Thread: psycopg help

psycopg help

Scott Frankel
First, apologies in advance for this somewhat OT post ...

I'm looking for a source of information on using the psycopg
interface to postgresql.  A mailing list would be ideal.  I've
poked at their wiki, but not found what I'm looking for.

Also, new to both postrgresql & psycopg, my questions appear
too basic for the doc/examples they provide with their installation.

- What's the appropriate syntax for specifying a primary key?

- What is the data type "text?"  And how does it differ from
   CHAR(len), &c.?

My very simple table creation test (based on their ""
example is failing ...  Here's what I'm trying.  Non-pythonated
syntax works in pgsql:

no go:
    curs.execute("""CREATE TABLE key_test (
    key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
    nother_col CHAR(256))""")

pure joy:
    cs_test=# CREATE TABLE key_test (
    cs_test(# key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
    cs_test(# nother_col CHAR(256)
    cs_test(# );


Re: psycopg help

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud
> interface to postgresql.  A mailing list would be ideal.  I've

Re: psycopg help

"Lee Harr"
>My very simple table creation test (based on their ""
>example is failing ...  Here's what I'm trying.  Non-pythonated
>syntax works in pgsql:
>no go:
>       curs.execute("""CREATE TABLE key_test (
>       key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
>       nother_col CHAR(256))""")

Works fine for me:

>>>d=psycopg.connect('dbname=lee user=lee')
>>>c.execute("""CREATE TABLE key_test (
...         key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
...         nother_col CHAR(256))""")
>>>c.execute('''INSERT INTO key_test
... VALUES ('test1', 'test2')''')
>>>c.execute('''SELECT * FROM key_test''')
[('test1    ', 'test2

Perhaps if you showed us any error messages you
are getting we might be able to help.

Also helpful is the version of any and all pieces
(postgres version, and psycopg version, and
python version at least)

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