>Does it have to be linux? I've never had as much success with PostGresql on
>linux as i have on FreeBSD 5.3
For XFS? I don't think you are going to have with FreeBSD and XFS.
If IIRC (some freebsd person please chime in) that is one thing
that Linux has over FreeBSD which is its filesystems support.
Joshua D. Drake
>Quoting David Garamond <>:
>>Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>>Well that isnt exactly true. EXT3 is a bolt on to EXT2 which was always
>>>there. Reiser is also a long time kernel at least from 2.2.
>>I remember first using reiser3 by patching early 2.4 kernels. IIRC,
>>reiser was not in linus tree until 2.4.7 or so (not sure which release)
>>and it went in after a great debate/controversy.
>>So I don't think reiser is available in 2.2.
>>>XFS is also
>>>a long time Linux supporter and its inclusion into the main tree had
>>>nothing to do with quality.
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