Dave Page wrote:
> Thanks for the link. We do already have a plist file - the only sensible
> option I can think of is to add /usr/local/pgsql/bin (and whereever the
> dports version installs if it's different) to the path in it and hope
> the user installs PostgreSQL there. We can always include a note in the
> docs explaining how to adjust it if required.
> Unless anyone has a better idea? Florian or Richard perhaps?
This code in appbase.cpp
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
//When using wxStandardPaths on OSX, wx defaults to the unix, //not to the mac variants. Therefor, we request
wxStandardPathsCF //directly. wxStandardPathsCF stdPaths ; dataDir = stdPaths.GetDataDir() ;
if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir + HELPER_DIR)) path.Add(dataDir + HELPER_DIR) ; if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir +
SCRIPT_DIR)) path.Add(dataDir + SCRIPT_DIR) ;
#else // other *ixes
adds $bundledir/Contents/SharedSupport/helper to the path used by
pgadmin3. I think pgadmin3 should copy pg_dump and pg_restore into
that dir during "make install" - I remember trying to do that a while
ago, but couldn't find a reliable way to find the pg_dump and pg_restore
while doing "make install". But since pgadmin3 now uses pg_config, I
guess the path to pg_dump and pg_restore could be queried from pg_config.
Another problem is that this won't guarantee that the version of pg_dump
and pg_restore matches the version of the database which pg_dump and
pg_restore are trying to backup/restore - but that's a more general
problem - how does it work on windows, btw?
I think that I can find a way to copy pg_dump and pg_restore into the
bundle (during "make install"), but I'll be very busy the next few days,
so it'll have to wait until the weekend.
greetings, Florian Pflug