Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: Postgres 11 release notes Bruce Momjian
- Re: Postgres 11 release notes Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP: long transactions on hot standby feedback replica/ proof of concept Robert Haas
- Re: JIT compiling with LLVM v12 Robert Haas
- Re: has_table_privilege for a table in unprivileged schema causes an error Robert Haas
- RE: [HACKERS] Proposal to add work_mem option to postgres_fdw module Shinoda, Noriyoshi (PN Japan GCS Delivery)
- Re: simplehash.h comment Thomas Munro
- Re: has_table_privilege for a table in unprivileged schema causes an error Tom Lane
- wal_sender_timeout should ignore server-side latency Noah Misch
- Re: JIT compiling with LLVM v12 Fabien COELHO
- Re: JIT compiling with LLVM v12 Tels
- Re: Postgres 11 release notes Amit Kapila
- Small patch to remove some duplicate words in comments David Rowley
- Postmaster doesn't send SIGTERM to bgworker during fast shutdown whenpmState == PM_STARTUP Alexander Kukushkin
- Multiple reporting of syslogger errors Tom Lane
- Something's busted in plpgsql composite-variable handling Tom Lane
- Re: Something's busted in plpgsql composite-variable handling Tom Lane