Thread: keeping a log / debug info

keeping a log / debug info

"Johnson, Shaunn"


Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7.

I am running postgres with a '-d' option (debug)
and storing that info in a log file.  This morning
I moved the log file (trying to gzip it) and touched
a new version of that file ... (didn't mean to do that).
Now no data is being recorded ...

Can I restart the database without losing backends
that currently exist?  Sort of a -HUP postmaster<pid>?

Is there a way to record this info via /etc/syslog.conf
and have the system do it? (for instance, the message file ...
when it gets so large, it is moved to message.0
and you see a *new* message file).



Re: keeping a log / debug info

Tom Lane
"Johnson, Shaunn" <> writes:
> I am running postgres with a '-d' option (debug)
> and storing that info in a log file.  This morning
> I moved the log file (trying to gzip it) and touched
> a new version of that file ... (didn't mean to do that).
> Now no data is being recorded ...

If you are just directing stderr into a file then you can't rotate
log files that way.  You could use syslog instead, or you could
pipe stderr to a log-rotation script.  I prefer the latter, mainly
because there are some messages that can't be redirected to syslog
(eg, dynamic linker failure messages).  See
and past discussions in the mailing list archives.

            regards, tom lane

Re: keeping a log / debug info

"Shridhar Daithankar"
On 19 Sep 2002 at 11:53, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:

> Howdy:
> Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7.
> I am running postgres with a '-d' option (debug)
> and storing that info in a log file. This morning
> I moved the log file (trying to gzip it) and touched
> a new version of that file ... (didn't mean to do that).
> Now no data is being recorded ...
> Can I restart the database without losing backends
> that currently exist? Sort of a -HUP postmaster<pid>?
> Is there a way to record this info via /etc/syslog.conf
> and have the system do it? (for instance, the message file ...
> when it gets so large, it is moved to message.0
> and you see a *new* message file).

I can think of way to do this. Taken from apache. It can pipe the logs to
another process and compress compress it etc...

Check apache/logs.html#rotation in apache documentation.. May be you can pipe
the logs to your own program which roatates the log or may be logrotate



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