The following URL from our book Practical PostgreSQL should help you out:
On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:
> Howdy:
> Regarding the copy command, are there any examples
> as to it's usage? Let me give you some background on
> what I'm doing.
> >From my DB2/Mainframe to NT/DB2Connect environment, I have
> an SQL script that pulls data down. I can append the
> data into a flat ASCII file format, but because some of the data
> in some columns are broken up, it doesn't seem possible to
> import the data into Postgres. (e.g., the address col. may
> have "66 w. baker street" ... but the format of the file is
> space delimited, so each group of words are looked at as a
> column).
> DB2 will, however, let me create a file that is a binary
> format. (e.g., EXPORT to F:\backup\test.ixf of IXF)
> After looking at some of the Postgres documentation,
> there is a copy command that says, 'copies data between files
> and tables'.
> Now, I'm trying to figure out how can I copy this binary file
> and load it into a table on Postgres? Is it possible?
> Thanks!
> -X
by way of pgsql-general@commandprompt.com