Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Got error on CREATE TABLE AS (+Bug?) Tom Lane
- query parsing bug? Eric Ridge
- Re: My new job Andy Samuel
- Re: query parsing bug? Tom Lane
- Re: Sourceforge moving from PostgreSQL to Oracle (Joshua Drake)
- Re: PostgreSQL Web Site (Joshua Drake)
- Function problems redux tony
- Limitations on PGSQL Jean-Michel POURE
- Re: Limitations on PGSQL Aasmund Midttun Godal
- Re: Got error on CREATE TABLE AS (+Bug?) Jeff Lu
- Re: Sum(time) possible? Thomas Lockhart
- [ANNOUNCE] PostgresDAC ver.1.8: Delphi/C++Builder BDE replacement Edward Smirnov
- Re: Porting Web application written in Oracle 8 PL/SQL to Postgresql (Domingo Alvarez Duarte)
- PostgreSQL Web Site kingking
- Re: Got error on CREATE TABLE AS (+Bug?) Jeff Lu
- Re: Limitations on PGSQL Jean-Michel POURE
- error deleting table Culley Harrelson
- EXCEPT performace K. Ari Krupnikov
- Define update-rule on view (Patrick)
- Porting Web application written in Oracle 8 PL/SQL to Postgresql (Andy)
- Referring a table in another database Jo
- Problem starting as service. FIXED
- Re: Fwd: Re: deleting a child table Culley Harrelson
- Stored procedures Tomá¹ Kubi¹
- Re: newbie question Roderick A. Anderson
- request for advise Brian Hirt
- Re: Sum(time) possible?
- Probably simple answer Al Kirkus
- how to return more than one item from function? (ananth)
- Deleting a child table (culley harrelson)
- Use of Serial Datatype and Sequence Issue Tom Innes
- Database security in a multi-user environment Thomas Yackel
- Re: Got error on CREATE TABLE AS (+Bug?) Bruce Momjian
- Re: [HACKERS] Porting Web application written in Oracle 8 Jean-Michel POURE
- pgcrypto: 2 questions daddy2times
- Re: Function problems redux Stephan Szabo
- functions, shell script Kenneth Skiles
- Problems of precision with float8 type Gabriel Fernandez
- How can I control whether to execute a query or not? (Mounir Benzid)
- Requesting features - is there a correct way of doing it? steve boyle
- Re: request for advise Brian Hirt
- Re: EXCEPT performace Stephan Szabo
- Re: Function problems redux Johnny J\xF8rgensen
- Re: EXCEPT performace Tom Lane
- Re: Referring a table in another database Stephan Szabo
- Daylight Savings Time PC Drew
- Re: Probably simple answer Ian Harding
- Re: request for advise Stephan Szabo
- Re: Use of Serial Datatype and Sequence Issue Doug McNaught
- Re: Define update-rule on view Tom Lane
- Re: Referring a table in another database Doug McNaught
- Re: Stored procedures david morgan
- Re: request for advise Stephan Szabo
- Re: Stored procedures Eric Day
- about quotes on stored procedures
- Re: request for advise Tom Lane
- postgres copy command Johnson, Shaunn
- Re: Use of Serial Datatype and Sequence Issue Keary Suska
- data integrity Jelle Ouwerkerk
- Re: Daylight Savings Time Tom Lane
- Re: Stored procedures Eric Day
- Drop column and multiple db query Russ McBride
- Re: Use of Serial Datatype and Sequence Issue Martín Marqués
- Re: data integrity Martín Marqués
- Re: Referring a table in another database Command Prompt, Inc.
- Re: Stored procedures Command Prompt, Inc.
- Re: Probably simple answer Command Prompt, Inc.
- Re: Drop column and multiple db query Bruce Momjian
- Re: functions, shell script Command Prompt, Inc.
- Re: postgres copy command Command Prompt, Inc.
- Re: Drop column and multiple db query Command Prompt, Inc.
- psql hangs when trying to access a database Mark Nickel
- Re: psql hangs when trying to access a database Tom Lane
- Re: psql hangs when trying to access a database Mark Nickel
- Re: psql hangs when trying to access a database Tom Lane