On 19.04.22 15:55, David G. Johnston wrote:
> The motivating situation had me placing it as close to the last line as
> possible so my 8 line or so tmux panel would show it to me without
> scrolling. The version is all I cared about, but when writing the patch
> the path seemed to be at least worth considering.
> As for "Success", I'm confused about the --no-instructions choice to
> change it the way it did, but given that precedent I only felt it
> important to leave the word Success as the leading word on a line.
> Scripts should be triggering on the exit code anyway and presently
> --no-instructions removes the Success acknowledgement completely anyway.
The order of outputs of initdb seems to be approximately
1. These are the settings I will use based on what you told me.
2. This is what I'm doing right now.
3. Here's what you can do next.
Your additions would appear to fall into bucket #1. So I think adding
them near the start of the output makes more sense. Otherwise, one
could also argue that all the locale information etc. should also be
repeated at the end, in case one forgot them or whatever.