I cannot create a certain table in 7.1beta4. With 7.0.2 there was not any
CREATE TABLE pakolas_cikktetel ( pakolas int4 not null, cikk int4 not null, minoseg int4 not null, sorszam int4
check(sorszam > 0), helyrol int4, helyre int4, mennyi numeric(14,4) not null , lezarva bool default 'f',
primarykey (pakolas, cikk, minoseg, sorszam), unique (pakolas, cikk, minoseg, helyrol, helyre));
CREATE TABLE keszlet_bevetel ( keszletnovekedes int4 not null primary key, pakolas int4 not null, cikk int4 not
null, minoseg int4 NOT NULL, foreign key (pakolas, cikk, minoseg)references pakolas_cikktetel(pakolas, cikk,
Here I get the following error:
ERROR: UNIQUE constraint matching given keys for referenced table
"pakolas_cikktetel" not found
(The second table will not be created.)
By the way, is it possible generating patches between beta releases and
putting on the ftp server?
TIA, Zoltan