I can't think of a simple answer. I think you would need some kind of programmatic solution like a client side program
thatwould create a temporary table with a serial field in it, populate it with data based on your query, then return
thedata. The temp table would go away with the connection. A function could create the table but you would still have
toquery the resulting table since functions can't return query results directly yet.
Ian A. Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
(253) 798-3549
mailto: ianh@tpchd.org
>>> "Al Kirkus" <Al@dist102.k12.il.us> 11/01/01 12:24PM >>>
Hi all.
Can anyone tell me how to get a sequential row count field in the output of a query?
Say I want to query for all users in a table sorted by lastname and firstname.
I would like to include a column in my query called "rownum" which would uniquely identify the row in the order of the
Like this:
rownum =1 lastname=jones, firstname=john
rownum=2 lastname=smith, firstname=john
I assume rownum should be some kind of function of expresion but I don't know what.
Something like:
Select ???? as rownum, lastname,firstname from users where xxx =xxx order by lastname, firsname.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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