Thread: something smells bad

something smells bad

Martín Marqués
I'm haveing a very hard time with these views, rules, and I don't know if
it's a programing problem, or it's that I don't understand the docs. I have

webunl=> \d
                List of relations
            Name             |   Type   | Owner
 admin_view                  | view     | martin
 admin_view_categ            | view     | martin
 admin_view_docente          | view     | martin
 admin_view_facultades       | view     | martin
 admin_view_materias         | view     | martin
 admin_view_modal            | view     | martin
 area                        | table    | martin
 area_id_area_seq            | sequence | martin
 carrera                     | table    | martin
 carrera_id_curso_seq        | sequence | martin
 categ                       | table    | martin
 categ_id_categ_seq          | sequence | martin
 docentes                    | table    | martin
 docentes_id_docente_seq     | sequence | martin
 facultad                    | table    | martin
 facultad_id_fac_seq         | sequence | martin
 inscripcion                 | table    | martin
 log_carrera                 | table    | martin
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      | sequence | martin
 materias                    | table    | martin
 materias_id_mat_seq         | sequence | martin
 modalidad                   | table    | martin
 nexo_categ                  | table    | martin
 nexo_facultad               | table    | martin
 niveles                     | table    | martin
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        | sequence | martin
 resol                       | table    | martin
 sub_area                    | table    | martin
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     | sequence | martin
 tipo_cursado                | table    | martin
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq | sequence | martin
 tipo_modal                  | table    | martin
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       | sequence | martin
(33 rows)

webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
INSERT 240131 1
webunl=> \c webunl - mariana
You are now connected to database webunl.
\c: extra argument 'mariana' ignored
webunl=> \c webunl  mariana
You are now connected to database webunl as user mariana.
webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
webunl=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on sparc-sun-solaris2.8, compiled by GCC 2.95.2
(1 row)

The rules are OK as for what I see, but the other user insert even though the
user mariana has ALL permissions on the views (all the views) through her
group (webunl_admin)

webunl=> select * from pg_group;
   groname    | grosysid |     grolist
 webunl_admin |      500 | {1015,1005,1014}
(1 row)

webunl=> select * from pg_user;
 usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usetrace | usesuper | usecatupd |
passwd  | valuntil
 postgres |     1013 | t           | t        | t        | t         |
******** |
 webmail  |       33 | t           | f        | t        | t         |
******** |
 todo     |     1004 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 aroman   |     1014 | t           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 mariana  |     1015 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 martin   |     1005 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
(6 rows)

What's wrong with this? As you can see, mariana belongs to the webunl_admin
group, and I (martin) have granted ALL permissions to that group.
Any ideas?

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Alex Pilosov
1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:

> ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
> sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission on
the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.

> The rules are OK as for what I see, but the other user insert even though the
> user mariana has ALL permissions on the views (all the views) through her
> group (webunl_admin)
> webunl=> select * from pg_group;
>    groname    | grosysid |     grolist
> --------------+----------+------------------
>  webunl_admin |      500 | {1015,1005,1014}
> (1 row)

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Martín Marqués
On Jue 07 Jun 2001 00:58, you wrote:
> 1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
> > sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
> Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission on
> the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.

This doesn't sound logical. The user from the group granted can insert data,
but not in a SERIAL field?
This is not what the "RULES and permissions" documentation says.

More info:

webunl=> \dp
                   Access permissions for database "webunl"
          Relation           |               Access permissions
 admin_view                  | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_categ            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_docente          | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_facultades       | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_materias         | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_modal            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 area                        | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 area_id_area_seq            |
 carrera                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 carrera_id_curso_seq        |
 categ                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 categ_id_categ_seq          |
 docentes                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 docentes_id_docente_seq     |
 facultad                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 facultad_id_fac_seq         |
 inscripcion                 | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera                 | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      |
 materias                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 materias_id_mat_seq         |
 modalidad                   | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_categ                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_facultad               | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
 resol                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     |
 tipo_cursado                | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq |
 tipo_modal                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       |

As you can see, the permissions look OK.

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Alex Pilosov
On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:

> On Jue 07 Jun 2001 00:58, you wrote:
> > 1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general
> >
(plonk myself)

> > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:
> > > ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
> > > sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
> >
> > Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission on
> > the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.
> This doesn't sound logical. The user from the group granted can insert data,
> but not in a SERIAL field?
> This is not what the "RULES and permissions" documentation says.
I guess the documentation has to be changed then.

Postgres sequences are really non-transparent, and you have to be aware of
that. Such as, when you drop the table, sequence won't get dropped,
permissions are separate on table and sequence, and various other things.

>  area_id_area_seq            |
>  carrera_id_curso_seq        |
>  categ_id_categ_seq          |
>  docentes_id_docente_seq     |
>  facultad_id_fac_seq         |
>  log_carrera_id_log_seq      |
>  materias_id_mat_seq         |
>  niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
> As you can see, the permissions look OK.
You must have permissions on _seq as well as on the underlying table...

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Martín Marqués
On Jue 07 Jun 2001 01:14, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > On Jue 07 Jun 2001 00:58, you wrote:
> > > 1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general
> (plonk myself)

Sorry, I sent it to both because it's what I usually see on things that seem
to not work on Postgres.

> > > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > > > ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to
> > > > set sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
> > >
> > > Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission
> > > on the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.
> >
> > This doesn't sound logical. The user from the group granted can insert
> > data, but not in a SERIAL field?
> > This is not what the "RULES and permissions" documentation says.
> I guess the documentation has to be changed then.
> Postgres sequences are really non-transparent, and you have to be aware of
> that. Such as, when you drop the table, sequence won't get dropped,
> permissions are separate on table and sequence, and various other things.

I am aware of this.

> >  area_id_area_seq            |
> >  carrera_id_curso_seq        |
> >  categ_id_categ_seq          |
> >  docentes_id_docente_seq     |
> >  facultad_id_fac_seq         |
> >  log_carrera_id_log_seq      |
> >  materias_id_mat_seq         |
> >  niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
> >
> > As you can see, the permissions look OK.
> You must have permissions on _seq as well as on the underlying table...

OK, now I'm more then astonished!
Why was I able to insert as martin then?
Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view with
rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with permssions
of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is owner of both) and
not of the user that executed the query?

I am totally puzzeled! %-P

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Alex Pilosov
On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:

> OK, now I'm more then astonished!
> Why was I able to insert as martin then?
> Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view with
> rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with permssions
> of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is owner of both) and
> not of the user that executed the query?

No. With both views and rules, the actions are executed as the user who
executed the query. I don't know if there are plans to allow the 'execute
as owner' for rules, right now this option only exists for the triggers.

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Martín Marqués
Sending this to the Hackers list because I think that there may be a bug.

On Jue 07 Jun 2001 02:27, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > OK, now I'm more then astonished!
> > Why was I able to insert as martin then?
> > Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view
> > with rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with
> > permssions of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is
> > owner of both) and not of the user that executed the query?
> No. With both views and rules, the actions are executed as the user who
> executed the query. I don't know if there are plans to allow the 'execute
> as owner' for rules, right now this option only exists for the triggers.

Well, after todays tests, I have to say that rules are executed with owner
privileges, and not users.
This is the output:

webunl=> \dp

                   Access permissions for database "webunl"
          Relation           |               Access permissions
 admin_view                  | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_categ            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_docente          | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_facultades       | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_materias         | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_modal            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 area                        | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 area_id_area_seq            |
 carrera                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 carrera_id_curso_seq        | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 categ                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 categ_id_categ_seq          |
 docentes                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 docentes_id_docente_seq     | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 facultad                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 facultad_id_fac_seq         |
 inscripcion                 | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera                 | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 materias                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 materias_id_mat_seq         | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 modalidad                   | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_categ                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_facultad               | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
 resol                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     |
 tipo_cursado                | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq |
 tipo_modal                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       |
(33 rows)

webunl=> GRANT ALL ON
 TO GROUP webunl_admin;
webunl=> \c webunl mariana
You are now connected to database webunl as user mariana.
webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
INSERT 240135 1

Now, mariana is a member of the webunl_admin group, and before the GRANT to
all those sequences, the query (INSERT) shes executing here gave an error
when trying to do a carrera_id_curso_seq:next (is this the right sintax?).

Saludos.... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad

Alex Pilosov
On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:

> On Jue 07 Jun 2001 02:27, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:
> > > OK, now I'm more then astonished!
> > > Why was I able to insert as martin then?
> > > Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view
> > > with rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with
> > > permssions of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is
> > > owner of both) and not of the user that executed the query?
> >
> > No. With both views and rules, the actions are executed as the user who
> > executed the query. I don't know if there are plans to allow the 'execute
> > as owner' for rules, right now this option only exists for the triggers.
> Well, after todays tests, I have to say that rules are executed with owner
> privileges, and not users.
> This is the output:
*mutter* I was mistaken, indeed, views are executed with permissions of
owner of the view.
