Mailing lists [pgsql-performance]
- Re: CPU and RAM Qingqing Zhou
- Re: What's the best hardver for PostgreSQL 8.1? Jignesh K. Shah
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in my Madison Kelly
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in Madison Kelly
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in Luke Lonergan
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in Luke Lonergan
- Re: CPU and RAM Richard Huxton
- Re: Wrong index used when ORDER BY LIMIT 1 Szűcs Gábor
- Re: Speed of different procedural language Merlin Moncure
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in Markus Schaber
- Re: ORDER BY costs Carlos Benkendorf
- Re: effizient query with jdbc Dave Cramer
- Re: effizient query with jdbc Steve Peterson
- Re: ORDER BY costs Carlos Benkendorf
- Re: What's the best hardver for PostgreSQL 8.1? Juan Casero
- Re: MySQL is faster than PgSQL but a large margin in Juan Casero
- Re: What's the best hardver for PostgreSQL 8.1? David Lang
- Re: CPU and RAM Greg Stark