Hello and thanks for for the efforts. I've noticed that your XA implementation does not formally implement javax.sql.DataSource. I felt pretty sure that this was a simple oversight, given that BaseDataSource provides complete compatibility with the DataSource interface. I patched thusly:
Index: org/postgresql/ds/common/BaseDataSource.java =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/ds/common/BaseDataSource.java,v retrieving revision 1.7 diff -r1.7 BaseDataSource.java 12a13,14 > import javax.sql.DataSource; > 25c27 < public abstract class BaseDataSource implements Referenceable --- > public abstract class BaseDataSource implements Referenceable, DataSource
and now Hibernate happily accepts the postgresql XA using JTA.