On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 11:03 -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:
> ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
> event_tbl_evt_id_key
> evt_id bigserial, unique
> d1 numeric(13)
> obj_id numeric(6)
> d2 numeric(13)
> val varchar(22)
> correction numeric(1)
> delta numeric(13)
and a bit later , in response to a question,
On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 14:24 -0700, Bill Chandler wrote:
> Tom,
> This is not the EXACT command (don't have that since
> this a client site and they did not have logging
> turned on) but the insert command would have looked
> something like:
> INSERT INTO EVENT_TBL VALUES(1039850293991, 'X.Y.Z',
> 1039110343000, '10.25', 1, 739950991)
firstly, the types do not seem to match the table
secondly, you seem to be inserting a literal value into your
serial column.
did you mean to say that the insert was
what is the current value of the sequence ?
are there any rows there evt_id is higher than that ?