Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Upcoming back-branch update releases Tom Lane
- Re: Review: Extensions Patch David E. Wheeler
- BufFreelistLock Jeff Janes
- Re: BufFreelistLock Tom Lane
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Tom Lane
- Re: BufFreelistLock Jeff Janes
- Re: Hot Standby btree delete records and vacuum_defer_cleanup_age Simon Riggs
- Re: Hot Standby btree delete records and vacuum_defer_cleanup_age Simon Riggs
- Re: On-the-fly index tuple deletion vs. hot_standby Simon Riggs
- Re: To Signal The postmaster Fujii Masao
- Re: Hot Standby tuning for btree_xlog_vacuum() Simon Riggs
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Robert Haas
- PS display and standby query conflict Fujii Masao
- Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Jie Li
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Tom Lane
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Tom Lane
- Re: Solving sudoku using SQL Alvaro Herrera
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Robert Haas
- Re: [PERFORM] Slow BLOBs restoring Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Solving sudoku using SQL Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: Solving sudoku using SQL Merlin Moncure
- Re: Optimize PL/Perl function argument passing [PATCH] Tim Bunce
- initdb failure with Postgres 8.4.4 BRUSSER Michael
- Re: XLog vs SSD [Was: Re: random write in xlog?] James Cloos
- Re: Patch to add a primary key using an existing index Gurjeet Singh
- Re: Patch to add a primary key using an existing index Tom Lane
- Re: Patch to add a primary key using an existing index Kevin Grittner
- Re: BufFreelistLock Jim Nasby
- Re: initdb failure with Postgres 8.4.4 Tom Lane
- Re: [PATCH] Revert default wal_sync_method to fdatasync on Linux 2.6.33+ Josh Berkus
- Extensions, patch v16 Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: initdb failure with Postgres 8.4.4 BRUSSER Michael
- Re: Patch to add a primary key using an existing index Robert Haas
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Tom Lane
- Re: initdb failure with Postgres 8.4.4 Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Extensions, patch v16 David E. Wheeler
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Tom Lane
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Kevin Grittner
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Tom Lane
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Kevin Grittner
- Re: Why percent_rank is so slower than rank? Kenneth Marshall
- Re: Our paths have finally crossed Roberto Icardi
- Re: Final(?) proposal for wal_sync_method changes Greg Smith
- Re: Instrument checkpoint sync calls Greg Smith
- Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 9.1 pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp limitations Fujii Masao
- Re: Final(?) proposal for wal_sync_method changes Josh Berkus
- Re: Final(?) proposal for wal_sync_method changes Greg Smith