Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> OK, it was me who added it, and it still has some problems. The
> reason the oid was added is that the old code just displayed the
> pg_proc.proname for regproc fields, and the input function just
> found the FIRST function with a matching name, which is a problem
> because we can have multiple functions with the same name but
> different types.
Then the code in question should be changed to properly look for a
tuple where the name matches _and_ the types are right. Combining the
(overloaded) name and the (unique) OID into a text string seems very
inelegant to me, and intuitively very, very wrong: if names aren't
usable in a certain situation, use OIDs instead -- that's what they're
for -- but don't change the name to add (seemingly) random numbers to
make them unique.
Contrived, silly, irrelevant example to illuminate how I'm thinking:
if you used the string 'plus' to signify addition, and you decided you
had to differentiate between adding integers and adding floats, then
should become
findfunc('plus', 'integer');
instead of forcing the programmer to write things like
or adding weird code to every use of 'plus' to look up what the silly,
composite name happens to be this time.
Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity. --Niles Crane, "Frasier"