> So, taking a second stab at this:
> Database VIEWs allow application developers to abstract database access,
> making application code simpler and version migrations easier. As such,
> PostgreSQL has improved our view support:
> * Materialized View declaration
> * Auto-updatable VIEWs
> * Recursive Views
> I think that puts the new features more strongly, and also explains how
> views relate to the reader. Yes?
I like it - shows multiple improvements to heavily used functionality, while glossing over the incomplete nature of mat
views. It also focuses on "View Improvements" instead of one specific improvement/feature, which compactly sends a
"multipleimprovement" message. Specifically, the mat view stuff is nice, but the updatable views is going to be
massivefor a lot of people. That's a feature that would have save me a lot of time in the past.
On another note - are page checksums going to make the cut? While not exactly flashy, that is a really critical
featurefor mission critical systems - something we have sorely lacked.