Thread: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler

Client is getting the following error when attempting
to do an insert on a table:

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint

Client is using PostgreSQL 7.4.2 on Sparcv9 running

We have the following tables:

evt_id       bigserial, unique
d1           numeric(13)
obj_id       numeric(6)
d2           numeric(13)
val          varchar(22)
correction   numeric(1)
delta        numeric(13)

obj_id       numeric(6), unique
name         varchar(22), unique
dtype        numeric(2)
dfreq        numeric(2)

EVENT_TBL.d1 (non-clustered)
EVENT_TBL.obj_id (non-clustered)
CONTROL_TBL.obj_id (non-clustered) (clustered)

Update processes run continually throughout the day in
which rows are inserted.  Rows are purged by a
different process on a daily basis.  Rows are
added/purged in a queue-like manner, with older rows
(i.e. lower 'evt_id' value) purged first.

The EVENT_TBL is potentially large (on the order of
millions of rows) but certainly not big enough where a
'bigserial' value would ever wrap back to 0.

We also drop all the indexes listed above and recreate
them on a daily basis.  However, we do not do anything
to the sequence or index created for the 'evt_id'

In fact, we do not ever try to do anything directly to
'evt_id' column.  Even on inserts we are not
specifying a value for 'evt_id' and let the system do
its magic.  We never attempt to minipulate the
sequence/index for the column in any way.

Short of the client mucking around with the column in
an unauthorized manner, can anybody think of a reason
how things might get confused and an already used
'evt_id' value is used again?



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Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Tom Lane
Bill Chandler <> writes:
> Client is getting the following error when attempting
> to do an insert on a table:

> ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> event_tbl_evt_id_key

What's the exact query (or queries) causing this?  Do you have any
triggers or rules that might be affecting the table?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler

This is not the EXACT command (don't have that since
this a client site and they did not have logging
turned on) but the insert command would have looked
something like:

1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)

For what its worth, the command is being issued via
JDBC app.

If the exact command is important I could have them
turn on logging and I could get that for you.


--- Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Bill Chandler <> writes:
> > Client is getting the following error when
> attempting
> > to do an insert on a table:
> > ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> > event_tbl_evt_id_key
> What's the exact query (or queries) causing this?
> Do you have any
> triggers or rules that might be affecting the table?
>             regards, tom lane

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Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Ragnar Hafstað
On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 11:03 -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:

> ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> event_tbl_evt_id_key

> evt_id       bigserial, unique
> d1           numeric(13)
> obj_id       numeric(6)
> d2           numeric(13)
> val          varchar(22)
> correction   numeric(1)
> delta        numeric(13)

and a bit later , in response to a question,
On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 14:24 -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:
> Tom,
> This is not the EXACT command (don't have that since
> this a client site and they did not have logging
> turned on) but the insert command would have looked
> something like:
> INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 'X.Y.Z',
> 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)

firstly, the types do not seem to match the table

secondly, you seem to be inserting a literal value into your
serial column.

did you mean to say that the insert was

what is the current value of the sequence ?
are there any rows there evt_id is higher than that ?


Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler
I'm sorry, was working on little sleep yesterday.  You
are right, the table was created with the columns in
the following order:

d1, obj_id, d2, val, correction, delta, evt_id

The insert command looks something like:

INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 145,
1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)


--- Ragnar Hafsta� <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 11:03 -0700, Bill Chandler
> wrote:
> > ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> > event_tbl_evt_id_key
> > evt_id       bigserial, unique
> > d1           numeric(13)
> > obj_id       numeric(6)
> > d2           numeric(13)
> > val          varchar(22)
> > correction   numeric(1)
> > delta        numeric(13)
> and a bit later , in response to a question,
> On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 14:24 -0700, Bill Chandler
> wrote:
> > Tom,
> >
> > This is not the EXACT command (don't have that
> since
> > this a client site and they did not have logging
> > turned on) but the insert command would have
> looked
> > something like:
> >
> 'X.Y.Z',
> > 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)
> firstly, the types do not seem to match the table
> definition.
> secondly, you seem to be inserting a literal value
> into your
> serial column.
> did you mean to say that the insert was
>   INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL (d1,...) VALUES (...) ?
> what is the current value of the sequence ?
> are there any rows there evt_id is higher than that
> ?
> gnari

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Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 07:59:55AM -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:
> I'm sorry, was working on little sleep yesterday.  You
> are right, the table was created with the columns in
> the following order:
> d1, obj_id, d2, val, correction, delta, evt_id
> The insert command looks something like:
> INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 145,
> 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)

So you are indeed inserting constant values in your serial field.  (Bad
idea.)  Why are you doing that (i.e. why aren't you using nextval()),
and do you have numbers bigger than the sequence's current value already
in the table?

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]>)
"Uno combate cuando es necesario... ¡no cuando está de humor!
El humor es para el ganado, o para hacer el amor, o para tocar el
baliset.  No para combatir."  (Gurney Halleck)

Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler
I was able to get a pg_dump of the table in question.
It has 23040 rows in it.  evt_id column ranges from 1
to 23040.

I used the dump to create a new database.  All inserts
fail with same error (unique constraint violation).
However,  I am wondering if this is just the result of
the fact that the pg_dump output conatins explicit
evt_id values for each row added so after creating the
database from the pg_dump output the sequence is still
at 1 when it should really be at 23040.

How does one find out the current sequence value?  Is
there a way to change it?


--- Bill Chandler <> wrote:
> I'm sorry, was working on little sleep yesterday.
> You
> are right, the table was created with the columns in
> the following order:
> d1, obj_id, d2, val, correction, delta, evt_id
> The insert command looks something like:
> INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 145,
> 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)
> Bill
> --- Ragnar Hafsta� <> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 11:03 -0700, Bill Chandler
> > wrote:
> >
> > > ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> > > event_tbl_evt_id_key
> >
> > > evt_id       bigserial, unique
> > > d1           numeric(13)
> > > obj_id       numeric(6)
> > > d2           numeric(13)
> > > val          varchar(22)
> > > correction   numeric(1)
> > > delta        numeric(13)
> >
> > and a bit later , in response to a question,
> > On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 14:24 -0700, Bill Chandler
> > wrote:
> > > Tom,
> > >
> > > This is not the EXACT command (don't have that
> > since
> > > this a client site and they did not have logging
> > > turned on) but the insert command would have
> > looked
> > > something like:
> > >
> > > INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991,
> > 'X.Y.Z',
> > > 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)
> >
> > firstly, the types do not seem to match the table
> > definition.
> >
> > secondly, you seem to be inserting a literal value
> > into your
> > serial column.
> >
> > did you mean to say that the insert was
> >   INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL (d1,...) VALUES (...) ?
> >
> > what is the current value of the sequence ?
> > are there any rows there evt_id is higher than
> that
> > ?
> >
> > gnari
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 08:48:15AM -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:

> How does one find out the current sequence value?  Is
> there a way to change it?

Using the function setval() you can change it.  SELECT * from
sequencename to find out.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]>)
"Si quieres ser creativo, aprende el arte de perder el tiempo"

Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler
I did not intend to put explicit values in the
'evt_id' column.  I thought the six values in the
insert command correspond to the 1st six columns in
the create table command, namely d1, obj_id, d2, val,
correction and delta and 'evt_id' is set to the
nextval() automagically.  Is that not correct?


--- Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 07:59:55AM -0700, Bill
> Chandler wrote:
> > I'm sorry, was working on little sleep yesterday.
> You
> > are right, the table was created with the columns
> in
> > the following order:
> >
> > d1, obj_id, d2, val, correction, delta, evt_id
> >
> > The insert command looks something like:
> >
> > INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 145,
> > 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)
> So you are indeed inserting constant values in your
> serial field.  (Bad
> idea.)  Why are you doing that (i.e. why aren't you
> using nextval()),
> and do you have numbers bigger than the sequence's
> current value already
> in the table?
> --
> Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]>)
> "Uno combate cuando es necesario... �no cuando est�
> de humor!
> El humor es para el ganado, o para hacer el amor, o
> para tocar el
> baliset.  No para combatir."  (Gurney Halleck)

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Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 08:58:41AM -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:
> I did not intend to put explicit values in the
> 'evt_id' column.  I thought the six values in the
> insert command correspond to the 1st six columns in
> the create table command, namely d1, obj_id, d2, val,
> correction and delta and 'evt_id' is set to the
> nextval() automagically.  Is that not correct?

Sorry, I didn't count the fields.  My mistake.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]>)
Tulio: oh, para qué servirá este boton, Juan Carlos?
Policarpo: No, aléjense, no toquen la consola!
Juan Carlos: Lo apretaré una y otra vez.

Re: Unique constraint violation on serial column

Bill Chandler

In the pg_dump output is the command:

COPY event_tbl (d1, ..., evt_id) FROM stdin;

followed by all the data for the table.  There are
23040 rows.  The last value for evt_id is 23040.  So
far so good.  Then the last statement in the pg_dump
output is:

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('event_tbl_evt_id_seq',
21232, true);

I'm guessing this is my culprit.  But this dump is
from the client site.  Short of somebody mucking with
the sequence manually, is there any way that the
sequence number could get changed?

As I've said, our insert commands are very simple and
we do not specify 'evt_id' values directly.  Does
anybody have any ideas about how this could have
gotten out of sync?



--- Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 08:48:15AM -0700, Bill
> Chandler wrote:
> > How does one find out the current sequence value?
> Is
> > there a way to change it?
> Using the function setval() you can change it.
> SELECT * from
> sequencename to find out.
> --
> Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]>)
> "Si quieres ser creativo, aprende el arte de perder
> el tiempo"

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