While doing the Afrikaans translation, I noticed the following ...
If you refresh an object (eg. pressing F5) the message appears half-translated eg.
Verfris Rules......Klaar
instead of
Verfris Reëls...Klaar
Refresh Rules...Done
It seems to happen with all types of objects refreshed.
Untranslated strings on the Tip of the Day window:
Tip of the Day
Did you know...
&Show tips at startup
&Next Tip
Various untranslated strings:
Connecting to database...
Connecting to database without password...
Do error messages get translated? Here are some ...
ERROR: Only instead-select rules currently supported on select
ERROR: source and target datatypes are not physically compatible
ERROR: source data type and target data types are the same
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "(" at character 28
Mr. JP (Petri) Jooste
Skool vir Modelleringswetenskappe
School of Modelling Sciences
Vaal Triangle Campus
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
South Africa
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