the directory
> /home/postgresql/data is where i found PG_VERSION file), should i it be
> commented in my postgresql.conf file?

Yes, that's normal. Most of them are commented out to show you what the
defaults are and how to change them.

If you still have problems, please reply and mention crucial details like:

- Your PostgreSQL version

- Your operating system and version (eg "Fedore Core 6" or "Solaris 10")

- How you normally start and stop postgresql

Craig Ringer

Re: Fwd: pgsql configuration

"Pau Marc Munoz Torres"

 it's works !!


2008/3/10, Craig Ringer <>:
Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:

> Thanks Craig
>  just one more question, most of the variables at
> /home/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf file are commented (the directory
> /home/postgresql/data is where i found PG_VERSION file), should i it be
> commented in my postgresql.conf file?

Yes, that's normal. Most of them are commented out to show you what the
defaults are and how to change them.

If you still have problems, please reply and mention crucial details like:

- Your PostgreSQL version

- Your operating system and version (eg "Fedore Core 6" or "Solaris 10")

- How you normally start and stop postgresql

Craig Ringer

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional  
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar                                    
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
telèfon: 93 5812807
Email :