I wonder if it can usefully get cross-type operators, i.e., @>>(bigint[],smallint) in some way? Maybe the "anycompatiblearray" thing can be used for that purpose?
It was easy to get @>> and <<@ accept cross-types thanks to your suggestion, but I opted to having the operators defined as follows to still be consistent with the GIN index since the index needs the first operant to be of type "anyarray" @>>(anyarray, anycompatiblenonearray) and <<@(anycompatiblenonearray, anyarray)
Thanks a lot for your persistence, by the way.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, it was one of my deepest regrests to not seeing this though while in GSoC, hopefiully it gets commited this time around.
We will focus on getting the operator patch through first. Should I create a separate commitfest ticket? or the current one suffices? https://commitfest.postgresql.org/32/2966/
Changelog (operator patch):
- v1 (compatible with current master 2021-02-05, commit c444472af5c202067a9ecb0ff8df7370fb1ea8f4) * add tests and documentation to array operators and gin index