Thread: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE


Csaba Nagy
Hi all,

Currently the LIMIT clause is not allowed in UPDATE or DELETE
statements. I wonder how easy it would be to allow it, and what people
think about it ? For our application it would help a lot when processing
things chunk-wise to avoid long running queries.

The fact that the actual rows processed would be unpredictable does not
make it less useful for us. We actually don't care which rows are
processed, we process them all anyway, we just want to make sure it is a
limited number at a time. A lot of our processes do take large amounts
of time (hours up to days), and we cannot allow that to be in one
transaction, the system does on-line processing too...

I guess the low-level infrastructure is already there (from what I
understood from earlier postings, but I may be wrong), and the question
is more if this feature is worth to be included or not... and the syntax
must be adjusted of course if yes.

All comments welcome...


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"chris smith"
On 5/19/06, Csaba Nagy <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently the LIMIT clause is not allowed in UPDATE or DELETE
> statements. I wonder how easy it would be to allow it, and what people
> think about it ? For our application it would help a lot when processing
> things chunk-wise to avoid long running queries.

I asked that question a while ago..

and got this response:

Works quite well :)
Postgresql & php tutorials

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Dawid Kuroczko"
On 5/19/06, Csaba Nagy <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently the LIMIT clause is not allowed in UPDATE or DELETE
> statements. I wonder how easy it would be to allow it, and what people
> think about it ? For our application it would help a lot when processing
> things chunk-wise to avoid long running queries.
> The fact that the actual rows processed would be unpredictable does not
> make it less useful for us. We actually don't care which rows are
> processed, we process them all anyway, we just want to make sure it is a
> limited number at a time. A lot of our processes do take large amounts
> of time (hours up to days), and we cannot allow that to be in one
> transaction, the system does on-line processing too...
> I guess the low-level infrastructure is already there (from what I
> understood from earlier postings, but I may be wrong), and the question
> is more if this feature is worth to be included or not... and the syntax
> must be adjusted of course if yes.

-- sample data
CREATE TEMP TABLE tab (id serial primary key, n int, t text);
INSERT INTO tab(n) SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,1000);
-- say, you want such an update:
UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' WHERE n > 10;
-- but with limit:
UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' WHERE id in (SELECT id FROM tab WHERE n > 10
LIMIT 100);
-- or this way (join):
UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' FROM (SELECT id FROM tab WHERE n > 10 LIMIT
100) AS tab_ids WHERE =;

...this of course assumes that you have a primary key you can use
to "target" the update.

Then again, there are places where there is no primary key, like:

CREATE TABLE foo (t text);
...and you want to update first 'aaa' to 'bbb'.

But you can handle it this way:

UPDATE foo SET t='bbb' WHERE t='aaa' AND nextval('aaa_temp_seq') <= 1;
-- LIMIT 1
...this of course will suck for big queries (all matching rows will be
searched, but not updated);


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> I asked that question a while ago..
> and got this response:
> Works quite well :)

I don't doubt that it works well, in fact that's what I plan to use
myself... I was not asking for a workaround, that I can figure out
myself :-)

Regarding the arguments of the post you linked:

"It isn't in the SQL standard" - neither LIMIT on SELECT, still it is a
very useful feature;

"it would have undefined behavior" - so does LIMIT on SELECT without
order by, and it is again still useful when you don't care about which
entry you get, you just want one of them. It certainly provides a
planning advantage in some cases where ordering would mean a sort;

The subquery delete will definitely have more involved plan than a
delete with limit. On some of my tables that would make a difference,
even if not that big one due to caching effects (the same rows are
deleted/updated which were already visited by the subquery). I can't say
for sure how big is the penalty of doing the subqery, but the plans I
have seen involve something like:

db=# prepare test_001(bigint, bigint, smallint) as
db-# DELETE FROM big_table
db-# WHERE (col1, col2) IN
db-#     (SELECT col1, col2 FROM big_table
db(#      WHERE col1=$2
db(#        AND col3 IS NOT NULL
db(#        AND col4 =$3
db(#        AND col5 <> 'o'
db(#        LIMIT 1000);
db=# explain execute test_001(1,1,1);
                                                       QUERY PLAN

 Nested Loop  (cost=2166.10..2282.99 rows=1 width=6)
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2166.10..2166.10 rows=29 width=16)
         ->  Subquery Scan "IN_subquery"  (cost=0.00..2165.95 rows=29
               ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=16)
                     ->  Index Scan using idx_big_table_col3 on
big_table  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=16)
                           Index Cond: (col1 = $2)
                           Filter: ((col3 IS NOT NULL) AND (col4 = $3)
AND ("col5" <> 'o'::bpchar))
   ->  Index Scan using pk_big_table on big_table  (cost=0.00..4.02
rows=1 width=22)
         Index Cond: ((big_table.col1 = "outer".col1) AND
(big_table.col2 = "outer".col2))
(9 rows)

idx_big_table_col3 - is a partial index where col3 is not null, which
means ~ 10% of the total rows. The estimates are a generic estimate, the
worst case is that there are a few 100K rows selected by the subselect
before the limit. So I guess the worst case can have as much as double
cost than a plan for DELETE with LIMIT would have.

With the LIMIT allowed on DELETE it would be something like:

               ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=16)
                     ->  Index Scan using idx_big_table_col3 on
big_table  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=16)
                           Index Cond: (col1 = $2)
                           Filter: ((col3 IS NOT NULL) AND (col4 = $3)
AND ("col5" <> 'o'::bpchar))

That would spare a HashAggregate and an index scan. The index scan would
very likely not be a problem, as the same index entries are visited in
the subquery and likely are cached, and the HashAggregate should be also
fast for the max 1000 rows it has to handle, but they are still
completely unnecessary for my purpose, so I still think the LIMIT on
DELETE and UPDATE would make perfect sense.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> -- sample data
> CREATE TEMP TABLE tab (id serial primary key, n int, t text);
> INSERT INTO tab(n) SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,1000);
> -- say, you want such an update:
> UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' WHERE n > 10;
> -- but with limit:
> UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' WHERE id in (SELECT id FROM tab WHERE n > 10
> LIMIT 100);
> -- or this way (join):
> UPDATE tab SET t = 'aqq' FROM (SELECT id FROM tab WHERE n > 10 LIMIT
> 100) AS tab_ids WHERE =;
> ...this of course assumes that you have a primary key you can use
> to "target" the update.
> Then again, there are places where there is no primary key, like:
> CREATE TABLE foo (t text);
> INSERT INTO foo VALUES('aaa');
> INSERT INTO foo VALUES('aaa');
> ...and you want to update first 'aaa' to 'bbb'.
> But you can handle it this way:
> CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE aaa_temp_seq;
> UPDATE foo SET t='bbb' WHERE t='aaa' AND nextval('aaa_temp_seq') <= 1;
> -- LIMIT 1
> ...this of course will suck for big queries (all matching rows will be
> searched, but not updated);
>   Reagrds,
>     Dawid

Like I said in a previous post, I can figure out the workarounds, but it
would be nice not to need it, not to mention the LIMIT would work

I specifically seek for opinions about the LIMIT on DELETE/UPDATE
feature, not workarounds.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> That would spare a HashAggregate and an index scan. The index scan would
> very likely not be a problem, as the same index entries are visited in
> the subquery and likely are cached, and the HashAggregate should be also
> fast for the max 1000 rows it has to handle, but they are still
> completely unnecessary for my purpose, so I still think the LIMIT on
> DELETE and UPDATE would make perfect sense.

Oh, it just occured to me: the subquery is using a different index than
the outer loop, so we can forget about caching. Considering that the
outer loop uses an index 10x bigger than the subquery, and that means
~50million entries, and the typical situation where this would be used
mostly selects 1000 rows indeed, the LIMIT on DELETE for this case would
mean for sure ~ 50% speedup.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Tom Lane
Csaba Nagy <> writes:
> Currently the LIMIT clause is not allowed in UPDATE or DELETE
> statements. I wonder how easy it would be to allow it, and what people
> think about it ?

This has been proposed before, and rejected before, and the arguments
against are just as strong as they were before.  See the archives.

            regards, tom lane

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 15:51, Tom Lane wrote:
> Csaba Nagy <> writes:
> > Currently the LIMIT clause is not allowed in UPDATE or DELETE
> > statements. I wonder how easy it would be to allow it, and what people
> > think about it ?
> This has been proposed before, and rejected before, and the arguments
> against are just as strong as they were before.  See the archives.

Tom, I guess you refer to the following:

Well, let me fight your arguments.

The first one here is not the first in your mail, but the most important
I guess:

"Just because MySQL is willing to implement nonstandard bad ideas
mean we are.  In any case the idea that this might provide some amount
of compatibility is illusory: the odds are good that we'd delete or
update a different tuple than they do, because of implementation
differences.  An application that actually depends on MySQL's behavior
would surely be broken."

Well, first of all, you're not competing here with MySQL in this case, but with Oracle. Our application does this using
Oracle'sROWNUM trick and it works perfectly fine. Now I guess you think Oracle's ROWNUM is also stupid in this case,
butit certainly helps us writing cleaner SQL, and a missing postgres alternative which is easy to use won't help you in
attractingOracle users. 

Regarding the compatibility, I do not expect that the rows deleted/updated will be the same as on Oracle or other DB, I
simplyexpect that only a limited number of rows will be processed at a time... the rest will be processed in the next
runs,on all DBs... Is this so outrageous ? 

Regarding non-standard, LIMIT is non-standard in SELECTS as well, and I don't see how much more non-standard would it

Regarding "bad ideas", "depending on MySQLs behavior", I think you're simply overreacting here... for me LIMIT in
DELETE/UPDATEwould have saved a few days of compatibility work on our application WITH ORACLE, not MySQL, and a few

"And how exactly do you control *which* tuple(s) get deleted or updated,
if the WHERE clause selects more than the limit?"

I DO NOT CARE about which rows are deleted. The fact that it is nondeterministic can be very clearly specified in the
documentationif you think it is such a bad thing, but nondeterministic is perfectly fine sometimes. There are lots of
nondeterminismsin the data base world, starting with the ordering of selects if you don't use order by, then why don't
weforce everybody using order by ? Why don't you force to use order by on a select with limit ? Why there it is enough
tosay it in the docs that it WILL BE NON_DETERMINISTIC ? 

"Then use ctid."

For the problem at hand in your post it is a good solution, except that it will cause a full table scan cause I guess
fewpeople have indexes on ctid. Or you have to write your queries really contrived, by duplicating most of your query
conditionsso that it can use some indexes. I'm not sure if you'll get away without at least 2 full table scans if using
ctidand no indexes, one for the subquery and one for the delete itself... not to mention the need for something like a
HashAggregateon the subquery results... all this is speculation, but for sure you'll spend 10x the time for optimizing
thesubquery then you would writing a simple DELETE with LIMIT. 

"Have you got any evidence that there's a meaningful speedup?"

No, but from speculating the query plans I see it would mean up to 50% speedup for my use case.

"We have a zero-tolerance policy on yacc warnings."
"This just seems like a really bad idea ..."

You simply have prejudices against this feature. If you wouldn't be so against it I'm sure the problems could be
solved.You're one of the most influent person on where postgres is going, and it's a pity when you're so against
somethingyou don't like based on gut feelings... 


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Tom Lane
Csaba Nagy <> writes:
> I DO NOT CARE about which rows are deleted.

You can't possibly think that that holds true in general.

> The fact that it is
> nondeterministic can be very clearly specified in the documentation if
> you think it is such a bad thing, but nondeterministic is perfectly
> fine sometimes. There are lots of nondeterminisms in the data base
> world, starting with the ordering of selects if you don't use order
> by, then why don't we force everybody using order by ? Why don't you
> force to use order by on a select with limit ? Why there it is enough
> to say it in the docs that it WILL BE NON_DETERMINISTIC ?

I can tolerate nondeterminism in SELECT because it doesn't change the
data.  If you get it wrong you can always do it over.  UPDATE/DELETE
need to have higher standards though.

            regards, tom lane

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 16:31, Tom Lane wrote:
> Csaba Nagy <> writes:
> > I DO NOT CARE about which rows are deleted.
> You can't possibly think that that holds true in general.

I agree that it is not true in the general case, but then I also don't
want to use DELETE with LIMIT in the general case. I only want to use it
in the very specific cases where it makes sense, and it results in
cleaner SQL, and it would likely result in a better execution plan.

> I can tolerate nondeterminism in SELECT because it doesn't change the
> data.  If you get it wrong you can always do it over.  UPDATE/DELETE
> need to have higher standards though.

Please Tom, there are so many ways you can shoot your feet already in
there... I don't see why this one would be a bigger foot-gun then the
subquery stile. It is functionally equivalent. It's only easier to
write... if somebody wants to shoot himself, he can do it one way or the
other. Placing a big warning on the docs should be enough... <rant>
except if postgres is really targeting the MySql users instead of the
Oracle folks. Those guys already have this foot-gun readily loaded...
where's the American spirit where you are allowed to carry guns and
expected to act responsible ?</rant>


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Shelby Cain
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Tom Lane <>
>To: Csaba Nagy <>
>Cc: Postgres general mailing list <>
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 9:31:24 AM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
>You can't possibly think that that holds true in general.
>I can tolerate nondeterminism in SELECT because it doesn't change the
>data.  If you get it wrong you can always do it over.  UPDATE/DELETE
>need to have higher standards though.
>            regards, tom lane

The usage Csaba is referring to seems to be pretty common practice in the world of Oracle.  If I need to purge 5-10
millionrows from a non-partitioned table on a regular basis (e.g: archiving) I'm going to use delete in conjunction
withan appropriate where clause (typically something like less than some sequence number or date) and tack a "rownum<X"
(whereX is some fairly large constant) on the end so that the delete is done in chunks.  I'll commit immediately
afterwardsand loop until sql%rowcount<X indicating that I'm finsihed. 

Now the question... why would you do that instead of doing everything in one big transaction on Oracle?  I guess
performanceis one reason.  Oracle's (at least with 8/8i) performance seems to tank very quickly on deletes as you
increasethe number of records you delete in a single transaction.  The other (at least with my understanding of Oracle
internals)is that using smaller transactions will mean less rollback segment space used which reduces the likelyhood of
yourtransaction getting killed due to Oracle running out of rollback space on a database that has heavy usage. 

Since Postgresql's MVCC system doesn't require rollback segments I guess the performance question is the more important
ofthe two.  If there could be a performance gain in Postgresql with "delete from X where Y limit Z" vs "delete from X
whereY in (some subselect limit Z)" I'd think Csaba suggestion has some merit. 


 Shelby Cain

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> Now the question... why would you do that instead of doing everything in one big transaction on Oracle?  I guess
performanceis one reason.  Oracle's (at least with 8/8i) performance seems to tank very quickly on deletes as you
increasethe number of records you delete in a single transaction.  The other (at least with my understanding of Oracle
internals)is that using smaller transactions will mean less rollback segment space used which reduces the likelyhood of
yourtransaction getting killed due to Oracle running out of rollback space on a database that has heavy usage. 

Running out of rollback segments is the answer in our case. It happened
more than once...

> Since Postgresql's MVCC system doesn't require rollback segments I guess the performance question is the more
importantof the two.  If there could be a performance gain in Postgresql with "delete from X where Y limit Z" vs
"deletefrom X where Y in (some subselect limit Z)" I'd think Csaba suggestion has some merit. 

But postgres has in turn the problem of not functional vacuum when you
have long running transactions. That is a problem for heavily recycled
tables like queue tables.

Now recently I have solved the vacuum problem by regularly CLUSTER-ing
our most heavily used queue table, so long running transactions are not
anymore such a huge problem for us, but we still have the case of some
user triggered operations which time out on the web before finishing on
the DB. Some of those would make perfect sense to be done partially and
the user then can restart the operation from where it left... now we
often have 5 minutes of updates rolled back and leaving nothing useful
but only dead rows.

And yes, not everything we do must be perfectly transactional...
sometimes the partial work worth more than partial work rolled back.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 04:22:42PM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> "Then use ctid."
> For the problem at hand in your post it is a good solution, except
> that it will cause a full table scan cause I guess few people have
> indexes on ctid. Or you have to write your queries really contrived,
> by duplicating most of your query conditions so that it can use some
> indexes. I'm not sure if you'll get away without at least 2 full
> table scans if using ctid and no indexes, one for the subquery and
> one for the delete itself... not to mention the need for something
> like a HashAggregate on the subquery results... all this is
> speculation, but for sure you'll spend 10x the time for optimizing
> the subquery then you would writing a simple DELETE with LIMIT.

Err, you don't need an index on ctid because the ctid represents that
physical location of the tuple on disk. ctids are what indexes use to
refer to tuples...

# explain DELETE FROM t WHERE ctid=(SELECT ctid FROM t WHERE pronargs=1 LIMIT 1);
                           QUERY PLAN
 Tid Scan on t  (cost=3.75..7.76 rows=2 width=6)
   Filter: (ctid = $0)
     ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..3.75 rows=1 width=6)
           ->  Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=6 width=6)
                 Filter: (pronargs = 1)
(6 rows)

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> Err, you don't need an index on ctid because the ctid represents that
> physical location of the tuple on disk. ctids are what indexes use to
> refer to tuples...
OK, then how you explain this:

db=# prepare test_001(bigint, bigint, smallint) as
db-# DELETE FROM big_table
db-# WHERE ctid IN
db-#     (SELECT ctid FROM big_table
db(#      WHERE col1=$2
db(#        AND col2 IS NOT NULL
db(#        AND col3 =$3
db(#        AND col4 <> 'o'
db(#        LIMIT 1000);
db=# explain execute test_001(1,1,1);
                                                       QUERY PLAN

 Nested Loop IN Join  (cost=2165.98..24570725.13 rows=29 width=6)
   Join Filter: ("outer".ctid = "inner".ctid)
   ->  Seq Scan on big_table  (cost=0.00..1037188.04 rows=36063404
   ->  Materialize  (cost=2165.98..2166.27 rows=29 width=6)
         ->  Subquery Scan "IN_subquery"  (cost=0.00..2165.95 rows=29
               ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=6)
                     ->  Index Scan using idx_big_table_col2 on
big_table  (cost=0.00..2165.66 rows=29 width=6)
                           Index Cond: (col1 = $2)
                           Filter: ((col2 IS NOT NULL) AND (col3 = $3)
AND ("col4" <> 'o'::bpchar))
(9 rows)


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Regarding Oracle's ROWNUM - since they have to use that instead of OFFSET
and LIMIT, that isn't much of an argument for the Oracle way.  When
converting queries into Oracle SQL, I always _really_ miss OFFSET and
LIMIT.  They are much easier to use than ROWNUM, especially with ORDER BY.

I think that more databases support OFFSET and LIMIT than ROWNUM (the
Oracle way).

Personally, I have never wanted a DELETE or UPDATE with LIMIT.  The one
time I did something similar in Oracle, I used partitions, and just dropped
or truncated the partition containing the old data.


                           Csaba Nagy
                      <>          To:       Postgres general mailing list
                           Sent by:                  cc:
                                                     Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

                      pgsql-general-owner@pos         |-------------------|
                                 | [ ] Expand Groups |

                           05/19/2006 07:22



Well, first of all, you're not competing here with MySQL in this case, but
with Oracle. Our application does this using Oracle's ROWNUM trick and it
works perfectly fine. Now I guess you think Oracle's ROWNUM is also stupid
in this case, but it certainly helps us writing cleaner SQL, and a missing
postgres alternative which is easy to use won't help you in attracting
Oracle users.


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Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 17:43, wrote:
> Regarding Oracle's ROWNUM - since they have to use that instead of OFFSET
> and LIMIT, that isn't much of an argument for the Oracle way.  When
> converting queries into Oracle SQL, I always _really_ miss OFFSET and
> LIMIT.  They are much easier to use than ROWNUM, especially with ORDER BY.

I would agree here, but for my purpose would have been a lot easier to
parameterize the limit syntax only than to completely rewrite the query
for postgres.

> I think that more databases support OFFSET and LIMIT than ROWNUM (the
> Oracle way).
I actually don't care what's the syntax as long I can create a query
with the syntactically equivalent parts in the same place of the query
and the same number and order of parameters. Then it's fairly easy to
parameterize it and have the same code handle it... otherwise I have to
write special code for each data base. Sometimes I have to do that
anyway for different reasons, but it is a PITA to maintain it, so I try
to minimize the number of places where I have to do it.

> Personally, I have never wanted a DELETE or UPDATE with LIMIT.  The one
> time I did something similar in Oracle, I used partitions, and just dropped
> or truncated the partition containing the old data.

Perfectly fine, I also don't use many of the features available :-) That
doesn't mean it is not useful for others...


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Shelby Cain
>----- Original Message ----
>To: Csaba Nagy <>
>Cc: Postgres general mailing list <>; >
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 10:43:43 AM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
>Personally, I have never wanted a DELETE or UPDATE with LIMIT.  The one
>time I did something similar in Oracle, I used partitions, and just dropped
>or truncated the partition containing the old data.

Yeah, that’s the proper way to handle the issue assuming that sufficient forethought was put into the design of the
database. It becomes trivial to drop a partition part of your weekly/monthly maintenance. 

Unfortunately, when dealing with legacy database systems that have grown in a very organic way over a span of 5-10
yearsyou don't have much control over the schema and there is significant inertia present to leave things as they are.
Asan example, the DBA group at the client I'm currently working has their databases managed by IBM global services and
theywill push back on altering a table definition to use partitioning as it costs the organization money to have those
changesput into production.  Having a internal developer use a script to perform such maintenance as a batch process is
considered"free" so you can guess how many such processes have been created over the years. 


Shelby Cain

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> >Personally, I have never wanted a DELETE or UPDATE with LIMIT.  The one
> >time I did something similar in Oracle, I used partitions, and just dropped
> >or truncated the partition containing the old data.
> >
> Yeah, that’s the proper way to handle the issue assuming that sufficient forethought was put into the design of the
database. It becomes trivial to drop a partition part of your weekly/monthly maintenance. 

Well, sometimes it's not that easy. How would you handle a batch
processing system which stores the incoming requests in a queue table in
the data base, and then periodically processes a batch of it, with the
additional constraint that it is allowed to process at most 1000 at a
time so it won't produce a too long running transaction ? Suppose the
processing is quite costly, and the queue can have bursts of incoming
requests which then have to be slowly processed... the requests are
coming from the web and must be processed asynchronously, the insert
into the data base must be very fast.

Partitioning would be able to solve this kind of problem I guess, if one
processing chunk is one partition, and it is dropped after processed,
but it needs a whole lot of setup and I'm not sure how well it would
work with largely variable bursts of data... the number of partitions
could grow indefinitely, and there would be a race condition when
there's low traffic and we need to process an incomplete chunk (after a
maximum sleep timeout for e.g.) while there are still some incoming
requests we don't want to loose.

So what I'm talking about is not maintenance, but on-line operation...


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Tom Lane
Martijn van Oosterhout <> writes:
> Err, you don't need an index on ctid because the ctid represents that
> physical location of the tuple on disk. ctids are what indexes use to
> refer to tuples...

> # explain DELETE FROM t WHERE ctid=(SELECT ctid FROM t WHERE pronargs=1 LIMIT 1);

This doesn't currently work for more than one tuple, though: the natural
locution would be "WHERE ctid IN (SELECT returning more than one tid)"
but the planner/executor don't cope with doing that efficiently.  Might
be worth trying to fix that.

            regards, tom lane

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Shelby Cain
----- Original Message ----
>From: Csaba Nagy <>
>To: Shelby Cain <>
>Cc:; Postgres general mailing list ><>;
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 11:46:42 AM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
>Well, sometimes it's not that easy. How would you handle a batch
>processing system which stores the incoming requests in a queue table in
>the data base, and then periodically processes a batch of it, with the
>additional constraint that it is allowed to process at most 1000 at a
>time so it won't produce a too long running transaction ? Suppose the
>processing is quite costly, and the queue can have bursts of incoming
>requests which then have to be slowly processed... the requests are
>coming from the web and must be processed asynchronously, the insert
>into the data base must be very fast.

I can't imagine a case where a properly tuned Postgresql installation with appropriate hardware backing it couldn't
handlethat particular kind of workload pattern.  However, I usually work with Oracle so tables used as queues don't
havethe same performance issues you'd run into with Postgresql. 

Regardless, this type of queue problem can also be tackled by having your data layer persisting the input from the web
inmemory (which maintains a low perceived response time to the client) and posting to the table as fast as the database

>So what I'm talking about is not maintenance, but on-line operation...

Different problems will always require different solutions.  In the case you present I don't really think partitioning
isthe answer. 


Shelby Cain

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 05:19:37PM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> > Since Postgresql's MVCC system doesn't require rollback segments I guess the performance question is the more
importantof the two.  If there could be a performance gain in Postgresql with "delete from X where Y limit Z" vs
"deletefrom X where Y in (some subselect limit Z)" I'd think Csaba suggestion has some merit. 
> But postgres has in turn the problem of not functional vacuum when you
> have long running transactions. That is a problem for heavily recycled
> tables like queue tables.

I'd rather see time invested in coming up with a way to seperate long
running and short running transactions from an MVCC standpoint than
relying on the ability to shorten transactions lengths. But, there is
another advantage to doing deletes or even updates in chunks; it means
fewer dead rows in the table being modified, since autovacuum can go to
work any time after the first long-running update/delete finishes.

> Now recently I have solved the vacuum problem by regularly CLUSTER-ing
> our most heavily used queue table, so long running transactions are not
> anymore such a huge problem for us, but we still have the case of some
> user triggered operations which time out on the web before finishing on
> the DB. Some of those would make perfect sense to be done partially and
> the user then can restart the operation from where it left... now we
> often have 5 minutes of updates rolled back and leaving nothing useful
> but only dead rows.

BTW, there's a bug/issue with CLUSTER that makes it not entirely
transaction safe.

> And yes, not everything we do must be perfectly transactional...
> sometimes the partial work worth more than partial work rolled back.

Yes, something that some people in the community have a hard time
accepting. A great example is storing session data for websites. It's
convenient to do it in the database, but it can cause big performance
problems with MVCC. But it's session data; if you have to wipe the table
after a database crash, who cares?
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 10:25:19AM -0700, Shelby Cain wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> >From: Csaba Nagy <>
> >To: Shelby Cain <>
> >Cc:; Postgres general mailing list ><>;
> >Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 11:46:42 AM
> >Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
> >
> >Well, sometimes it's not that easy. How would you handle a batch
> >processing system which stores the incoming requests in a queue table in
> >the data base, and then periodically processes a batch of it, with the
> >additional constraint that it is allowed to process at most 1000 at a
> >time so it won't produce a too long running transaction ? Suppose the
> >processing is quite costly, and the queue can have bursts of incoming
> >requests which then have to be slowly processed... the requests are
> >coming from the web and must be processed asynchronously, the insert
> >into the data base must be very fast.
> I can't imagine a case where a properly tuned Postgresql installation with appropriate hardware backing it couldn't
handlethat particular kind of workload pattern.  However, I usually work with Oracle so tables used as queues don't
havethe same performance issues you'd run into with Postgresql. 

Just try and do (what should stay) a small queue table in the same
database as long-running reporting transactions. As long as a
long-running report is going you might as well suspend all vacuuming on
that queue table, because it won't do you any good; the report
transaction means that vacuum can't remove anything.

I've seen a case where a queue table should always fit into a single
database page; 2 at most. But because some transactions will run for a
minute or two, that table is normally about 40 pages, almost entirely
all dead space. Of course the same problem affects all the indexes on
that table as well.

I can't imagine how bad this would be if the database actually had
hour-long reports that had to run... and luckily the system is quiet at
night when pg_dump runs.

> Regardless, this type of queue problem can also be tackled by having your data layer persisting the input from the
webin memory (which maintains a low perceived response time to the client) and posting to the table as fast as the

Uh, and just what happens when your web front-end crashes then??
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Shelby Cain
----- Original Message ----
>From: Jim C. Nasby <>
>To: Shelby Cain <>
>Cc: Csaba Nagy <>;; >Postgres general mailing list
>Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 5:04:51 PM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
 >Just try and do (what should stay) a small queue table in the same
>database as long-running reporting transactions. As long as a
>long-running report is going you might as well suspend all vacuuming on
>that queue table, because it won't do you any good; the report
>transaction means that vacuum can't remove anything.
>I've seen a case where a queue table should always fit into a single
>database page; 2 at most. But because some transactions will run for a
>minute or two, that table is normally about 40 pages, almost entirely
>all dead space. Of course the same problem affects all the indexes on
>that table as well.
>I can't imagine how bad this would be if the database actually had
>hour-long reports that had to run... and luckily the system is quiet at
>night when pg_dump runs.

 My experience with job queues comes from clients that mostly use Oracle as the backend.  However, even with Oracle a
queuetable should be storing information about a job and not have records unnecessarily locked simply because they are
being"worked on" by another hypothetical "job runner" process... by this I mean that the status of a job should be
updatedto a distinct state at any given moment in time (eg: unprocessed, processing, processed).  In the case I present
above,if you are using Postgresql you wouldnt have any open long-running transactions on that table and vacuuming
shouldwork... or am I misunderstanding the issue? 

>> Regardless, this type of queue problem can also be tackled by having your data >>layer persisting the input from the
webin memory (which maintains a low >>perceived response time to the client) and posting to the table as fast as the
 >Uh, and just what happens when your web front-end crashes then??

Sorry, I probably should have said middle tier instead of data layer.  Obviously, no single design choice will cover
100%of circumstances. 

If your middle tier is located on the web server and you have a physical crash then obviously you are going to miss the
jobsthere were being held in memory waiting to be posted to the database and you'll have to resubmit (if possible) on
restart. Having sane restart requirements/procedures thought out beforehand also goes a long way to making recover from
anunexpected failure easier. 

 If your middle tier lives on another machine then you'd miss (at most) the one job that the web application was in the
processof handing off to your middle tier.  If your application is such that a missed job submission is a highly
criticalproblem then you'd want a redundant solution for your middle tier to help avoid the problem or perhaps you
mightwant to rethink posting asynchronously from your web UI and buffering the submissions. 


 Shelby Cain

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 23:55, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> BTW, there's a bug/issue with CLUSTER that makes it not entirely
> transaction safe.

For God's sake, don't fix that one ! I rely on it... now seriously,
until there's a way to tell the DB that an exclusive lock is enough to
vacuum all dead rows, even if they would be visible by other
transactions, CLUSTER is the only thing I can use to circumvent the long
running transaction syndrome.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 00:04, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> I can't imagine how bad this would be if the database actually had
> hour-long reports that had to run... and luckily the system is quiet at
> night when pg_dump runs.

BTW, pg_dump is the only thing that stays in my way with the CLUSTER
strategy against long running transactions, because it locks (in shared
mode, but that's just enough) all dumped tables at the beginning. It
would be nice to have an "exclude-table" option on it. I actually
started working on a patch to allow that, I will make it just good
enough for my purpose (very poor C skills here). Would that be
interesting for others ?

> > Regardless, this type of queue problem can also be tackled by having your data layer persisting the input from the
webin memory (which maintains a low perceived response time to the client) and posting to the table as fast as the
> Uh, and just what happens when your web front-end crashes then??

Well, actually we do have some processes where we use a buffer in the
web layer which collects ~1000 entries (or 5 minutes worth, whichever
comes first) in memory and then flushes them to the DB. But the
processing still happens in the DB, as we have a sizable cluster of web
machines and it is still more efficient to handle the processing
centrally than by each machine itself. So we still insert a batch of raw
entries and bulk process them on the DB using stored procedures.

If the web machine crashes, we loose some entries. But in those cases we
have bigger problems too...

We do have however a job table where the whole cluster puts tasks and
the machine which has free resources takes some to process. We first
used JMS for this purpose, but that was just not flexible enough to
accommodate our constraints and rules of load distribution across the
cluster. This is the real bitchy queue table.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:30:35AM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 00:04, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > I can't imagine how bad this would be if the database actually had
> > hour-long reports that had to run... and luckily the system is quiet at
> > night when pg_dump runs.
> BTW, pg_dump is the only thing that stays in my way with the CLUSTER
> strategy against long running transactions, because it locks (in shared
> mode, but that's just enough) all dumped tables at the beginning. It
> would be nice to have an "exclude-table" option on it. I actually
> started working on a patch to allow that, I will make it just good
> enough for my purpose (very poor C skills here). Would that be
> interesting for others ?

Well, being able to have finer control over what you're dumping is on
the TODO list, and I think there was even consensus reached on -hackers
as to how the syntax should work.

But that's only a partial fix, because generally you'd want a complete
dump of your database anyway. What would be better is if pg_dump could
release locks as it no longer needs them, namely as it dumps each table.
Though this might require pg_dump remembering some state information
about each object since certain things are dumped after all the COPY
commands, such as RI.

This also doesn't address the issue of long-running transactions
preventing dead rows from being vacuumed.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:19:25AM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 23:55, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > BTW, there's a bug/issue with CLUSTER that makes it not entirely
> > transaction safe.
> For God's sake, don't fix that one ! I rely on it... now seriously,
> until there's a way to tell the DB that an exclusive lock is enough to
> vacuum all dead rows, even if they would be visible by other
> transactions, CLUSTER is the only thing I can use to circumvent the long
> running transaction syndrome.

I believe it's already fixed in HEAD/8.2.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Bruce Momjian
Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:19:25AM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 23:55, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > > BTW, there's a bug/issue with CLUSTER that makes it not entirely
> > > transaction safe.
> >
> > For God's sake, don't fix that one ! I rely on it... now seriously,
> > until there's a way to tell the DB that an exclusive lock is enough to
> > vacuum all dead rows, even if they would be visible by other
> > transactions, CLUSTER is the only thing I can use to circumvent the long
> > running transaction syndrome.
> I believe it's already fixed in HEAD/8.2.

If it is, TODO doesn't reflect that:

    * Make CLUSTER preserve recently-dead tuples per MVCC

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 03:49:01PM -0700, Shelby Cain wrote:
>  My experience with job queues comes from clients that mostly use Oracle as the backend.  However, even with Oracle a
queuetable should be storing information about a job and not have records unnecessarily locked simply because they are
being"worked on" by another hypothetical "job runner" process... by this I mean that the status of a job should be
updatedto a distinct state at any given moment in time (eg: unprocessed, processing, processed).  In the case I present
above,if you are using Postgresql you wouldnt have any open long-running transactions on that table and vacuuming
shouldwork... or am I misunderstanding the issue? 

The issue is that vacuum has to base it's decisions not on the oldest
running transaction that has locks on a table, but on the oldest running
transaction in the entire database, because that transaction could start
reading any table at any time. Until that changes, long-running
transactions of any kind and heavy-update tables simply won't mix well
at all in a single database.

I recently proposed a way around this [1], but it didn't get much

Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Shelby Cain
----- Original Message ----
>From: Jim C. Nasby <>
>To: Shelby Cain <>
>Cc: Csaba Nagy <>;; Postgres >general mailing list
>Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:19:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE
 >The issue is that vacuum has to base it's decisions not on the oldest
>running transaction that has locks on a table, but on the oldest running
>transaction in the entire database, because that transaction could start
>reading any table at any time. Until that changes, long-running
>transactions of any kind and heavy-update tables simply won't mix well
>at all in a single database.

Now I understand... thanks for the clarification.


 Shelby Cain

Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
> > would be nice to have an "exclude-table" option on it. I actually
> > started working on a patch to allow that, I will make it just good
> > enough for my purpose (very poor C skills here). Would that be
> > interesting for others ?
> Well, being able to have finer control over what you're dumping is on
> the TODO list, and I think there was even consensus reached on -hackers
> as to how the syntax should work.
I actually managed to do that, I have a pg_dump which accepts "-e
table_name" multiple times, so I can exclude tables from the dump. It's
nice to have the source at hand :-)
For the tables I do exclude, works fine for me, might have problems in
the generic case, e.g. when you have large object references in the
excluded table, the referred large objects will still be transferred,
and I don't know what happens if there are other tables depending on the
excluded ones... in my case that's not the case.

> But that's only a partial fix, because generally you'd want a complete
> dump of your database anyway. What would be better is if pg_dump could
> release locks as it no longer needs them, namely as it dumps each table.
> Though this might require pg_dump remembering some state information
> about each object since certain things are dumped after all the COPY
> commands, such as RI.
For my purpose that wouldn't help much, the queue tables are anyway
useless in the dump (their job might have been already executed, with
external side-effects as emails, and that can't be rolled back, and
shouldn't be executed again either). So the queue tables are out of
context anyway by the time I load the dump, so I can dump/reload them
separately if needed, and I have to filter their content anyway.

> This also doesn't address the issue of long-running transactions
> preventing dead rows from being vacuumed.

But it works fine with CLUSTER, at least as currently implemented.


Re: allow LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE

Csaba Nagy
On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 00:15, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:19:25AM +0200, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 23:55, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > > > BTW, there's a bug/issue with CLUSTER that makes it not entirely
> > > > transaction safe.
> > >
> > > For God's sake, don't fix that one ! I rely on it... now seriously,
> > > until there's a way to tell the DB that an exclusive lock is enough to
> > > vacuum all dead rows, even if they would be visible by other
> > > transactions, CLUSTER is the only thing I can use to circumvent the long
> > > running transaction syndrome.
> >
> > I believe it's already fixed in HEAD/8.2.
> If it is, TODO doesn't reflect that:
>     * Make CLUSTER preserve recently-dead tuples per MVCC
>       requirements

Can I ask to leave in some kind of switch (configuration, syntax, I
don't care) so that the old behavior is still available if needed ?
