On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 10:15 PM Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
> * Konstantin Malanchev <hombit@gmail.com> [2019-07-09 12:10]:
> > I have 8 GB RAM and /dev/shm size is 4GB, and there is no significant memory usage by other system processes. I
surprisedthat Postgres uses more space in /dev/shm than sharred_buffers parameter allows, probably I don't understand
whatthis parameter means.
> >
> > I have no opportunity to enlarge total RAM and probably this query requires too much RAM to execute. Should
Postgresjust use HDD as temporary storage in this case?
> That I cannot know. I know that /dev/shm could
> grow as much as available free RAM.
PostgreSQL creates segments in /dev/shm for parallel queries (via
shm_open()), not for shared buffers. The amount used is controlled by
work_mem. Queries can use up to work_mem for each node you see in the
EXPLAIN plan, and for each process, so it can be quite a lot if you
have lots of parallel worker processes and/or lots of
tables/partitions being sorted or hashed in your query.
Thomas Munro