> No, there can be no space after 'any' because the foreign key prevents
> it (which you of course could not check since I didn't show the content
> of the foreign table).
> But anyway, here is the output:
> webshop=# select oid,id,'['||locale||']','['||name||']' from content_loc
> where id=20488 and locale='any';
> oid | id | ?column? | ?column?
> ---------+-------+----------+----------------
> 9781056 | 20488 | [any] | [Rise Part II]
> 9781058 | 20488 | [any] | [Rise Part II]
> (2 rows)
Is there a function that can display the contents of the fourth column
in hexadecimal? This would make it easy to determine if the spaces weren't
really spaces (e.g., ASCII character 32 could be replaced with character 255
or, in some cases, even character 9).
Another thought I had was if there is a transaction in progress. Do
you get the same results if you omit "oid" from the SELECT statement?
Randolf Richardson - rr@8x.ca
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Please do not eMail me directly when responding
to my postings in the newsgroups.