Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: moving extraUpdatedCols out of RangeTblEntry (into ModifyTable) Tom Lane
- Re: Common function for percent placeholder replacement Nathan Bossart
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Andres Freund
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG David Rowley
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG Vladimir Churyukin
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG David Rowley
- Re: Is RecoveryConflictInterrupt() entirely safe in a signal handler? Thomas Munro
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Andres Freund
- Re: Todo: Teach planner to evaluate multiple windows in the optimal order David Rowley
- Re: wake up logical workers after ALTER SUBSCRIPTION Amit Kapila
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG Vladimir Churyukin
- Re: [PATCH] CF app: add "Returned: Needs more interest" vignesh C
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG David Rowley
- Re: wake up logical workers after ALTER SUBSCRIPTION Amit Kapila
- Re: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply Masahiko Sawada
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG Tom Lane
- Re: Question regarding "Make archiver process an auxiliary process. commit" Sravan Kumar
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Andres Freund
- Re: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply Masahiko Sawada
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Fix showing XID of a spectoken lock in an incorrect field of pg_locks view. Masahiko Sawada
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Andres Freund
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Ignore dropped columns when checking the column list in logical replication
- Re: [DOCS] Stats views and functions not in order? vignesh C
- Re: Add SHELL_EXIT_CODE to psql Corey Huinker
- Some compiling warnings Richard Guo
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG Ankit Kumar Pandey
- Re: [PATCH] Improve ability to display optimizer analysis using OPTIMIZER_DEBUG Vladimir Churyukin
- Re: Underscores in numeric literals Dean Rasheed
- Re: Underscores in numeric literals Dean Rasheed
- Re: POC: Lock updated tuples in tuple_update() and tuple_delete() vignesh C
- Re: Fix showing XID of a spectoken lock in an incorrect field of pg_locks view. Amit Kapila
- Re: Parallelize correlated subqueries that execute within each worker vignesh C
- Re: Add index scan progress to pg_stat_progress_vacuum Drouvot, Bertrand
- Re: Pluggable toaster vignesh C
- Re: POC: Lock updated tuples in tuple_update() and tuple_delete() Pavel Borisov
- Re: Prefetch the next tuple's memory during seqscans vignesh C
- Re: WIP: Aggregation push-down - take2 vignesh C
- Re: Reduce timing overhead of EXPLAIN ANALYZE using rdtsc? vignesh C
- Re: on placeholder entries in view rule action query's range table vignesh C
- grouping pushdown Spring Zhong
- RE: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply
- Re: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply Dilip Kumar
- Re: meson oddities Peter Eisentraut
- Getting an error if we provide --enable-tap-tests switch on SLES 12 tushar
- Re: Reduce timing overhead of EXPLAIN ANALYZE using rdtsc? David Geier
- Re: Understanding, testing and improving our Windows filesystem code vignesh C
- Re: Todo: Teach planner to evaluate multiple windows in the optimal order Ankit Kumar Pandey
- psql's FETCH_COUNT (cursor) is not being respected for CTEs Jakub Wartak
- Re: Using AF_UNIX sockets always for tests on Windows vignesh C
- Re: making relfilenodes 56 bits vignesh C
- Re: postgres_fdw: commit remote (sub)transactions in parallel during pre-commit vignesh C
- Re: [PoC] Implementation of distinct in Window Aggregates Ankit Kumar Pandey
- Re: POC: Lock updated tuples in tuple_update() and tuple_delete() Pavel Borisov
- Re: GSOC2023 Jesper Pedersen
- Re: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply Amit Kapila
- Re: fix and document CLUSTER privileges Gilles Darold
- Re: Perform streaming logical transactions by background workers and parallel apply Dilip Kumar
- Re: Data loss on logical replication, 12.12 to 14.5, ALTER SUBSCRIPTION Amit Kapila
- Re: POC: Lock updated tuples in tuple_update() and tuple_delete() Alexander Korotkov
- Re: Add a new pg_walinspect function to extract FPIs from WAL records Drouvot, Bertrand
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Robert Haas
- Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f Ibrar Ahmed
- Re: Todo: Teach planner to evaluate multiple windows in the optimal order Ankit Kumar Pandey
- Re: psql's FETCH_COUNT (cursor) is not being respected for CTEs Daniel Verite
- Re: Todo: Teach planner to evaluate multiple windows in the optimal order Ankit Kumar Pandey
- Re: psql's FETCH_COUNT (cursor) is not being respected for CTEs Robert Haas
- Re: psql's FETCH_COUNT (cursor) is not being respected for CTEs Tom Lane
- Re: Infinite Interval jian he
- Re: wake up logical workers after ALTER SUBSCRIPTION Nathan Bossart
- Re: [PATCH] CF app: add "Returned: Needs more interest" Jacob Champion
- Re: psql's FETCH_COUNT (cursor) is not being respected for CTEs Robert Haas
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests Hannu Krosing
- Re: wake up logical workers after ALTER SUBSCRIPTION Nathan Bossart
- Re: fix and document CLUSTER privileges Nathan Bossart
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Andres Freund
- Re: Add index scan progress to pg_stat_progress_vacuum Imseih (AWS), Sami
- Re: meson oddities Andres Freund
- Re: grouping pushdown David Rowley
- Re: moving extraUpdatedCols out of RangeTblEntry (into ModifyTable) Tom Lane
- Re: allowing for control over SET ROLE Robert Haas
- Re: pgsql: Delay commit status checks until freezing executes. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: meson oddities Robert Haas
- Re: Getting an error if we provide --enable-tap-tests switch on SLES 12 Andres Freund
- Re: meson oddities Tom Lane
- Re: verbose mode for pg_input_error_message? Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Add a test to ldapbindpasswd Andrew Dunstan
- Re: meson oddities Andres Freund
- Re: Support logical replication of DDLs Zheng Li
- Re: Rework of collation code, extensibility Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Logical replication - schema change not invalidating the relation cache Tom Lane
- Re: Is RecoveryConflictInterrupt() entirely safe in a signal handler? Andres Freund
- Re: meson oddities Peter Eisentraut
- Re: An oversight in ExecInitAgg for grouping sets David Rowley
- Re: fix and document CLUSTER privileges Gilles Darold
- Re: Add a test to ldapbindpasswd Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Optimizing Node Files Support Tom Lane
- Re: Is RecoveryConflictInterrupt() entirely safe in a signal handler? Andres Freund
- Re: meson oddities Andres Freund
- Re: Is RecoveryConflictInterrupt() entirely safe in a signal handler? Tom Lane
- Re: pg_stat_bgwriter.buffers_backend is pretty meaningless (and more?) Melanie Plageman
- Re: CI and test improvements Justin Pryzby
- Re: Is RecoveryConflictInterrupt() entirely safe in a signal handler? Andres Freund
- Re: CI and test improvements Justin Pryzby
- Re: Some compiling warnings David Rowley