Thread: anything more to install a new language?

anything more to install a new language?

"Harald Armin Massa"
<br />I downloaded the file<br />I created a directory named de_DE within i18n<br />I copied the
pgadmin3.mointo that directory<br /><br />no, within File / options / general / user_language I can select de_DE
(Deutsch)<br /><br />but after closing the dialog it falls back to Default ... or whatever else was selected before.<br
/><br/>When I change to ca_ES (Catalá), all works fine (besides my spanish), and also Suome can be used....<br /><br
/>Whatam I missing? <br /><br />best wishes<br /><br />Harald<br /><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuadere et
programmare<br/>Harald Armin Massa<br />Reinsburgstraße 202b<br />70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607<br />-<br />Python:
theonly language with more web frameworks than keywords.  

Re: anything more to install a new language?

Dave Page
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /><br /><br /> On 24/10/06 09:54, "Harald
ArminMassa" <> wrote:<br /><br /></span></font><blockquote><font face="Verdana,
Helvetica,Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /> I downloaded the file<br /> I created a directory
namedde_DE within i18n<br /> I copied the into that directory<br /><br /> no, within File / options /
general/ user_language I can select de_DE (Deutsch) <br /><br /> but after closing the dialog it falls back to Default
...or whatever else was selected before.<br /><br /> When I change to ca_ES (Catalá), all works fine (besides my
spanish),and also Suome can be used....<br /><br /> What am I missing? <br /><br /></span></font></blockquote><font
face="Verdana,Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px">Err, nothing I can think of. You did restart pgAdmin
aftercreating the directory and copying in the file?<br /><br /> Regards, Dave.</span></font> 

Re: anything more to install a new language?

"Dave Page"

From: Harald Armin Massa []
Sent: 25 October 2006 06:01
To: Dave Page
Cc: pgAdmin Support
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] anything more to install a new language?

I downloaded the file
I created a directory named de_DE within i18n
I copied the into that directory

no, within File / options / general / user_language I can select de_DE (Deutsch)

but after closing the dialog it falls back to Default ... or whatever else was selected before.

When I change to ca_ES (Catalá), all works fine (besides my spanish), and also Suome can be used....

What am I missing?

Err, nothing I can think of. You did restart pgAdmin after creating the directory and copying in the file?

Multiple times I restarted. Without restarting de_DE did not even appear within the possible options (what is quite expected).
That's very odd - I just tried here and it worked fine. I'll be rolling beta 4 shortly - perhaps you can try that?
Regards, Dave. 

Re: anything more to install a new language?

"Harald Armin Massa"
I downloaded the file
I created a directory named de_DE within i18n
I copied the into that directory

no, within File / options / general / user_language I can select de_DE (Deutsch)

but after closing the dialog it falls back to Default ... or whatever else was selected before.

When I change to ca_ES (Catalá), all works fine (besides my spanish), and also Suome can be used....

What am I missing?

Err, nothing I can think of. You did restart pgAdmin after creating the directory and copying in the file?

Multiple times I restarted. Without restarting de_DE did not even appear within the possible options (what is quite expected).


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
Python: the only language with more web frameworks than keywords.

Re: anything more to install a new language?

"Milen A. Radev"
Harald Armin Massa написа:
> I downloaded the file
> I created a directory named de_DE within i18n
> I copied the into that directory
> no, within File / options / general / user_language I can select de_DE
> (Deutsch)
> but after closing the dialog it falls back to Default ... or whatever else
> was selected before.
> When I change to ca_ES (Catalá), all works fine (besides my spanish), and
> also Suome can be used....
> What am I missing?
> best wishes
> Harald

Same experience here with bg_BG - the solution is to provide too.

Milen A. Radev