There are 273 patches in the queue for the Sept Commitfest already, so it seems clear the queue is not being cleared down each CF as it was before. We've been trying hard, but it's overflowing.
I think one simple change here would be of some help. Every patch should come on to the commitfest in "Proposed" Status. Someone besides the author of the patch then needs to move it from "Proposed" to "Needs Review". That person does not have to be a reviewer or committer and is not obligating themselves to working on the patch (though likely they would provide input). They are simply, in the language of Robert's Rules of Order, seconding the motion.
Removal from the CF could be automatic after the 3rd CF, though the CF managers involved should, before returning it as "No Interest at this Time", skim the thread and ask whether any commenters on the thread would like to see it kept alive in the commitfest by seconding it. If so removed, the author should be encouraged to re-submit during the next version's development cycle.