FYI, I left ~250 copies of a 2 page PostgreSQL brochure at local LUG's
booth at the IT360 show today. <> (This used to
be the show known as RealWorldLinux.)
I'll find out tomorrow how many copies survived, or if they went
I had several useful PostgreSQL conversations, including one which
suggested that there may be another would-be "Pervasive" out there,
that is, a company that would rather deploy PostgreSQL as their next
product version rather than have to substantially rewrite their
product to satisfy modern requirements. Don't know if that'll go
anywhere; it will need some later followup.
The *other* thing needing followup was that someone observed that they
had some problems getting PostgreSQL to work properly, based on some
of the "default" documentation. This probably represents the fact
that different flavours of Linux behave a little bit differently, and
when people are new to Unix, in general, they may not have
sufficiently fine-tuned problem-solving skills to get past this "speed
Seems to me that there is a need for a "getting started with
PostgreSQL on {flavours of Linux}" sort of tutorial.
Those of us that build our own installs from scratch are probably
incompetent to prepare this; we are *way* too knowledgeable to even
notice the little speed-bumps that others are getting stuck on.
This may well be a "recognize your Linux flavour" talk that applies to
various services; that's fine...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"A 'Cape Cod Salsa' just isn't right." -- Unknown