Critical bug: pgAdmin v4.25 has started ignoring my "Browser Command" which completely cripples me and makes me unable to manage my PostgreSQL database. - Mailing list pgadmin-support

pgAdmin v4.25 has yet again broken something. After being harassed to upgrade to the latest version, pgAdmin has stopped opening itself properly.

It no longer opens in the correct Pale Moon profile. It now opens in the *default* profile, which completely breaks everything. I've previously tried to explain how important it is for pgAdmin to have its own dedicated GUI/"webview", so I'm not going to go into details about why this is so important here. It seems to fall on deaf ears either way.

My `Browser Command` is:

"C:\Program Files\Pale Moon\palemoon.exe" -p "pgAdmin" --no-remote "%URL%"

In other words, identical to v4.24 and every version before that. Yet it now suddenly opens in the default profile, apparently ignoring my command entirely. I also tried restarting the entire machine to make sure it wasn't some weird temporary glitch.

If I run this in Windows, it opens the right profile, so it's not my browser at fault:

"C:\Program Files\Pale Moon\palemoon.exe" -p "pgAdmin" --no-remote "about:config"

Is there no quality assurance for this program? I have never encountered any software in my life which breaks as frequently as this... which says a lot.

If I go to the notification icon of pgAdmin, right click it and click "New pgAdmin window", it opens in the right profile, as it's supposed to. So clearly it's *able* to do it, somehow, but only in this weird way. It would mean many clicks each time I want to open pgAdmin and doesn't address the actual problem.

In desperation, I even tried to make a completely new Pale Moon shortcut:

"C:\Program Files\Pale Moon\palemoon.exe" -p "pgAdmin" --no-remote ""

But then it just says:

> Unauthorized
> The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

I have no idea how this is even technically possible, but v4.25 clearly has broken *something*.

If this sounds "rude", it's because I feel horribly insulted as a user when this mission-critical software (because it *is* mission-critical) keeps breaking in weird ways. I've plowed down countless hours of my life just working around bugs and "features" added to pgAdmin 4. I feel like I'm *fighting against* it rather than using a great tool. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to make my own database manager, since pgAdmin 4 is not just very slow and glitchy, but downright *broken* now.

And how do I turn off that nag screen which constantly keeps pestering me to "upgrade" to the new version, which is very likely to break everything? I want to disable that message so I never have to see it and never have to get another broken pgAdmin version on my system ever again. I would go through this Hell at the most once a year or something.

It feels like I'm one some kind of "bleeding edge" branch rather than the stable/production one. Please consider testing your software before releasing it.

I truly don't understand how you can keep doing this to your users. Do you hate us? There are some really good ideas and neat features inside this program, but it's hidden behind all these layers of madness which ruins the entire experience and cripples the user when they need it the most.

I could very well never even have found the work-around. Most users probably would not have tried half of what I've tried to get this to work.

pgadmin-support by date:

From: Akshay Joshi
Subject: pgAdmin 4 v4.25 released
From: Stephen Knox
Subject: Re: Critical bug: pgAdmin v4.25 has started ignoring my "Browser Command" which completely cripples me and makes me unable to manage my PostgreSQL database.