>> I still do not understand "why" this variant vs CommonMark or whatever
>> other version.
> Because of simply implementation and readability (looks similar to aligned
> format) and it is comfortable to edit generated table (changing values,
> aligning columns etc.).
Hmmm. Why not.
> Sorry, maybe I`m not understanding, there is problems with characters like
> pipe in cells, pipe should be escaped. What other special markdown
> characters? Escaping html code in cells?
Markdown include characters/sequences which are interpreted as markers:
_Italic_, **Bold**, *** => horizontal rules, > block quote... `inline
code`... If they are interpreted within a table cell then probably they
should be escaped somehow.
>>> Main of the functionality is used from aligned format. I tested returned
>>> tables in retext and it works. If i have another character than standart
>>> pipe, it shouldn`t work.
>> Sure. ISTM that you are currently using U+2502 instead of pipe, hence my
>> point.
> Could you send me example where?
I already did in the first mail with the example output copy pasted from
psql. Some characters are pipe and others are BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
Maybe this is because I have in my ~/.psqlrc:
\pset linestyle unicode \pset border 2
in which case your reuse of the the aligned stuff should take care of the
border setting to avoid using special UTF8 characters..