Quick follow up:
Our DBA was testing a fresh install of pg 15.
It failed when he attempted to install temporal tables and mysql (mostly expected).
We scrutinized the versions of llvm and cLang and re-read the llvm versions and changes website.
llvm17 has the makefile issue as the xClang option is deprecated but not in llvm16 as v16 still allowed the opaque
pointersflag to be set.
When our DBA downgraded from llvm17 to llvm16 we were able to install w/o issue.
TLDR: the 14.10 devel rpm (.../14/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/postgresql14-devel-14.10-2PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm) contains llvm17
anddowngrading to v16 bypasses the failure.
John Fensterman | Data Architect
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Schneider <schneider@ardentperf.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:00 AM
To: Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org>; Thomas Munro <thomas.munro@gmail.com>; Fensterman, John P
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: BUG #18289: postgresql14-devel-14.10-2PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm Contains invalid cLang option in
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On 1/15/24 7:23 AM, Devrim Gündüz wrote:
>> used a different major version of clang than you're using to compile
>> your extension, it may have some compiler flags that your compiler
>> doesn't like. I guess that problem is more general than LLVM, though?
> Hmm, so does it mean that I need to rebuild (almost) every extension
> that has llvmjit subpackage each time when RHEL releases a new LLVM
> version?
I've been chatting w John over slack about this too, not closely involved but I've been trying to be helpful if I can
My understanding is that the problem is with PGXS and the temporal_tables extension, which is not already-built &
availableas an RPM.
I'd think we wouldn't need to rebuild extensions that are available as RPMs. Isn't the problem basically that PGXS
preservesall the compiler settings in Makefile.global that were used to build Postgres on the build machine, and that
someonewho builds an extension later might not have a matching environment to that Postgres RPM build environment?
While it's far from ideal, I think the right short-term workaround for John is to manually edit Makefile.global to
removethe problematic clang flags and hopefully this doesn't "void the warranty" when he builds the temporal tables
(I assume temporal_tables is not available as a pre-built RPM)
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