"Merlin Moncure" <mmoncure@gmail.com> writes:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
>> This brings up a good question. Exactly how do users know what format
>> _binary_ is? int4 is network byte order, but what about int8, float4,
>> inet?
> This is exactly what libpqtypes solves. Not only do we handle
> formatting of binary formats, we provide a level of protection from
> internal format changes for libpq users. See the example here:
> http://libpqtypes.esilo.com/. So, documentation of binary formats
> (including network byte ordering) are not required.
No, it is still required. There's not a single reference to libpqtypes
in Postgres documentation, and libpqtypes isn't part of the distribution,
if I understand it right.