Am 24.11.23 um 12:39 schrieb Les:
> Hello,
> Yesterday we were faced with a problem that we do not understand and
> cannot solve ourselves. We have a postgresql cluster using repmgr,
> which has three members. The version of all instances (currently) is
> "PostgreSQL 14.5 (Debian 14.5-2.pgdg110+2) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,
> compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit.". Under
> normal circumstances, the number of write operations is relatively
> low, with an average of 4-5 MB/sec total write speed on the disk
> associated with the data directory. Yesterday, the primary server
> suddenly started writing to the pg_wal directory at a crazy pace,
> 1.5GB/sec, but sometimes it went up to over 3GB/sec. The pg_wal
> started fattening up and didn't stop until it ran out of disk space.
please check the database log, a VACUUM can also lead to massive wal
generation. Can you find other related messages? by the way, the picture
is hard to read, please post text instead of pictures.
Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer - currently still (garden leave)
Technical Account Manager (TAM)