COPY tbl_unit_absence (unit_absence_id, client_id, housing_project_code, housing_unit_code, unit_absence_date, unit_absence_date_end, absence_reason_code, comment, added_by, added_at, changed_by, changed_at, is_deleted, deleted_at, deleted_by, deleted_comment, sys_log) FROM stdin;
tbl_unit_absence is in the spc schema. It has a constraint that uses the housing_project_from_unit (from public). Prior to running the copy command, the dump file has done a "SET search_path = spc, pg_catalog;" and so it doesn't find tbl_housing_unit from public.
I was able to get my database restored by changing the SET search_path commands to "spc, public, pg_catalog" and "public, spc, pg_catalog" so this isn't a practical issue for me. Even more so because those relations were all meant to be in the public schema--things just got a bit screwy.
But I haven't seen anything that indicates this should stop a pg_dump from working, and so wonder if this should be reported as a bug. It might be a known limitation, or maybe it's just tough luck if you cross schemas?
I'm happy to provide more information if it's helpful. Thanks.