Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: english parser in text search: support for multiple words in the same position Sushant Sinha
- recapitulation: FOREACH-IN-ARRAY Pavel Stehule
- Streaming replication as a separate permissions Magnus Hagander
- Re: pl/python improvements Marti Raudsepp
- Re: pl/python improvements Jan Urbański
- Recovery conflict monitoring Magnus Hagander
- Cannot compile Pg 9.0.2 with MinGW under Windows Pavel Golub
- pl/python refactoring Jan Urbański
- pl/python validator function Jan Urbański
- Re: pl/python validator function Jan Urbański
- pl/python SPI in subtransactions Jan Urbański
- Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sorting on one column? Jie Li
- pl/python invalidate functions with composite arguments Jan Urbański
- pl/python tracebacks Jan Urbański
- pl/python table functions Jan Urbański
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sorting on one column? Kenneth Marshall
- pl/python custom datatype parsers Jan Urbański
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sorting on one column? Marti Raudsepp
- Re: GiST insert algorithm rewrite Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sortingon one column? Kenneth Marshall
- pl/python explicit subtransactions Jan Urbański
- pl/python custom exceptions for SPI Jan Urbański
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower thansortingon one column? Kenneth Marshall
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Patch BUG #5103: "pg_ctl -w (re)start" fails with custom unix_socket_directory Quan Zongliang
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower thansortingon one column? Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Robert Haas
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Robert Haas
- Re: Database file copy Robert Haas
- Re: wCTE behaviour David Fetter
- Re: keeping a timestamp of the last stats reset (for a db, table and function) Tomas Vondra
- Re: keeping a timestamp of the last stats reset (for a db, table and function) Robert Haas
- Re: proposal : cross-column stats Tomas Vondra
- Re: keeping a timestamp of the last stats reset (for a db, table and function) Tomas Vondra
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Magnus Hagander
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Magnus Hagander
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower thansortingon one column? Li Jie
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sorting on one column? Li Jie
- Re: Why is sorting on two columns so slower than sortingon one column? Li Jie
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- WIP: plpgsql - foreach in Pavel Stehule
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Stefan Kaltenbrunner
- log_hostname and pg_stat_activity Peter Eisentraut
- Re: log_hostname and pg_stat_activity Magnus Hagander
- Re: proposal : cross-column stats Tomas Vondra
- Re: Database file copy Srini Raghavan
- Re: [PATCH] V3: Idle in transaction cancellation Kevin Grittner
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Josh Berkus
- Re: Database file copy Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Josh Berkus
- Re: Cannot compile Pg 9.0.2 with MinGW under Windows Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Stephen Frost
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Josh Berkus
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Stephen Frost
- Re: [PATCH] Revert default wal_sync_method to fdatasync on Linux 2.6.33+ Josh Berkus
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Stephen Frost
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Magnus Hagander
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Josh Berkus
- Re: Database file copy Srini Raghavan
- Re: [PATCH] Revert default wal_sync_method to fdatasync on Linux 2.6.33+ Josh Berkus
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Robert Haas
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Josh Berkus
- Re: SQL/MED - file_fdw Itagaki Takahiro
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Florian Pflug
- sepgsql contrib module KaiGai Kohei
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Tom Lane
- Re: Streaming replication as a separate permissions Florian Pflug
- Re: proposal : cross-column stats Florian Pflug