Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Martín Marqués
Subject Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad
Msg-id 01060618571306.29859@bugs
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad  (Alex Pilosov <>)
Responses Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad
List pgsql-general
On Jue 07 Jun 2001 00:58, you wrote:
> 1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
> > sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
> Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission on
> the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.

This doesn't sound logical. The user from the group granted can insert data,
but not in a SERIAL field?
This is not what the "RULES and permissions" documentation says.

More info:

webunl=> \dp
                   Access permissions for database "webunl"
          Relation           |               Access permissions
 admin_view                  | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_categ            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_docente          | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_facultades       | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_materias         | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_modal            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 area                        | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 area_id_area_seq            |
 carrera                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 carrera_id_curso_seq        |
 categ                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 categ_id_categ_seq          |
 docentes                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 docentes_id_docente_seq     |
 facultad                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 facultad_id_fac_seq         |
 inscripcion                 | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera                 | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      |
 materias                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 materias_id_mat_seq         |
 modalidad                   | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_categ                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_facultad               | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
 resol                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     |
 tipo_cursado                | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq |
 tipo_modal                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       |

As you can see, the permissions look OK.

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

pgsql-general by date:

From: Alex Pilosov
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad
From: Alex Pilosov
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] something smells bad