On 11/10/10 9:30 AM, Jason wrote:
> Thanks for the replies.
> Yes - we're aware that there are newer versions of PostgreSQL out there. If
> it were completely up to us we would be using 8.2.18 or even 8.4. The
> problem is - we need to install on a network that has a rather involved
> approval process for all software tools that are introduced. 8.2.3 was
> previously approved. Getting a newer version of PostgreSQL approved would
> probably take time that we do not have given the time-critical nature of our
> effort.
wow, thats pretty messed up. so you're exposed to 3+ years of
security exposures and data corruption bugs, and can't install
sub-version updates without going through a major approval process?
> Is 8.2.3 still available anywhere on the PostgreSQL site? I couldn't find
> it.
it appears the ftp-archive site is down.
was that approval for a specific binary distribution? or just a blanket
approval for anything you compile from the 8.2.3 sources?